Lost Love: The Talk

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Los Angeles, California
5:45 a.m.
November 15th, 2015
Onika Tanya Miraj

I lay in bed, texting August. This nigga know I gotta work in the morning, yet he still texting me.

Auggie: Wyd

In bed. -NikaBear

Auggie: What u wearing

Im not showing you. -NikaBear

Auggie: I didnt ask all that

Im wearing a tank top and panties. -Nikabear

Auggie: Sexy. Send me a pic

No. -NikaBear

Auggie: Y not

Cause I said so. -NikaBear

Auggie: Plz babe. Im goin crazy thinking bout u

U think u slick. -NikaBear

Auggie: I wouldnt say slick but...ya kno

Fine I will but do not show anyone else. -NikaBear

I removed the covers from over me and stood in front of my mirror that was on the closet door. I did a lil pose, snapped a picture and sent it to him. His response was simple, but it said a lot.

Auggie: Damn

Thx I guess. -NikaBear

Auggie: Welcome
Auggie: (pic in the media)

Oh my.. -NikaBear
Y r ur pants so low? -NikaBear

Auggie: Ion kno. I like them like that.

August u kno I have to work in the morning. -NikaBear

Auggie: I kno. Ima let u sleep

Night night. -NikaBear

Auggie: Night babe

That man. I pur my phone on the charger since it was halfway dead and cuddled up under the covers and fell asleep.

6:20 a.m.

Knock knock knock! Who is knocking this early in the morning? I groaned and rolled out of bed. I didn't bother putting on my robe, so I just went downstairs in my panties and tank top. Knock knock knock!

"I'm coming! Damn." I groaned. I opened the door to see Chris. Why was he here?

"Why are you here so early?"

"You don't gotta work."

"Yes I do."

"No you don't. I talked to your boss and told him that something important came up and you needed a day off." This nigga here. I crossed my arms over my chest and watched him search the bathroom and kitchen. He was about to go upstairs, but I stopped him.

"Looking for someone?"

"Is August here?"

"No why are you worried about it?" He pulled me onto the sofa and held my hand in his.

"I got a few things I need to tell you."

"Chris if this is about us, we can't b-"

"No this isn't about that. I gotta tell you what Kae said."

"What did that hoe say bout me? I swear Chris, if you don't get her, I will."

"Its nothing bad. She just set some rules and boundaries that I thought you needed to know about."

"Okay. Tell me."

"Well she said you need to stop flirting with me."

"Hold up. Lemme stop you right there. I'm not the one flirting, you are. You should've mentioned that."

"I know."

"This is why I try to keep my distance."


"Because of you and her. Chris I don't think we can be friends if you're gonna keep flirting with me, and coming around unannounced."

"Please don't make me leave again. I need you in my life."

"Then you're gonna have to stop with all of this lovey dovey shit with me. You're supposed to be doing things with your girlfriend, not some stranger."

"I know. I'll call after I leave." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a stack of hundreds wrapped in a bow. "Here's your money for the week. Its a thousand dollars."

"Chris I can't take this."

"No take it. I promised you I'd give you money every week. Keep it, spend it on yourself." He kissed my cheek and left the house. Should I take him back? No no because he has a girlfriend. I jogged upstairs to my room to tell August that he didn't need to take me to work.

"Hey baybeh."

"Hey Auggie."

"Ya ready fa' work?"

"I don't need to go to work today. I got a day off."

"So ya sayin' I woke up fa' nun?"

"I'm sorry. You can still come over."

"Okay but ya makin' it up ta' me."


August Anthony Alsina

I parked in Nika's driveway and went up on ha' porch. I rung the doorbell and she opened it. I stared down at ha' perfect titties, wait control ya self August. "Come in." She moved aside and let me in.

"Sit down. I made you breakfast. Hope you like waffles." She lightly pushed me on da' couch and strutted in da' kitchen. A few minutes later she came out holdin' a big ass plate of food in ha' hand. She sat down beside me and started feedin' me. "Good?"

"Hell yea guh." I said wit' a full mouth.

"Sorry for making you come over for no reason."

"Nah its cool. I'm glad I came na'."

"Well, I'm about to go take a shower. Make yourself at home. I'll be back in about 15 minutes." She kissed my cheek and left me downstairs by myself.

20 minutes later

Da' shower finally stopped. I flipped through channels waitin' fa' ha' ta' come out da' bathroom. "August! You scared me."

"Ya took a awful long time in da' bathroom. What was ya doin' in thea'?"

"Showering. Weirdo. Now get out my room so I can change."

"Nah I wanna see it."

"See what?"

"Na' ya know what I'm talm bout."

"No! No! No!"

"Come on ma. I won't tell nobody. Lemme see it." I pulled ha' closer by ha' waist. She bit ha' lip, starin' down at me. I slid my hand under ha' towel and my hand brushed ova' it. She was hairless.

"Mm." I got ha' moanin' and I ain't 'een did nun yet. "Okay that's enough touching. Move ya hand so I can get dressed."

"Aight ma. She felt good." I whispered in ha' ear and left da' room.

Onika Tanya Miraj

I closed the door when August walked out, just to make sure he didn't peek. I still can't believe what that bitch told Chris. Ima have to set her straight if he don't.


August getting all touchy feely. What y'all think about that? And what y'all think about Karrueche setting boundaries and shit for Nika? Comment you thoughts. Don't forget to read Forever and His Insane Lover. The next chapter for Forever will be posted tomorrow. Be breezy!

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