I don't regret it.

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Boss : I will protect you with my own life Baby.....Nobody is going to hurt you again.

Later that Day..

Boss : Demi I want to thank you for taking care of him.

Demi : It's no problem. I'm going to start cooking us some dinner...is there anything you'd think he'd fancy?

Boss : I know almost all Korean eat bulgogi so let cook some for him.

Demi : Did you just assume because he's Korean he's going to like bulgogi?

Boss : Yes, I did. When have you ever heard of an Korean who doesn't like bulgogi?

Demi : Alright bulgogi it is. But if he doesn't like it you're cooking him something else.

Boss : Oh he'd eat anything over my cooking so I've got nothing to worry about.

*Door knocking*

Boss : Who the hell could that be?

Harry : I'll get it.........OH it's you Levi.

Levi : Hi cousin.....oh hey Boss!

Boss : What the fuck, just stop pretending already, why did you come here?

Levi :Hey, Hey, cool down man, alright you got me, you know am not here for you two........so when were you two planning on keeping your Baby boy a secret from me.

Boss : Can you keep your fucking voice down, because if you dare wake him up...

Levi : Alright.....wait is that Noeul Omg, he's so adorable, can I touch him?

Boss : Only if you want your hands been broken you can go ahead..

Levi : how about a nose boop?

Boss : If you nose boop him I'll nose boop you with my fist.

Levi : Protective much!

Boss : Oh you have no idea.


Later that night..

Harry : Oh here you are I have been looking for you all over......taught you wanted to quit smoking?

Boss : I only ever smoke when I'm really stressed or anxious, they help to calm me down and relieve me. It's either that or I hit something.

Harry : I know this is alot to take in so if you want to talk to me you can. I'm always here for you, man.

Boss : Thanks, Harry.

Harry : Talk to me.

Boss : I don't know what to do...Noeul and I have nowhere to live and we're being hunted by the deadliest gang in Thailand, with nowhere to stay we're practically turning ourselves over to the cobras.

They'll find us within a few days and that's if we're lucky. I'm surprised they haven't stormed your house yet, that's probably be the first place they're going to look.

Harry : My parents are renting out an apartment,..You and Noeul are more than happy to stay there for the time being until you find a more stable place to stay.

Boss : No, we couldn't possibly do that.

Harry : Why not?

Boss : Because we can't afford to rent an apartment at the moment, especially one in Bangkok....because now none of my credit cards works am very much sure that my Mother has blocked all my credit cards and banks account, because I can't get access to any of my accounts.

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