Chapter 1

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Marilyns pov



                Ring.....ring.. ring..  

"Alrightt...I'm up I'm up" 

i open my eyes to look at my alarm clock and it was exactly 4:00 am

"huh? Who would call me at this hour? " 

i reached for my phone and look to see who was calling me and it was my mom so without much of a thought I  answered it

"hello? Mari love? Are you there?"mom said

"hi mama , yes I'm here. Why'd you call? It's pretty late"

"yes i know im sorry if I woke you up I just wanted to say that me and your dad are dropping by and we wanted to say goodbye before we leave to go to your uncle's birthday in the US" mom says

Oh if they're dropping by later i wonder why she couldn't of just messaged me?

"I see , but you could of just texted me im usually up by 6 "

"Love...were outside." mom said

"What? Mama-"  she hangs up.


I quickly ran to try and get my slippers

After almost tripping my way out my dorm and finally reaching outside . I see my parents car

"Hi love" mom said

"Mama I thought your flight leaves at 8:00am?? How come you guys are here"

"Well..turns out our flight was scheduled 6 am and not 8 so we're heading straight to the airport " mom said

My gut is telling me something is wrong and I don't like it...not one bit

"...mama are u lying to me?"

"What do you mean" mom said

"All of this sudden phone call and now your telling me that your flight leaves at 6 is strange and Don't get me started with u  forgetting , dad always double checks every schedule and tells u about it"

"Honey I don't know what your talking about-" she said

"Mom. I don't want us to fight on this. kindly tell me the truth"

There was a brief silence and i knew then a there something bad is happening

"Were leaving...." she says

I was confused and scared on what she said . what did she mean leaving..

" ..what do you mean by that"

"Love i-i " she said

Before she can utter a word I see from the corner of my eye dad walking towards us. Mom looked at him and nodded before walking away though as of letting him tell me...tell me what?

"Dad ...what does she mean you guys are leaving?"

"Your..uncle has done and your mom don't know what it is as of now but what we know is that they're after every one he knows and that includes us , I tried reaching your uncle and he doesn't tell me anything other than to run away and to remove all of our contacts if we want to get away . I tried asking him why but before I could I heard gunshots..." dad says

Scared wasn't even describing what I felt no I was terrified . I was terrified for my parents safety and for what my uncle did

"Then we have to leave now"

I was about to leave to pack and go with them but my dad stops me

"You can't come with us" dad says

"Dad they're after us what do u mean?!"

"they don't know about you! They know about me and your mother but not u . If you come with us they'll hurt you  or worse kill you! And I'd rather die than see that happen to you , we love u Mari and we already settled your acc it has all the savings we have saved for u . Im sorry love that it has to end like this. we don't have much time and we have to go."

He hugged me and I hugged him back and held him for dear life

He kissed me on the head and quickly left with my mom

I ran fast to go to my dorm and when I got there I quickly locked the door and sprinted to my room and when I did I started panicking . Why is this happening? What did my uncle do that it ended with this ? 

My panic turned to horror. What will happen to me? I-i what do I do?
Before I knew if I was sobbing . I didn't know what to feel scared?angry?terrified?

I was sobbing so much that it was starting to hard to breath. I have noone now..

Then I hear my TV playing

I look to see how it turned on . Turns out I accidentally hit the remote that was beside me

It was playing one of my favorites twillight

I don't know how or why but I found myself calming and slowly but surely stood up and walked towards my bed that was facing my TV

I don't know why but I felt drawn to the tv as if something was telling me to go and reach for it

When I reached to it....

It pulled me in

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