{Oh? Hi!}

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(Might want to add some eerie music while playing this. HAS TO BE THE BEST EERIE MUSIC YOU CAN FIND)                                             

                                                                 [little Minho]

I was in a long dark alley way. It didn't have much light, and it was filled with spider webs, and a foul stench. Rain puddles were scattered all across the jagged cement ground. Usually, it wouldn't have been a problem for a 12-year-old boy just walking around. 

But that's the point. It wouldn't be a problem for a 12-year-old boy just walking around. It was a problem for me, because I was that 12-year-old boy, but instead running for my life, from a horrible 'parent' with nothing on my feet.

It was cold and still drizzling outside. I had nothing on my feet, nothing on the upper half of body, except for all the knife slashes, coded with blood, oozing out of them nonstop. The deep red was painting my skin with the color it held. My body, somewhat stinging from the unclean precipitation, slamming into my face, eyes, stomach, and cuts. It was horrible. 

You could hear cans moving and getting kicked across the ground in front of me, but it wasn't my dad because he was behind me. So, I had something else to be cautious of. I looked back and there was my dad, high tailing on me. Creating loud stomps, making the group rumble a bit. Deep, disgusting groans of anger. Coming from the pits of his stomach.

My dad has bad eyesight, and it was foggy, so he was kind of only relying on his hearing. I quickly picked up a can and hid behind a wall. There was another walkway to the alley if I turned to face my front. He was getting close. Too close. 

I decided to throw the can in that direction, and it was right on time. Once it hit the ground on the other side, he was right in front of my alley way. I held my breath, making sure he didn't hear my breathing. He had bad eyes sight, but he also had great hearing, and wasn't dumb. Very smart actually... That's the reason I could never escape him.  

Before he left to go running down that way across from where I was, I could hear a low, monstrous, "UGHHH" come out of his mouth, releasing into the cold, foggy air. He started running down that way and he slipped on the can I threw. I was nervous and scared, but still had the guts to have to hold in a laugh, that could've 100% gave me away. 

With another groan coming from deep withing him, he got up and started running again. As quietly as possible I let out my breath. It wasn't really that long, consider it being times that I've had to hold it longer. I turned around and saw a cat. 

It was beautiful. Orange and white. Fluffy fur. It had biggest eyes, and the prettiest hazel color, I think. It wasn't the best lighting out here. "Oh? Hi!" I whispered. I picked it up and saw that it had collar but no name. The only thing that was on the collar were the words 'ugly cat!"

"I don't think you're ugly" I whisper, barely loud enough for my own self to hear. The cat meowed, and I hurried to cover its mouth for about 5 seconds...minimum. Anything could happen, so I had to be prepared. I took my index finder and put it through the buckle, and the rest of my hand under the collar itself. 

That way if anything happened, I'd be the only one hurt. No one could take the cat away from me without killing it and I highly doubt anyone would do that. Especially my dad, he loved cats. He'd definitely leave me somewhere on the streets and take in the cat, and INSTANTLY become a better person. I down the alley way, of the can I through across, and my dad tripped over. There was a couple of stores in a line on the other side of the road. I saw the exact same boy from all of my classes when I was in 6th grade. The last day was about 2 weeks ago. 

I always wanted to talk to the blond-haired boy, Jisung I think his name was. I just couldn't though. I'd get attached to fast, and my dad would somehow figure it out and make me end our friendship probably without even having me tell him we weren't going to be friends anymore. That's it. Deadline. He deserved someone better- something... better. I wasn't nearly what he deserved. I saw how he could light up one's day just with a quick smile that wasn't even directed at them. 

Oh, How I wish I could've just said 'hi'. Asked if he was ok all those times he got hurt doing stupid things. Asked if he was hungry when he forgot his lunch, didn't have any money, and his friends wouldn't give him anything. Stood up for him when he got bullied at school for always being 'Such a weirdo', when all he was doing was being himself and happy. 

What was he doing out here? He started running to his left, a big bag of dumdums in his hand, I'm guessing it was his way back home. Until he stopped. He came back to the spot and looked on the ground. He squats down and covered his mouth in horror. I looked down at the road and noticed that he saw blood. The blood, MY... blood. I prayed for him to run away so he wouldn't get hurt. 

Please go, plead go, save yourself... don't get caught up into this please...please. 

He finally got up and wiped his tears. He was crying? He shook his head in what seemed like disappointment and his bottom lip quivered as he ran away. I was so relived. 

 As I was about to turn around, a cloth went into my mouth. I didn't panic. I didn't move. The only thing I did was tighten my grip on the cat, No one was taking her- wait he? God why didn't I check?

No one was taking it away from me. From my hold. From my love, something the original owner didn't give it. The person behind me, shoving the cloth in my mouth, started pushing it down on my tongue. I breath in a bit and stopped breathing in total again. 


I was starting to feel dizzy because of the little bit of chloroform I breath in but also because I could never breath it back out. And maybe because of how much blood was losing. before I completely blacked out, I tighten my grip on the cat once more making sure I looked at it. 

I saw something in the cat's eyes. Like it was telling me thank you. At that moment, I blacked out. That next morning, I found myself tied up to my bed with ropes and handcuffs, having nothing at all on my body. Even my socks were off!? 

I saw the cat drinking and eating water in my room. It had a bed set up in here and all, and a little floor bed set on my bed for it, with a few cat toys. That made me happy.

But my happiness faded, when I saw my dad come in with nothing but a smirk on his face. I tried to cover myself, but I WAS TIED. I couldn't do anything. The next thing I know, he sat down in front of my spread legs and BIT my member. 




anyways that's the first chapter of 'It's my fault', hope you enjoyed it! (:

word count- 1,290!

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