{... guy who asked me to eat his ice cream?}

28 1 11

Once classes were done, jisung was more than happy to have a new dorm room.

The only problem he had was that...

This "new dorm room" was on the fourth floor of this building. It was also a dorm with three bedrooms. So once I get there, of course Id see my other two roommates.

Once I was walking, I looked to my left and saw some stairs. I thought about how I've always wanted to start losing weight and that the stairs would be good exercise.

But then I looked to my right, and saw An elevator.

Now, looking back and forth from the stairs and the elevator, which one would be more...

Fit for a lazy ass.

I made my way to the elevator and pressed the button that would take me to the 4th floor. A white ring of color, outlined the button, by inference, dimming its brightness, the closer we got to our destination.

I was looking at the number pad on the top of the elevator, indicating if I was on the 4th floor or not.

Once I was there, before I could get out, the NUMBER pad had LETTERS on it. And not just any letters. Letters that form words.

'Good luck..'

Is what it said. I was a bit skeptical of it, but at the same time, didn't want to look into it that much. So I left it alone.

I gave it a smile and a thumbs up before I walked out.

I looked down at the paper I had in my hand, looking for my new dorm number.





I yelled out, happy that I got to my dorm. I knocked and heard a faint 'come in' this time.

So hearing that, made me happier than I already was. My heart was pounding so hard, so loud.

If someone were to just stand beside me, they'd think my heart was getting the best out of beating, because it was seconds away from getting ITS life taken.

I was a sweaty mess and I did my best not to come off as that but I did.

As I entered the room, I saw a boy around my age, maybe a bit older.

But now that I'm a bit closer to his face, he looks way... older.

"So... you must be the other roommate, you look pretty fun"

"Thanks... you look pretty... dull. If I'm being honest... but, we could always change that... you know??"

"Yeah I guess... what's your name"

"Han jisung, but you can call me whatever"

"Alright Han" I cringed at the way he referred to me. I know I said whatever, but why when I say 'whatever' everyone always chooses my last name. Why would you CHOOSE to go around calling someone by their last name if there's not a Mr. Or Mrs. In front of it?

"If you have a problem with Han, why say whatever jisung?" He asked, with a slight chuckle.

"I don't know, I guess I'm just trying to be nice. What's your name??"

"Min yoon-gi. But you can call me me suga"

"Ok, then it's nice to meet you"

"You too" suga said and the quiet was creeping in so I had to think of something quick to say.

"So... how old are you?"

"31" he answered, and my eyes went wide. I immediately got on the ground and started bowing.

"Woah what are you doing"

"I'm sorry I'm way younger than you"

"You can't be that younger. And even if you are, no need for formalities, we're Friends. Right?"


We both heard one of the bathroom doors open and I got back on my feet.

I looked to the way the sound came from and a boy entered. As not just any boy. The one at the ice cream shop.

That one that made me eat a whole sample of fucking dog food.

The one time I hate the samples being so much.

"L?!" I exclaimed. Shocked that he was here. In the same dorm room as me.

"... guy who asked me to eat his ice cream?"

[authors POV/ Minho's]

The thing was, Minho knew exactly, who he was. Han jisung. The funny and bright one.

The gay, who was too gay to even be called gay.

The one who could put a smile on someone's face just by looking at him.

The boy with the most sluttiest wait on earth.

The boy I was- I am in love with. But could- can never show him. Tell him.

[Jisung's POV]

"Your name is L?" Suga mentioned and I just continued to stare at the boy across from me.

"Yes- wait no- I mean YES- like n-" he got caught of with a sigh. His own.

"It's. A nickname" he finished.

Maybe it would be easier to get him back now, since we basically live together.

Why not take the chance??


Ok guys I'm back, sorry for the wait, I haven't had the motivation and I finally got it today.

I hope you liked this chapter. I didn't, but it's Fine. It only matters if you guys like it😁😁

Love you guys MWAHHH💗💗💋


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