{Alright. Some fun. Im down}

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We decided to go somewhere else. Changbin and Felix came and everyone Told them what happened and what I did and I got scolded by Changbin and beaten up by still wasted Felix.

They yelled at me and said I was stupid for trying to go after him. Saying that I put myself in danger, and that I could've killed myself.

I mean, if I voluntarily tried to run after someone that wanted to commit suicide, then I know, and agreed to putting myself in a dangerous position.

We decided to go get ice cream. We weren't to buy anything. We were just going to sample all of them, then leave.

Changbin m, at first, said I didn't deserve ice cream because he said, and I quote.

"If I lost you I would've killed myself, and I don't celebrate suicide."

He's a bit slow so, I let his incorrect wording slide.

We all went there and I.N and Felix were clinging onto me. Scared that if Chan and Seungmin hadn't held me back in time. I could've died.

Once we got there, Chan was the first to sample. He was being simple and tried chocolate first. It was always this way. Chan was dull and boring when we first get here. After a while, he's trying the weirdest sample of ice cream they shouldn't even be allowed to have in shops. They have a dog food flavor.

I was sampling mint chocolate with sherbet and I couldn't decide if it was nasty or really good.

"Can't decide?" Felix asked and I looked up at him.

"No not really. I wish someone would choose for me. Like, they could taste it and I'd believe that it tastes like that." I respond.

"Well, I'll tell you what. The next person that comes through this door, will taste your ice cream. If they like it, you like it. If they don't like it, then you don't like it, and they give you a sample to try. Random mix and even if you don't like it. You eat it."

"Alright. Some fun. I'm down"


We smile at each other and I give him a competitive look, telling him that I would do it.

The bell to the door of the shop rang and Felix smiled at me. I look at him and smiled back while winking.

I looked at the door and a boy that looked like he was in his 20's came in. I got up from the seat and took my cup. I was about to walk over to him when a man that looked is 40's walked in behind him.

He was in really good shape for the age category he looked like he was in. You could tell he was more than 30 but there was no way you could have thought he was older than 50.

I was a bit uncomfortable going up with him behind the guy, but when the man got in line and the guy stayed behind, I went up to him.

He had a black wife-beater on, with light grey sweat pants with the words 'stop...don't talk to me'. But I ignored it.

I stopped in front of him and took the cup out from behind my back.

"Hey" I say, and he looked at me and pointed to the words on his pants. He had a mask on but his eyes seemed a bit familiar. I didn't think anything of it thought.

"Did you not see the words, or are you ignoring them?" The guy asked me and I told the truth.

"I'm ignoring them" I say smiling. "I actually need a favor from you." I said. The boy looked at the man I'm assuming is his dad, and he looked back at me.

"Alright, what is it?" He asked and I smiled.

"I need you to taste this."

"Get me a spoon?" He asked.

"You don't need a spoon. There's one right there" I say, knowing why he was asking for another spoon but, not caring at the same time.

He breathed out and took the cup. He took off the mask and put his head down so I couldn't really see his face. He took the spoon and dipped it in the ice cream. He at the piece that was on the spoon and gagged.

"Ew. No. You're disgusting" He insulted.

"Wow. Well let's we if you can do any better"

"Of course I can I'm Lee- L... I'm L" he stuttered.


"Yeah. You stay here."


He went over to the line next to his dad. He backed away from him a bit but was still close to him. I couldn't hear anything, but he came back with his dad behind him. The dad was smiling at me. But to in a weird way. A general way. An actual smile.

"Here you go" the boy with the mask on said and his eyes squinted a little, like he was smiling.

"Thanks! What's the flavor?"

The dad was still smiling at me but I saw him arm go up behind him and the boys eyes twitched a bit. Like he was in pain. I looked at the boy and back at the man, and his smile was now more... weird. Sinister.

"You'll find out when you eat it."

Before I could say thank you they left out the fort. I went back to my friends and sat down in front of Felix. It was where I always sat.

"What flavor did he give you?" Felix asked me and I looked at him. Staring at him for a while before actually speaking.

"I don't know. He told me to just find out what flavor it was when I taste it. Now I'm kind of scared."

"What flavor do you think it is?"

"I don't know. I mean you see that brown so... maybe chocolate"

"Why would he give you plain chocolate?"

"I don't know"

"Shut up and just try it" Felix demanded and I nodded.

I took a spoon full and as it. I gagged and stout it out fast.

"What?" Felix asked. Half concerned. And half ready to laugh.

"DOG FOOD!!!" I yelled in disgust.

"HA! Now eat it all" he said and I rolled my eyes, taking another bite.

I get you back L.

That's it. Hehe

Word count- 1,066!

Love you guys and thanks for reading💗💗❤️‍🔥

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