The beginning......

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_*Hubbun*_ -*حبٌ*-

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Hubbun is an Arabic word means Love.
Love has many definitions and meanings.
Love is sacrifice, love is hope, love is happiness, love is sadness, love is romance, love is fun, love is pure, love is fake, love is selfless, love is endless........
And so this novel, you'll find everything in it, Love, Romance, Fun, Comedy, Drama, Suspense and much more.....
It'll be a door for you to escape from the reality, to a dream world, where you can stay with your favorite characters as much as you want.......

Soooo Stay Tuned.............
The beginning.....
{ 1/5/2024 }

{ 1/5/2024 }{Wednesday}Kim_Hadia

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6:00 In the morning....
New York City.
"Heyyy!!! Aishhh.. when are you coming out, are you getting ready for the ceremony or for your valeema" Fatima had enough waiting for her.
"Sorry, sorry, already done" Ayesha said coming out of the dressing room, wearing a black shirt with a white long jacket, a black hijab on with a white colored cap over it.
Her look was similar to this.👇

"Thank God, now let's go" Fatima said

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"Thank God, now let's go" Fatima said.
She was wearing a white long skirt with a white top, wearing the hijab and a pink cap.
Her outfit 👇

Hubbun. JK, KTH Halal FFWhere stories live. Discover now