let me live again

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"Fine, then listen. I have feelings for you, Rose. I've fallen for you, I wanted to keep it to my self but I just couldn't, Everyone can see it now except you" his voice cracked at last.

Meanwhile Her world seemed to spin as if all the blood drained from her body. Her heart raced, butterflies fluttered in her stomach, and her mind teetered on the edge of consciousness.

Taehyung's heart raced, his words trembling with fear of rejection. "I know you're shocked, but it's okay. I don't need an answer right now. I just wanted to share my feelings. It's alright if you..."

Before he could finish, Rose's words pierced the air, cutting through his hope.
"No, it's a definite no. No need to wait, I'm rejecting you now, and that's it!"
Her rejection felt like icy daggers, more than just cruel; it was a deep wound.

Taehyung was too stunned to react, he struggled to speak, managed to utter,
"But why? Why are you rejecting me?"

With a cold demeanor, She replied,
"Because I don't like you, I have no feelings towards you and that's it" She turned away, distancing herself.

Desperation filled Taehyung's voice,
"Wait a minute. don't lie, you don't have to make fun of my feelings, tell me the truth why you avoid me,why you can't accept me, what's that thing I lack, you was about to tell me"???
Turning back to face him, Rose's gaze was piercing.
"You want to know? Then listen. You lack faith, you lack religion, you lack Islam. You are distant from your true God. How can I be with someone who hasn't found their God yet ? I'm a Muslim, Tae! and I can't be with someone who hasn't embraced their faith. That's why. Let's end it here. We can't be together anyway." Her voice cracked with emotion as she turned away, hiding her pain. Tears welled up in their eyes simultaneously.

As Rose descended the stairs, Taehyung watched her, his voice filled with sorrow, he whispered slowly "Maybe... maybe we can."


In the dimly lit, suffocating darkness of the room, a chilling presence emerged from the shadows

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In the dimly lit, suffocating darkness of the room, a chilling presence emerged from the shadows.
The figure, a young woman with an unsettling aura, moved with an unnerving grace.
Dressed in black, her bobbed hair framed a face devoid of emotion. In her hand, she clutched a glass of deep red wine, each sip taken with a disturbing deliberateness.
As she finished the wine, she approached the walls shrouded in mystery and malice, casting them in a sinister crimson glow.

The walls came alive with grotesque posters, concealing the room's macabre secrets.
Bloodstains marred the faces on the posters of Jung kook, Taehyung, Aish, and Rose.

The woman's eyes gleamed with a twisted delight, ith a slow, deliberate movement, she advanced, the sharp glint of a knife held tightly in her grasp. A malevolent grin crept across her face as she traced the blade over JK and V's faces, leaving a trail of fear in her wake.

 A malevolent grin crept across her face as she traced the blade over JK and V's faces, leaving a trail of fear in her wake

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