love confession.

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"Here it is, let's buy a pair of shoes for you," Jungkook and Aish entered the shop.
"I think they'll fit you," he showed her a beautiful pair of sneakers, noticing that she mostly wears them.
"Oh, they are beautiful, let me che..." Before she could finish her sentence, he knelt down on one knee.
"What are you thinking, wear them," he eagerly waited for her.
"Oh, I can do it myself," she said as she put them on.
"Are they comfortable?" He inquired.
"Hmm," she nodded with a smile.
"Let's buy them then..."
"Now give me my heels, you've been holding them for so long," she felt a bit embarrassed as he was carrying her broken heels while they were in public.
"It's okay, I can hold them," he insisted.
"Why not just throw them away, they're already useless," she suggested.
"Are you sure you'll be okay with that?" JK asked.
"Of course."
They waited for a taxi when JK suddenly said, "Wanna hang out?"
"What, how, and where?"
"Anywhere," he winked.
"Let's goooooo!" 🥳

Aish and JK found themselves in the heart of the amusement park. "Hey, do you have a thing for adventures?" JK inquired, his eyes filled with curiosity.
Aish turned to him, a playful glint in her eyes, "Why don't you take a guess?" she teased. "Judging by your vibe, I'd say you're all in for it," he confidently replied.
"Absolutely," she beamed with a radiant smile. "Well then, behold the majestic roller coaster!"

As they embarked on the thrilling ride, a wave of excitement filled them but they couldn't scream because they fear being recognized.
Amidst the adrenaline rush, JK stole a glance at Aish; her hijab was dancing in the wind, her eyes shimmering with joy, and her laughter echoing through the air. In that moment, he beheld her in a new light, his heart skipping a beat in awe.
"How can you be so pretty" he whispered softly, his words lost in the whirlwind of excitement. "What was that?" she exclaimed, eager to catch his words. "Oh, it was nothing," he chuckled, turning away with a shy smile.

"I must say, that was quite an adventure; I truly savored every moment," she remarked, her face lit up with genuine delight.
"Shall we grab a bite now? My treat," he offered graciously.
"No thanks I can take care of myself," she declined.
"Consider it my apology " he murmured, a hint of remorse in his eyes. Perplexed by his sincerity, she pondered how to respond.
"Then I cannot accept such a simple apology; At least I deserve a grand feast," she declared with a mischievous grin. "Sure, why not? halal options may not be here; shall we seek a different venue?" he suggested, mindful of her dietary preferences. Her face lit up with joy, touched by his thoughtfulness.
"Hey, good morning, Rose," Suga's voice echoed through the house as he descended the stairs, his eyes filled with warmth and affection.
"good morning," Rose replied, a genuine smile gracing her lips, radiating happiness.
"What are you up to? Making breakfast?" Suga inquired as he approached her, his curiosity piqued. "Yes, it's almost ready. Why don't you call the others?" Rose suggested, her hands gracefully setting the table.

(Since they were living in a mansion, after the Rose's incident happened, cause it wasn't safe to stay in the hotel any more, So Aish and Rose were living on the ground floor, while the members on the first, so they (Eyerose) usually make breakfast for them )

"No need to call us; we're already here," RM, Jimin, J-Hope, and Jin chimed in unison as they descended the stairs together, a sense of unity and camaraderie enveloping the room.
"Let us lend a hand; you do so much on your own," they expressed, their actions speaking louder than words as they took over the tasks, their gestures filled with appreciation and solidarity.

"Where's Aish, and Jungkook, Tae isn't here either," Suga inquired, a mix of confusion and curiosity evident in his voice.
"Oh, you missed out on a lot last night. Why do you always sleep so early?" RM teased, a playful smile dancing on his lips.
"Hey, guys, spill the beans. What went down yesterday?" Suga's eagerness to catch up was palpable in his tone.
"Not much, just Tae got a bit too drunk and caused a mess. Aish and Jungkook hung out late and couldn't make it back, so they crashed at a hotel and are heading back this morning," J-Hope summarized the night's events. Suga's shock was unmistakable.
"Seriously?😯 Tae got wasted? But he's not into drinking. And Aish and JK are together, despite their constant fighting" Suga's disbelief was apparent, his eyebrows raised in astonishment.
"Anything can happen in this world; I've learned that by now," Suga remarked sighing casually between bites, a sense of acceptance in his voice.

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