Once she loved him......

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"Hey, Aish! Are you okay" Rose rushed here after knowing about the scandal.
"I don't know, I really wouldn't have cared about all this, If my family wasn't aware of this, but now they know, and though they are trying to show their trust, but still the articles and the comments are too much, my family is getting criticized by our relatives and I don't know what to do" she was about cry.
"It's okay, just be strong I am with you" Rose said hugging her.
"I know, I am just waiting for his explanation"
"What do you mean"
"I know, this matter is just going so far, they are even saying I am a call girl, or whatever happened was on purpose, but JK know what actually happened, and it was all that waiter's fault, so I am sure he'll explain in his live or via his account, he is not the type to let me get bullied alone, he know that it was a bit of his mistake too, he should explain and he'll, I believe him, I am sure he won't let me disappointed" her heart was filled with love and admiration for JK, she trusted him with all her heart. She believed that he would stand up for her, that he would make the world see the truth. Her faith in him was unshakable, like a solid rock in a stormy sea.
But now when the scandal erupted, and that damning recording surfaced, her heart sank. She clung to the hope that the person she trusted the most, would step forward, explain the situation, and defend her innocence. She waited, eagerly anticipating his voice to rise above the chaos, to set things right.
Days turned into weeks, yet his silence remained unbroken. The disappointment she felt was like a deep crack in her heart, shattering her trust. She couldn't understand why he wouldn't speak up, why he wouldn't say anything, why wouldn't he save a girl who was stuck into all this thanks to him, why would he remained silent, though he can speak.
The pain of that broken trust was overwhelming. It felt like a betrayal, a wound that cut deep into her soul. The idol she once adored now seemed distant, a mere shadow of the person she thought she knew.
In that moment, she realized that sometimes, even those we hold in the highest regard can let us down. It was a painful lesson, one that left her questioning her love, and her trust......
"I am sorry, I apologize about that, I think I should leave cause if I stay, they will target you more" Aish said goodbye to her family, because they were getting too much criticized by everyone so she requested to leave, so maybe people will forget it.
And literally it has been hard for her to see her family suffer from everything just because of her, she felt so guilty, she regretted loving him, cause if she hadn't loved him, all this wouldn't have happened, she regretted wasting her time for him, for a person who couldn't even protect her when it was so easy for him.
And then
Her Love turned into Hate.......

Rose's Room.

Taehyung's heart raced as he learned about the mysterious parcel Rose had received. A sense of dread washed over him, and he couldn't shake the feeling that danger lurked within. Fear gripped his mind, imagining the worst-case scenarios of losing her or seeing her hurt.
Driven by his overwhelming concern, he sprinted towards his room, his footsteps echoing through the corridors. With each step, his heart pounded louder, matching the rhythm of his racing thoughts. He reached his room and, consumed by desperation, unleashed a powerful kick at the locked door, bursting inside.

And then he saw.....
blood, staining the floor in horrifying patterns.
A surge of panic surged through his veins, threatening to paralyze him.
His mind raced desperately searching for answers, for a way to protect the one he loved.
Then he saw her, standing in a corner, he was relived, a touch of peace he felt.
But he noticed later, her Hand was bleeding heavily
Rose winced in pain as she cradled her injured hand, her eyes filled with a mix of discomfort and frustration. Deep down, she knew he wanted to help, but she was so hurt, she was upset from him, that she didn't wanted him closer.
Meanwhile, Taehyung's heart raced as he watched her in agony. He tried to take a look of her hand but she pulled it.
He now knew to respect her boundaries, he knew how hurt she is because of that scandal, how deep her wound is that the pain is unbearable for her , but he couldn't bear to see her in pain anymore.
"Rose, it's hurting me, seeing you in such a pain, let me do it please" he pleaded her while taking his handkerchief out.
As he sat in front of her, he carefully held her hand, his touch send a jolt of electricity through them both.

As he tenderly cleaned her wound, their eyes met, she couldn't help but notice the exhaustion and sadness in his eyes. It was as if he had been carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders.
As he continued to tend to her wound, a sense of tenderness and care enveloped the space between them. It was a moment of healing, not just for her physical injury, but for their wounded relationship as well, she was able to sense care and love in his touch.

"Done" Taehyung let go of her hand and turned his attention to the blood that was all over the floor. And then, he noticed the parcel.
Don't touch it, let me click some pictures as evidence"
Inside the parcel, there was a box, which had a chilling picture of her being stabbed by a knife, and a dead bird with its blood smeared all over her photo. The blades were cleverly stuck to the corners, which explained why her hand was injured.
"It's horrible" He said.
"Please, Rose, don't go out and don't let anyone in for now, it's dangerous now days okay" He was worried to death.
This was the first time they had spoken since the incident.
she laughed, not out of happiness, but in disbelief.
"Why pretend caring about me after all this, don't try to reopen my wounds and please go, I can take care of my self, no need of you" He saw her anger for the first time and deeply regretted that day.
"I am sorry, I don't have words to justify my actions, I know it was my mistake and I can feel how, how badly they are torturing you, I know it might be so hard for you to forgive me but still, I am sorry" A broken voice of him melted her.

"I forgive you." His heart feels like it's soaring with joy, and he can't help but be overwhelmed by happiness. It's as if a weight has been lifted off his shoulders, by her words.

But just as he's basking in the warmth of her forgiveness, Rose's expression changes. Her voice trembles as she utters those unexpected words, "I have nothing to do with you anymore." It's like a sudden gust of cold wind that knocks the wind out of him. He's left speechless, his heart breaking into a million pieces.

She continues, her voice was filled with sadness, "Please, just leave me

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She continues, her voice was filled with sadness, "Please, just leave me. I don't want to talk to you ever again." She didn't knew why she said all that, may be cause she could feel his love, but she knew that they can't be together, she wanted him to stop at the right moment, so that he won't regret it later.......

To be continued......

What do you think? Will they end up together or will just part ways?
What about Aish, do you think she had the right to hate him over it, and if she did why did JK didn't respond, what'll he do now after knowing about it ?????

Wanna know....
Stay Tuned..

I am sure that you'll love this part, as you can see I worked hard on this one, so please vote, comment and share my story.


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