She is beautiful.

105 13 16

"Hey, what's up?" Salena waved to her.
Salena was the head makeup artist of BTS, and was frank with them, because of working together.
"Hi, nothing just looking for Aish"
"So did you find her, where is she"
" No not yet, I think she is with JK"
"What? JK ??" Salena seemed surprised.
"Hmmm, Tae told me" Rose replied.
"Oh, I'll go with you, I remembered now, I wanted to discuss something important with JK " salena was a bit annoyed, may be rose felt that, but it really looked like Salena was uncomfortable listening about Aish and JK.

"Yaaa, Aish, can you tell me at least where are we heading"? JK shouted from behind.
"Restroom" she shouted back.
"Ahhh, this girl" he rolled his eyes.
"It'll take just a few minutes" she made him stand straight, then brought a needle and a thread to sew his button.
"Can you really sew, you won't make my outfit worse right" he was questioning her skills.
She stared at him angrily " can you shut up please"
He saw here properly for the first time, and he realized that she was a beautiful girl, not just that, he noticed her hijab covering her head, she had a fair skin with big eyes, also had a button nose giving her face a badass touch, her red lips were covered in the gloss.
She was so close to him that he got lost.
"Can you stop looking at me like that?" She said in an angry tune.
"I am not looking, who said I am looking" he was embarrassed.
"I am not blind Mr Jung kook, and here is it, it's already done" she was done sewing his shirt button.
His pov:
"Wow, she is really good at it, it doesn't look like it was broken".
"Hmm it's acceptable" he was not going to complement her even though he was amazed by her work.
She rolled her eyes, and they were just about to leave but here, Rose and Salena entered the room.
"What were you guys doing here" Salena was quite loud..
JK was about to reply her but Aish said:
"I had something to talk about with him, that's why" the way she answered it was clear that Salena is not allowed to ask anymore..
JK was impressed by her confident, though they did nothing to hide, but Aish still didn't let anyone interfere in her own matters.

"Good bye, everyone" Eyerose said good bye to all the K-pop groups they were working with.
"Good-bye, Bangtan boys" she had to be professional despite her feelings towards them, anyway JK was not there so it's okay.
"Actually miss Eyerose, we want to offer you to work with us for the next trip, to Germany, what do you think" RM was quite confident that they won't refuse, instead they'll consider their selves lucky but....
" Oh, thank you for the offer, but we won't accept it, we had some other plans for the next month, so please understand, and yeah thanks for asking us instead of our manager, it would be great if you can keep it between us" she said while they were really surprised by her declining this great offer, Eyerose could have got another level of Fame just by being BTS official translators, and they really didn't wanted the offer that's why they asked them to not to tell their manager about it, cause if they told him he will force Eyerose to be their translators.
"Oh, okay, don't worry we won't tell the manager, we don't want to pressurize you"RM said smiling. They both smiled too.
Okay then Bye" Eyerose said and walked away.
"They are really strange, like so much different than other girls" Jin said.
"Hmm I agree, we haven't seen a girl in a while who doesn't get exited after meeting us, they are the first" J.hope agreed with him.
"It's possible, not everyone in this world likes us, and after all they are muslims, may be that's why" Suga said.
"Hey, what are you guys talking about" JK just came here.
"Nothing, were discussing about Eyerose, We offered them to work with us for the next trip but they refused" Jimin told him the whole thing.
"Oh as expected, but who told you to ask them, just contact their manager"
"No way, she asked us to not to do, if they doesn't want, why force them" Suga said.
"If you guys won't I'll ask the manager" JK was not listening to any of them.
"No, no Jung kook. Don't!!!.
They tried to stop him but he didn't and walked away.
The next morning......
Ring, ringggg, ringggg, ringggg,ring.....
Her phone kept ringing.
"The number you have dialed is sleeping now, please call later"
"Hello miss Aish!" And her eyes were widened up.
"Hello! Manager" she was literally annoyed and also afraid of her manager asking her for a new task.
"You are sleeping peacefully after trying to destroy your feature" he sounds really angry.
"What? 🧐 What did I do" she was confused.
"Miss, you both were offered by BTS and you refused, are you crazy, do you think you are famous enough to refuse them" he was scolding her and she was clinching her teeth.
"Thankfully Mr JK was kind enough, he contacted me and said that he is ready to give you a second chance, now wake up right now and get ready, their flight is at 8,am." He said and Aish went out of her mind.
"Why be so kind, I don't need his kindness, say thanks and refuse, cause I am not going" she said while her manager was shocked by her reply.
"I think you really has lost your mind, miss Aish, I am not asking you, it's my order" he hung up.
"Hello, hello manger!!!" She tried to persuade him but he hung up already.
"What the hell is it, ahhh Jungkookkkkkk, I'll kill you for real today, do you think it's a joke, I didn't even enjoyed my vacation properly" she was about to cry out of her extreme anger.

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