Is she alive???

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"The girl is their translator, I looked her up"
"How dare she do that, believe me if I meet her I'll ki۔۔ll her"
"Let's protect our idols, so those disgusting and shameful people think before they attack them"
"I swear I hate that girl more than any person, like seriously I can't still believe that she did that"
"Guys she was wearing hijab means she is a Muslim, she deserves a punishment, let's see if Muslim army can still be able to face the idols"
"Dear Muslim army, don't worry, our idols will understand, if a Muslim girl was toxic doesn't mean all of them will be, let's apologize to Tae on her behalf, and let's be against her to show that we are always with our idols"
"I am just waiting for Hybe to punish her, believe me if they didn't I'll find her my self and punish"
"Guys please don't hate this girl..... Without me, let's hate her together"
"I can't really believe, this girl ruined Muslim army's image, I literally wanna kil۔l her"
"Army please wake up, our idols are not a toy so that anyone can play with them, let's request life time prison for her, so that no one again dares to do such thing"
"Sorry guys but I am not gonna be judgemental, let's wait for the full video or at least the official statement, cause just think about it, why would an unknown girl like her hit a famous idol without any solid reason, and as I searched Eyerose, they have been professional translators for a long time, and have worked with so many celebrities, and everyone seemed satisfied with them, then why suddenly they'll try to destroy their future, so I believe that her reaction had an action behind it, I am going to wait until I know the whole thing."
"Ahh, finally a positive comment out of hundred negative ones, like seriously I can't believe the most of army is dumb or what, like everyone has his own decisions and solutions without even knowing the actual matter" RM said after Jimin was done with reading the comments.
They were all sitting trying to think for a solution for it, everyone was asking for an explanation but how can they explain, Taehyung held her hand first, but they'll ask why? And the answer......
No one knows.......
"Hello" Rose picked up the call.
"Hello my foot, where are you both since morning, I called you for more than hundred times" The manager was freaking out.
"I am sorry, but there were many calls, so we had to turn off our devises" Rose replied.
And listening her low voice his anger went away.
"Are you okay Rose, I was really worried about you" Their manager has always been a caring and a nice person, but still they argue.
"I am fine" she was strong, though the incident was more horrible than you can imagine, Cyber bullying is something that can lead you to suicide, but she was not just surviving, she was quite strong.
"Don't worry I am contacting Big hit, I'll make sure to take you out of this matter, and clear the misunderstanding okay" The manager was giving her hope though there wasn't any, cause once Media made you a bad person, it's hard to take back your position, and this was a dangerous matter because army has always been a Most Dangerous fandom, they are obsessive, and many times it make them Toxic without even realizing.
"Okay thanks" she said and hung up, though she was a strong girl, but she was worried about her family members, she know that they trust her but still, the video was quite clear...........
"Hello,Miss Rose"
"Yeah it's me"
"Oh here is a parcel for you, please sign here" The courier boy passed her a package, she was surprised to get a package in this unknown country, she don't even have any friends here, who will send her a parcel?
Any way she signed it and took the parcel.
"Hello Mr Kim Taehyung, I want to inform you that a parcel was dispatched at Miss Ross's room" the counter boy told Tae, because Tae asked him to keep an eye on Rose's visitors and everything else, cause she was in danger and something bad could happen.
"What, a parcel ? why did you let it pass without checking it" he was really angry.
"Sorry I wasn't there, my assistant just told me" he got scared by Tae's anger.
Tae immediately ran away towards her room, his heart was telling him that something bad is about to happen, he was running with all his might, and just before he could enter he listened Rose screaming, his heart stopped.
"Will she be okay, or am I late" a fear of losing her went through his mind, he tried to opened the door but it was locked, he kicked the door as hard as possible but when he entered, his face went flash..........
There was Blood everywhere.........

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