Is He Alive?

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"Allah! Please, hear me out! He's not a believer yet, Allah. Please, grant him another chance at life, at recognizing you, at believing in you. Please, don't let him die. I know his ending, Ya Allah, and the pain, it's unbearable, it's tearing me apart. Please, rescue him, save him just this once, make him yours before it's too late. Don't let him depart this world as a non-believer, Ya Allah, please..."
She was in tears, crying uncontrollably, her eyes streaming with sorrow.

Suddenly, a knock on the door interrupted her. Opening it, she found J.hope standing there, his face was blank.
Fear gripped her as the dread of losing him loomed large. Seeing J.hope silent, she managed to utter,
"Why the silence? What  happened, tell me how is he, the surgery went well, right?" But his Silence told her that she was clinging to a false hope, cause J. Hope's downcast gaze confirmed her worst fears.
"JK isn't fine, something terrible had happened, And my prayers weren't accepted" and with this thought her mind refused to work anymore, She couldn't accept his death, couldn't fathom the thought, despite her Wanting desperately to question J.hope about the situation, her mind overwhelmed, and she lost consciousness....
As she slowly opened her eyes, her surroundings came into focus, and she found herself lying on a crisp white hospital bed.
Turning her head, she saw JK lying motionless on a bed beside her, his form still under the white sheet.
Memories flooded back of J-Hope's solemn expression as he delivered the devastating news. The realization hit her like a wave - JK was no longer alive - .

Without a second thought, she rushed to his side, tears streaming down her face. Gripping his cold hand, she cried out, pleading him to come back which was impossible.

"JK, how can you leave like this, how can you die without embracing your faith, wake up please, come back Jungkook, I can't bear to see you like this, ahhh it's killing me, it feels like I am shattered into pieces, ya Allah please....."
Her tears flowed endlessly until a gentle touch on her head startled her.
As she looked up, JK's wide-open eyes met hers, causing her to scream in shock and fear, making him jump in surprise at her reaction.
"You... you're alive?" she gasped, completely taken aback.
"So what, you want me to die again just after i hardly survived?" JK was confused as well..

Suddenly, laughter filled the room, and she turned to see everyone laughing heartily at her reaction.
Confusion clouded her mind until the realization hit her
"Was this all a prank ?" she shouted, and all eyes turned to J.hope, who could barely contain his laughter.

Flash back:
<_*"Should we give up?" the senior doctor's voice echoed with a tinge of defeat in the sterile hospital room.
The flickering fluorescent lights cast a somber glow as the junior doctor, with desperation in his eyes, pleaded,
"I think we should give it another last try." The tension in the room was palpable as the senior doctor nodded solemnly.
"Okay then... 700 volts again," the doctor's words hung in the air like a heavy fog.

"Oh dear Rose's God, I am sure you have the power to save JK, please save my friend, please let him live again, please dear Allah, I wasn't a believer but right now, I am just believing in you and your girl Rose, please. Listen to me"

And then, in a moment that seemed to defy all odds, when everyone gave up on him, his heart stirred.
"He's back!" joy erupted in the room as the medical team surrounded the patient, their faces a mix of disbelief and elation.

"It's a miracle, we were about to confirm his death, but amazingly his heart beat returned like a miracle, may be your prayers to God were accepted" the senior doctor's voice wavered with emotion as they all huddled together in a shared moment of relief and gratitude.
Amidst the chaos, Rose remembered Aish and Taehyung, both lost in prayer in separate rooms.
"Go tell Tae first, I'll inform Aish" Rose instructed J-Hope, who suddenly had a prank idea.
A mischievous glint in his eyes hinting at a playful plan forming in his mind, he said :
"I'll go to Aish, you handle Tae"
As J-Hope made his way to deliver the news,
Rose couldn't contain her excitement.
"Tae! Congrats, your prayers were answered,"
her jubilant voice rang through the corridor, reaching Taehyung whose face lit up with a mixture of disbelief and joy.
As he rushed towards her, his beaming smile infectious, Rose couldn't help but smile back, witnessing his happiness.
"So, your God listened to me!" Taehyung's exuberance filled the room as he dashed outside, leaving Rose in awe of the power of faith. Lost in the moment, Rose whispered a silent prayer of gratitude,
"Thank you, Allah, for giving them another chance."

Meanwhile, J-Hope, with a mischievous intent to prank Aish, approached her room with a soft knock, keeping his expression serious, trying to contain his amusement. Aish, visibly distressed, met his gaze with a mix of hope and fear, she slightly whispered, asking about him, but he kept silent, trying to make it more scary for her so that he can surprise her, Silence hung in the air, building anticipation until Aish's sudden collapse shattered the tension.

"Aish, Aish!" J-Hope's voice cracked with concern as he rushed to her side, only to find her unconscious.
The commotion drew in the medical team, shocked by the sudden turn of events, swiftly moving her to a private room for urgent care.

"Are you out of your mind, Hope? How could you pull off such a risky prank, what if something more serious happened? RM gave him a good talking to while he stared at the ground,
"I realize I messed up, but I was only trying to surprise her, I didn't even uttered word, and I literally didn't expected her passing out," he said with a frown.
"Well, be prepared for the aftermath when she wakes up, she's not one to let things go easily. Tae teased with a wink, "Yeah, we won't be coming to your rescue then." Suga just shrugged, and Hope was at a loss for words, so he simply rolled his eyes in response.*_>
Flashback Ends.

"You, Hope, you're such a jerk! How could you do that?" she shouted at him, who was trying to hide his naughty smile
"Okay, I admit I was wrong, but what about you? How could you just pass out without me even saying a word? You imagined everything by your self, and what about now, "how can you leave like this, JK it's killing me, please wake uppp"  J-Hope teased her, imitating her voice, fueling her anger.
"Don't you dare tease me now, I was already scared to death, and your expression just got to me," she scolded him.
But she soon realized they were all laughing, not just at her reaction but also at the funny words she said, imagining Jk's death,
"ahh it's embarrassing" she couldn't stay there anymore specially because of Jk's intense stare that made her shy, she felt her cheeks burning, he was really something that he makes a badass girl like her blush without saying anything.
"I am going to wash my face" she pretended to be busy and ran away, leaving Rose and JK burst into laugh, cause only they both were trying to hold, to not to embaress her....

"Yaaa JK, you scared us to death, don't you be careless from the next time," RM said, giving JK a tight hug and a comforting pat on the shoulder. "I won't, promise," JK replied with a smile.
"Well JK, you better not get yourself hurt again, or my pink slippers will be ready," Jin chimed in with a touch of motherly concern. "Oh, okay, got it," JK responded, playfully annoyed, which brought a smile to everyone's faces.
"Are you okay? Does it still hurt?" Suga asked with a worried look in his eyes. "I'm okay," JK reassured him. "Look, his eyes are swollen from crying so much for you," Jimin playfully revealed Suga's secret. "I'm sorry," JK said, pulling Suga into a tight hug.
"Hey, that's enough, it's my turn," J-Hope intervened, moving Suga aside to hug JK himself. "Hey, you're our bunny, always take care of yourself. We can't bear to see you hurt," J-Hope expressed with his trademark sunshine smile, spreading warmth to everyone.
"Jungkookaaa you're our youngest. Don't you ever think about leaving before us," Jimin teased, but Jin quickly retorted, "Hey, so you want me to die first?" giving Jimin a playful glare, which led to laughter all around.
"Hey, Tae, come on," JK called out to Taehyung, who was still standing by.
"Hey, Taehyung! go," Rose said as she was standing beside him.
He slowly walked to JK, who opened his one arm wide, because the other one was injured, welcoming Taehyung, who had tears in his eyes.
He couldn't hold back and hugged JK like a baby, tears streaming from both their eyes. "I can't lose you, JK. Don't you ever hurt yourself again, or I'll kill you," he said sobbing.
Rose looked at him, and smiled, his love was pure for everyone, even for her. S
adly, she couldn't accept it, and the unspoken emotions lingered in the air, heavy with unexpressed feelings.
"What Rose, you won't say anything" JK winked at her.
She smiled back.
"Why not, I'll congratulate you from the bottom of my heart, for surviving, and for living your life again" she said with a warm smile.
"Well she cried too, I saw her" Jimin teased her, she couldn't deny, cause this was the truth, they all were close to her, and just the thought of him dying without Islam is scary, not just for her, but for every Muslim........

To be continued

Sooo finally, I was able to write, after a long break, so it's an Eidi from me, today on Eid day....
Eid Mubarak To You All...
Stay happy, and please don't be a silent reader, make me happy by voting and commenting, and yeah don't forget to follow me on Instagram....
Thank you.....
Kim Hadia...

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