Unrequited Love.

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"J-Hope and Jimina, you both need to rush to the airport right now; the president's flight is about to land. Go welcome him! And you Suga, come with me to meet those reporters, we need to report everything. And Taehyunga, my hyung, you should head back; you don't seem well. RM gave out the orders.

"It's okay, Hyung. I'll be fine," Tae said, though his head feeling heavy.
"No,no , go back, Tae. I'll take care of JK here, so go rest for awhile at home." Jin insisted. "And Rose, Aish, you both can go back too."

"Yeah, we should! We also need to prepare dinner for you guys, and JK also doesn't likes hospital food, I'll make something lighter and healthy but tasty for him." Rose said with a warm smile.
"But I'm not going back, I'll stay here" Aish refused, earning teasing looks from the others.

"Don't give me that look! I want to take full responsibility. He got hurt because of me, that's why" Aish explained.
The group chuckled, and Jimin couldn't resist teasing her, "Oh, Miss angry bird, no need to make excuses, we all know how lazy you are when it comes to house chores!"

Aish gave him a death stare; "Mr park Jimin! Wanna die?"
"It'll be an honor mam" he said winking while leaving the scene before she actually kills him.

"Okay, so you can stay here, and Rose, you go with Tae. Let him rest a bit; he didn't sleep for the last two nights," RM instructed.

Rose nodded, understanding the concern.
They came out from the hidden exit, to the parking area, to avoid those reporters.
Tae slowly opened the side door for her, but instead, she playfully snatched the key from him.
"I'll drive; you sit here," she insisted. Tae sighed and got into the car.

The silence hung in the air, suddenly becoming awkward.
After all what happened before between them, they forgot it all among the chaos surrounding JK's incident, and hadn't talked about anything .
But tow, with everything settled, it felt strange to talk, and suddenly it became so awkward.

"Well, you see..." "Actually, you know..." they both awkwardly attempted to start the conversation simultaneously, making the situation even more embarrassing.

"You go first," Rose offered, breaking the silence.
"I was asking if you are okay with playing music?" Tae asked, and she agreed, relieved at the chance to ease the tension. Music seemed like the perfect way to end this awkwardness.

"We are here".... Rose said as they arrived at the mansion, parking the car she called him but he didn't answered.
Mr Taeh.. ohhh he is sleeping". .
She gazed at him, his slumber painting an aura of innocence that stirred her heart.

she went closer, a bit, trying to take a close look at him, his natural beauty, and his beautiful eyes, stand nose and then pink lips.
"He is handsome, kind, rich, he is almost perfect, but isn't it a pity, that he has failed in love.
why me, why the girl who you fell for has to be me, why it has to be unrequited love, why your story has to stay incomplete, it hurts me Tae, it kills me, seeing you in tears.
you know i was angry that day, because I knew you drank so much for me, I saw you Tae, having difficulty breathing because of your heavy sobbing and your pain.
I felt it Tae. And it hurts so bad, but I feel useless. I can't do anything for you Tae.
But i still hope that even if we aren't together in this world, you can at least recognize your God, be a believer and i promise you Taehyung, I'll ask Allah to make me yours in Jannah inshallah"  She was crying while talking to him, she was hurt. But why, why his pain also hurts her, why his tears destry her sleep,
"Do I love him too" she asked her self.
No no, it's impossible, I am only pitying him and that's it" she tried to deceive her heart. But util when ?????
"Well should I wake him up" she wondered.
"No, I shouldn't he hadn't slept for two nights" she allowed him to find solace in sleep.

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