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Crystal found me before Luke did, grabbing my wrist and dragging me through the long corridor and into the massive auditorium where we were just this morning. My heels clicked beside hers, my legs shorter which kept me from being able to keep up. I looked over my shoulder, at the crowds of people we were leaving behind. I was still trembling, still trying to find my voice. "Does Luke know...?" I begin, once I find just enough of it.

"He asked me to come get you," she says, as we are caught in a long traffic jam of suits and ties, and Dolce and Gabbana dresses all trying to find their assigned seat. "Their meeting should be over now, but it was so busy. He was worried that you might get lost in an environment like this."

"Yeah," I agree. "I would have."

The floor was covered in round tables, with an arrangement of fresh, red roses and silverware that cost more than my Grandma's house. The dishes were immaculate as well, the napkins embroidered with a tiny, gold Grammy on the white material. I sat down carefully, holding my breath as I lowered myself into the seat.

I looked around at the individuals who were beginning to crowd around the other tables. Some I recognized, others I did not. I watched as a waiter sat a bottle or two in front of us, before walking away to do the same for other guests. I look at Crystal, as I reach over to examine the label.

"It's sparkling juice," she places her hand on my arm. "Ashton requested it."

"Oh," I nod, shrugging as I fill my glass up with the champagne-substitute. "So it's non-alcoholic, but looks good next to the fancy flowers and silverware."

"I asked for coke," she rolled her eyes. "Unless you want champagne?"

"No," I shake my head. "I don't want to drink, if Luke can't. And you can't."

She smiles softly at me, grabbing my hand in hers to squeeze it gently. Although Luke was far away, probably running around somewhere backstage I didn't feel so alone now. I had a friend in Crystal, and I was happy to know that I had other allies here besides Luke.

"So sorry," Michael said, kissing his wife's cheek before sitting down on the chair beside her. "Mary, you look great as well."

"I would hope so," she laughs, looking over at me as she leans into Michael's shoulder, his arm wrapped around her. "I was her professional stylist today."

"Thank you so much Crystal," I turn to her, scoffing as I run my hands down the skirt of my dress. "I was clueless. I really do appreciate all your kindness towards me."

"Girls have to stick together," she winks, watching as Ashton approaches the table as well.

He wore a soft purple, white, and black striped shirt under a black blazer, black trousers. His hair was styled back, his eyebrows raising as he stared at the empty table. "What the hell?"

"What is it, mate?" Michael scoffs, Crystal taking a sip of the coke right after the Waiter dropped it off.

"Luke and Cal ran off, right after the meeting ended. I thought they wanted to meet here," he moves to sit in his seat, grabbing his phone from his pocket as he searches for an explanation as to why Luke and Calum aren't present for the opening of the Grammy's. I looked over at Crystal, who in turned looked over at me. "Have you heard from him, Mary?"

I look down at my phone. "Nothing," I said, setting it face up on the table.

"They'll find us," Crystal nods. "He's Luke," she begins, scoffing as she takes a sip of her coke. "He's probably using the bathroom or something."

It wasn't too long afterwards that the light dimmed. Once, twice, and a loud voice echoed throughout the hall telling all those in attendance to turn off cell phones until the commercial breaks. I kept the phone on, but quiet, just in case.

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