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I woke up at 6.30 hukum didn't woke up yet, so I went to bathroom for my morning routine. I did and come out but I saw he was not there in the bad.
Maybe he went to another room to for his morning routine. I changed in sky blue coloured embroidery saree and blue coloured churaas (bangle).

After i went to dresser table to put my lipstick, eyeliner and vermilion on my forehead. When I was going to put vermilion in my head, out of nowhere hukum come and grabbed my hand and said “from now on I will put vermilion of my name on your forehead, wifey” I was shocked, and flustered, I said “y-yes”

He grabbed the box of vermilion from my hand and, take pinch of it then put it in my head, and kissed my forehead. Whanever he does this Little Little things, this thing it's enough for me that, to fall for him again again and again. I know my face is red because of blushing so much.
I stare at him he also stare at me, this little thing gave me butterfly all over my stomach. “you look so beautiful wifey, and this beautiful is only mine he said and smiles at me, I was shocked to see this this man even smile, what I heard about him is that he is heartless, kill people and what not, but he is opposite of it, “thank you, hukum” as I said and looked up at him, yes I looked at him up because he is so tall that he have to bend down down to reach my level of height. And top of the cherry he is buff and look perfect.

“lets go, and have breakfast” as he said and start to walk not before taking my hand in his big one.

When we went to dining area, shivay come to us and touch our fit, we blessed him and we both went to mummy ji and papa ji to touch their fit and they gave us blessed “blessed them with child my lord” said mummyji, I didn't react cause I know one day this day will come, we both sat on chair, “mummy where is aunty and uncle” asked shivay, “they both went to their house after yesterday dinner”mummy ji said and I was curious why they went, they were the one who said that they want to live her for 1 week.

After we had breakfast papaji and kukum went to their office and Shivay went out with his friend. Only me and mummyji are present in house. I was bored so why not to bake chocolate cake for Averyone.*giggle* and i went to kitchen and saw that maid are working in the kitchen and they saw me they put there heads down and say the head maid “ranisha, why did you bother to come you have called us for your work” she said I can see she was trembling, i smiled and said “dont worry miss, I'II will not do anything to anyone, and you don't have to be scared of me. I'm just here to bake cake” as I said she was shocked and say “ranisha, what if hukum didn't like it that you are in the kitchen”  i smiled and said “its my order that I will bake, now give me all the ingredients of chocolate cake ” with that I went to the cupboard of the plates and bowls. and start to prepare for tha cake.

After baking cake I start to do it's decoration, and then I put it in the fridge. And went to our room and start to read the book KING OF WRATH I was giggling and chuckled, kicking my leg in air, then blushing and having second hand embarrassment.

Ofcourse I'm a reader I will definitely fall for morally grey man, and i finished the book I'm 5 hours, I had my lunch in our room, because Averyone is not home as usual I had lunch in room.


I am bored, let's go to the kitchen. When I was going to kitchen I heard door Bell rang, I went to the door and opened it but there was no one but a gift like box and red roses were there on the box, i observed it I saw there was a letter hanging side of the box, I take the box amd roses and went inside in our room.

I start to opened the box, what I saw inside I was left shocked there was photo of me and hukum, and we are kissing in the photo, that time when I was looking for book in the bookshelves. I am scared so scared, I take the latter for the Rose and read.

My love, you did wrong by kissing that bastard Rudraveer,
I love you and you did this, I will take revenge, a good one, and don't worry when I will get you, you will scream my name Avery night like wh*re, just wait and watch what I do with you, my sl*t.
                               – YOUR LOVER


When she read the latter she was crying so much, she used to have stalker when she was in High school, he is the one, from her school, when she comes in college she never got such a things, but why she is getting them now, she is afraid what if hukum got to know about her stalker, she was sobbing so much.

Ruhanika is now sleeping she herself didn't know when she fell asleep while crying.

Door opened and Rudraveer come and saw her in bad state, he rushed towards her and looked at her and he saw her tear stained cheeks. He made her lay down on tha bed then wipped her face with tissue paper, and called maid to change her clothes in comfortable one.

When he was going to sleep he saw the gifts and that latter, when he went to the box he saw that kissing photo of both of them, he was so fucking angry that he teared the photo, and called someone.

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