~ CHAPTER 16 ~

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I finished all the work one day ago and, because of puja I didn't went to office, I want to spend some times with my family and wife. But next week I have to go Paris for important meeting. I know ruhanika will sad, but I need to go there it's big deal and important.

I am thinking to make a big Library for ruhanika. She loved to read alot, and I would love to recreate all the scene,*smirk* 
A big Library with all types of book. I need to call my one friend who is interior designer. In some rings he picked up the call

“hello, advait” I asked “hello, rudraveer?”
“i want you to come my house at 4 pm" “ok I will”
“yes bye”


I was doing my work, i suddenly got call i picked up the call and say “hello?, yes yes, I will come today night, be ready for the deal at tomorrow sharp 8pm, I don't want any think late, I need perfect everything” it was call from client, for deal in Paris, look like I need to go there in emergency, i called my manager “today 7pm we are going paris, ready the private Jet.”
I cut the call,


He was so engrossed in work that he forgot to inform at home, he forgot that he has wife, now he can't go like before he used to to without telling his family.

And there ruhanika waiting for him to ask something releted to her past.


I need to talk to hukum, about that stalker he is not sending me any gifs or flowers, its not like I'm sad that, that stalked stoped doing those creepy, its just I want to ask that what hukum did to that stalker.

Its 6 pm, i called him many times but he didn't picked up my call.
I think I will wait till he come, then I will talk to him.

He comes by 7 pm, so till then I read the book.

8.21 pm

Ooo fck, i didn't see the time I was so engrossed in reading that I even forget to see time, its 8.21.
Why hukum didn't come till then,  he always come in sharp 8pm, not early not late only at time.

What if he has so much work, and will come late, till let's go to drawing room. When I went there everyone where there, and and unknown face was there to i dont know who is he. He was talking to papaji.

I silently goes there and sat beside mummy ji and asked “mummy ji who is he?” she smiled at me and said “beta, he is cousin of shivay and Rudraveer”
My lips formed in Oo then I nodded my head and say there, but mummy suddenly said “jay meet her, she is the eldest daughter in law of our family and rudraveer wife.” she said with happy smile on her face, “nice to meet you, bhabhi ji he said with seductive smile, I am feeling like he is not good person, but I let it be. I said “nice to meet you too, jay bhai” I said and smiled at him.

I don't know why, but I'm not getting any good vibe from him,
After sometime of talking mummy ji said “ruhu beta, go and show jay his room” i nodded my head and i said “jay bhai let's go” he nodded his head and we both start to go towards all the guest room.

“jay bhai this is your room, if you need anything just call me or shivay i smiled and before I go he grabbed my hands and says “lets have fun, no one will get to know about it” he said while smirking, I was right he is not good person. he is so disgusting. I try to free my hand from his hand, but it didn't worked, so I bite his hands and before I run he grabbed my hair in his first and dragged me to his room.

Fear start to take over me, anxiety start to kick, my eyes start to tear up, I try to scream but he put his hands on my mouth, and attacked my neck “aahhhh” i try to scream but only muffle come, he teared my blouse shoulder side, i bite his hands “please let me go”, I try to get away from his grip, but he tightened his grip on my waist.

He grabbed my waist and squeezed it harshly he start to roam his hands on my body making me feel so disgusting. He hands start to caress my uper lips, i try to push him but nothing worked, his hands start to go near my blouse, no.no.no.no it can't be "please leave me please I beg you" i cried but he ignored.
He squeeze my thighs harshly I'm sure bruises will be there.
"Ahhhh leave me you bastard"
His hands start to travel near me breast, he was going to touch me i bit his hands that was caressing my lips. And slapped him hard on his face, he fisted my hair in his grip and yanked my face near him and said “now I will show you the concieuse, of slapping me you fcking bitch” he smashed his lips on my neck, I try to push him with my all force.

suddenly my eyes went to nightstand i saw wase, I try to grab and yes I got it, i smashed it on his head, I saw blood dripping from his head I start to panick.
He screamed in pain “aaahhh, you bitch how dare you” before he do anything he got unconscious. I ran towards dore, when I opened I saw shivay was standing there with shocked and angry face, i cried infront of him, and hide behind him by clutching his shirt, “sh-shivay h-he-he try to r-r-rape—” i chocked on my own saliva, shivay grabbed me and made me stand on the wall, “that son of bitch, where is he?” he yelled and anger and stormed towards him and punched him so hard till he started to cough blood and slapped him ammy times, “HOW DARE YOU RAISE YOUR DIRTY HANDS ON MY BHABHI HNN” shivay YELLED at him and punched him, “GUARDS!!!” avery gaurds come “TAKE HIM TO BASEMENT AND TORTURE HIM TO DEATH, DONT KILL HIM” he said. And come towards me, when he saw me all bolled up un the corner his eyes softened and come toward me and bend down to my level and said in soft tone “bhabhi everything is okay, you need to tell bhai-sa this,” with his both hands on my cheeks, I want to cry so hard, now I can't control I cried hard on his arms, “shivay bhai, he-he is b-bad please take me to my room, i want to meet hukum, please call him, please shivay bhai, I need him,” i cried so hard Missing him.


I cannot see my bhabhi this miserable I hugged her tightly and soothed her not to cry, that bastard will not live anymore, he will be dead in my hands. Just let my brother come I will not live him not for a second. Torture him to death, i didn't know he will go so far, and do this disgusting act.

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