~ CHAPTER 18 ~

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I am trying to call bhai's manager
Please pick it up. Its fucking important. He didn't pick up, I will again try to call him, but this time he pick up the call. “hello—” before he said something “WHERE IS HUKUM!!” I yelled I was angry “s-sir is in m-meeting”
He said with stutter. “GIVE THIS FUCKING PHONE TO HIM!!!”
“y-yes” I can heard the running voices.
I head him scream bhai's hukum name, “just give this phone to him right now—” i said bu cutted by bhai's voice “what do you want shivay” he said in the coldest voice ever, that gave me shiver on my body. But I will not fear of him for now. “Bhai, what did you even know what happened when you went for paris without telling your family, you did not even know that you have a wife now, how can you forget this thing, did you even know what happened at home after you left for Paris, bhabhi almost got rap*d” I didn't noticed when tear start to to stream from my eyes. There was silence in the phone bhai didn't say anything. But I head his voice telling his manager something
“manager, prepare for flight right now!” he yelled and I heard it. I first time heard him yelled. I cut the phone.


Its my fault that I went out without telling my family. I didn't know that behind my back some fucker will try to rape my wife. He will be Rotten in hell, by me.

Im in flight it's going to take off, I know who did this to my wife. I will give him the worst death by my hands, no one will stop me, not even my family, that bastard will not be alive.

Im feeling so fucking guilty for going to Paris without telling mom and dad, but it's my fault.
I will not forgive myself because what I did.

Now this flight going to take off,
After sometime my car come, to pick me up, I directly went to home.

When I enter everything was so silent, not even that cheerful voice of ruhanika didn't called me that I come home.

I see shivay coming toward me “bhai you come, bhabhi is crying because she want to meet you, but first we need to go to that bastard in the basement, its papa's order” fiat he talked in soft tone, but when it's come to that bastard his voice become harsh and like me he clenched his palm.

We start o go towards basement I heard scream of that jay bastard. But when I entered we both brother were shocked to see father was the one who was beating him with rode.

I lose my tie and I gave my blazer to a gurd then grabbed a cutter, and straightly went to that fucking bastard, when he saw me then smirked, this Audacity of this bastard, now he will se me the worst of me, “you fuckin tried to touch my wife with this fucking hands or your fucking body” i scratched his hand with cutter, I start to give cut on his hands so much. Big and some, “guards give me the plucker” they gave me “this finger touched my wife innocent didn't it” i cuted his finger one by one, “ahhhhh, ahhhhh whatever you say your wife is like slut like po*nstar to me broo” when he said my blood start to boil, how dare he to say this filthy things about my wife, i punched him so hard that some of his teeth fell of the face, I smirk and grabbed his jaw and slapped him fucking hard.

“give me the hot water that can burn his skin alive” they gave me, i splashed all the hot water on his body he screamed in agony, the say “please i beg you let me go please I will never do anything like that to any women ” he begged me, i love when someone beg me, except my family. “you will rott in hell, you fucking dare to touch my women, and i fucking know that you always try to touch all the women, so many times but, the women's get you in jail many time, didn't they, you manwhore”
I got chain in my hands and start to punch him in his stomach and face and jaw, he is all bloody.

"Guards give me the kerosene" they gave me the kerosene, first wear the gloves, and grabbed the tub full of kerosene and splash on that bastard, and I throwed the lighter on his, his body start to burn, this what they will get after touching a women, he is burning that give me peace.

He is scream is giving me peace.

“clean this mess,” I said and went out of basement, to guest room, not wanting to scare ruhanika by blood.

When I went to living room I saw everyone were sitting in the room, except my wife.

“where is my wife” I asked but no one said anything. But dad begin to talk “first come and sit
As he said I went to a single couch and sat there “son, how can you forget to tell us that you are going to Paris for business trip, what if shivay didn't come on the time?, what if something happens to daughter, tell me, is your work is more important then your family tell me” his father scolded him.

“I did not expect this from you son, you have hurt me a lot.”
Dad get up and went outside while whipping his tear. Its hurt me alot it's my fault because of me my family is suffering. I feel like killing my self, I get up and went to my room, when I went there i saw ruhanika was sleeping in the bed, i went towards her and saw her tear stained face. His heart ached. He felt like crying seeing her innocence tear stained face.

He didn't notice when his eyes start to tear up, he whipped his face, then covered her with duvet, he went to gym for sometimes.

He start to punish himself, by punching on the wall. He is punishing himself he is guilty for this. Because of him everything happened. Even his knuckle turned red by punching on the wall. His veins on the neck and hands start to pop up, even his forehead veins start to pop up.






𝙃𝙄𝙎 𝙍𝙀𝙋𝙇𝘼𝘾𝙀𝘿 𝘽𝙍𝙄𝘿𝙀 Where stories live. Discover now