Chapter 13

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“Okay fine Hubby. I will wake up now. Stop bothering me, I -” Lyn stop talking and quickly leave the bed and run in the bathroom. 

“Hmmmpppkkkk” she throw up in the bowl. Axiel follow her in the bathroom start caressing her back to make her feel good. After she throw up, Lyn feels her body weakened and dizzy also. Thankly, Axiel was in her back so he catch her when she loss control.

“Are you okay Wife? Do I need to call a doctor?” Axiel ask nervously while bringing her back in the bed after cleaning her face with a towel.

“I’m okay Hubby. Can you be with me for my appointment to my new OB here in the province. Its my fourth check up for our baby. He or she is already sixteen months now.” Lyn explained to him. Axiel is always with her in every check ups she have for the baby. What a supportive daddy, I hope that all soon to be fathers or fathers is like that because pregnancy is not easy as others thought. The mother will be going through a lot of things just to keep the baby healthy until she will give birth. Husband's support would be a help to ease some of the sufferings.

“Ofcourse I would love to accompany you with that appointment Wifey. Did mama (mother of Lyn) suggest a obstetrician for you here?” Axiel lovely said and ask at the same time. He knew that Mary, the mother of Lyn wouldn’t want to risk her grandchild’s life in getting an obstetrician anywhere without knowing its background. 

“Yes Hubby, mommy recommend an obstetrician for me in the nearest private hospital here. She is her friend and also her OB when she is pregnant with me.” Lyn stated with a wide smile on her lips that Axiel like to see on her everyday. His wife being happy and not sad everyday because he wouldn’t allow that to be happened.

“I’m excited to meet her Hubby. The OB who take care of me and mommy.” Lyn added and lean to Axiel’s chest and hug him. Showing her eagerness that make Axiel smile. Lyn’s childishness is kicking out again on her.

“Can we have our breakfast now Wifey so you wouldn’t be late at your appointment?” Axiel ask when he sees her eyes that is ready to close again. She will sleep again if he wouldn’t persuade her now. 

Lyn face him and said with a smile, “Okay Hubby,sissy Naomi and Joanine wants to tour the hacienda. I want to be with them. My appointment to Mrs. Lovely Sarmiento is two in the afternoon, so I have the time to bound with your sisters.” 

         Axiel agreed and assist her to the terrace for their breakfast. Lyn loved the foods and ate into her fullest. The maids came after they eat and clean the table for them and they do their morning routine before heading downstairs because Noami and Joanine is calling them for the tour. The two is very excited to explore the hacienda. It is new to them that’s why.

      They all tour the hacienda using the cable cars because they can’t walk around it. The parents of Lyn didn’t join them because they need to visit the mall that is under construction in the city. It would be a new business for the family and also they can sell their fruits and vegetables there fresh from farm. They are exporting some of it but need somewhere to place when they can produce double of it. It is because the parents of Lyn is planning to buy a bigger hacienda just near from their house with the help of Axiel. They are building a bigger assets of the joined family for the next generation. 

        The hacienda is being cared by the parents of Lyn because they know more about managing it unlike when Axiel will manage it, yes he know more about business but not much more in the category of agriculture. 

        The time goes by and its already one in the afternoon. Lyn and Axiel needs to prepare for the appointment. They need to be early because its forty minutes drive into the hospital and Lyn is the last patient of Mrs. Sarmiento before going home. The sisters of Axiel present to go with them which Axiel didn’t want because he knew that the two wants to come because they can shop in the famous public market there.

         Axiel  can’t do nothing about it when Lyn said that they could come with them. He knew that when he insisted to forbid them to come, Lyn would mock at him and will lead to her being angry and it wouldn’t be good for the baby. Lyn was in their side after all. Ezekiel and Felisa wouldn’t go with them because they have an international meeting conference through zoom about their businesses.

“The baby is healthy, the heartbeat is normal and nothing to worry about. I already receive the files of Lyn’s medical record awhile ago before you guys come in. I can tell that you can continue to drink the prescribed vitamins. Just call me if there is something bad happened. Remember to eat healthy foods and don’t be stressed and tired to much. You already know your situation and we don’t want you to loss the baby as you want to. We will do our best to come up with a solution about. We are having a collaboration in the best doctors around the world to save the both of you.” Doc. Sarmiento explained after checking Lyn. 

“Your condition is a challenge to us but a new challenge leads to new solutions that would help others like your case in the future.” Doc. Sarmiento added that make them feel at ease.  

No one wants to be in the situation of Lyn because every mother wants to give birth to her child without any complications, every husbands want their wife to live even the their child, every parents wants their children to be alright every time and not seeing their children in pain and suffering. Its breaking them inside when someone that they love is hurting and they can’t do nothing to ease it.

“Don’t worry Doc, we will do our best to take care of ate Lyn and the baby. No one wants her in this situation because we all love her and care for her especially kuya Axiel. He will do everything for ate Lyn.” Joanine said to ease the atmosphere inside the room. They are all afraid of the possibilities that would happened to Lyn if they slip just a little in taking care of her. It is the reason why both of the mansions of the two family is very secured and has a lot precautions when they know about the situation of Lyn. They all want the best for her.    

“We will keep that in mind Doc. Thank you for your time. We will take our leave now. See you in the next appointment of my wife. I will schedule two times a month appointment just to make sure they are both okay.” Axiel finally said and leave the office of Mrs. Sarmiento when she agreed. He didn’t want them to pressure Lyn to take care of herself and don’t do what she want because of her condition. He understand well about it but he don’t want to forbid Lyn on doing what she want just because of it. 

“Hubby can we go to the market? I miss this place and I want to see if there is new about it now. Also I want to let your sisters experience shopping in the market and buy whatever they like.” Lyn suggested to him and he can’t say no. It is one of their promise to the two after all. To experience new life style.

“Ofcourse we can Wifey. Just don’t spoil them okay?” Axiel agreed. Just like what he want, he want her to be happy. “Happy Wife, Happy Life”, like they say.

Lyn kiss him in the cheek and say, “Thank you Hubby. I’m thankful to have you.” 

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