Chapter - 01

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I sit in the room quietly as they are bidding away my life in the next one. I hear the door open and my mother entering the room. She urges me to get up and leads me out.

I get down on my knees on the wooden plank, my face hidden under the veil. Mother bends down and whispers in my ear, “Your Father has chosen your husband. He'll now lift your veil. So behave yourself,” she squeezes my shoulder reassuringly.

I keep my gaze down as I wait in anticipation, clutching my hands tightly to stop my body from trembling. Mother has always told me that a woman is like a flower ... a delicate flower that needs to be plucked at the ripe age.

I can feel the veil rise as I hear a commanding voice, “Look at me,” I slowly tilt my head upwards to see the man I'll be spending the rest of my life with. He seems to be in his early thirties.

“I'm Caius Von Atticus. It's a pleasure to see my soon-to-be wife,” he says in a calm yet authoritative voice. He has an impressive muscular physique. I feel a shiver running down my spine as his large figure looms over me. I make a gesture of respect and greet him, “My Lord, the pleasure is all mine. I'm Raya, first born of Lord Ascaris.”

“The wedding shall commence in 3 days,” he says looking at my father. My father nods and assures him, “As you wish, Lord Caius. The preparations shall be concluded by then.”

He spares me another glance and turns around, leaving with his men.

Mother leads me back to my room and helps me change into more comfortable clothes. I sit in front of the vanity as she starts brushing my long hair and whispers smiling, “My little flower has finally bloomed. It is such a joyous day,” she lovingly brushes my hair.

“Mother, will I really be fine…away from all of you? Away from home?” I ask nervously, fiddling with my thumbs.

She chuckles and hugs me from the back, “Silly girl. This has always just been your temporary home. Your true home is with your husband,” she caresses my cheeks, “Don't be sad, little flower. I know it might be a little unsettling now. But you'll fit right in in your new home. I have raised you to be the perfect lady of the household.”

“But I'm scared, what if the Lord doesn't like me?” I mumble.

“Dear, you're just overthinking. Just be how I taught you. You just need to learn three things,” she takes a deep breath, “Never complain. Never resist. Never disobey. Your husband and his wants should be your topmost priority, understood?” I slowly nod my head as I get lost in my thoughts.

Lord Caius is so much bigger and stronger than me, what if I make a mistake? I've seen father beat mother whenever she made a mistake. Will…will he beat me too? I'm so small, I barely reach his chest…will I make a good wife?

I curl up on my bed as the walls feel like they're closing in on me. Who will protect me when I'm far away from home?

The creeping fear of the unknown makes me close my eyes and hug my pillow tightly. The tiredness eventually consumes me as I fall asleep.

The next morning mother calls me to the tea room to practise etiquette.

“Greetings, Mother. I hope you're having a fine morning,” I greet her politely.

“Good morning, Dear. I hope you slept well,” she leads me to the table and gestures to a servant to bring the boiling water for tea.

I sort the tea leaves in the teapot and pour the boiling water in, letting it simmer.

“You're doing great,” Mother pats me on the back, “Always make sure to keep everything clean.”

Once the tea is simmered, I stir in the teapot and pour the tea. I push the cup towards my mother, “I hope it's to your liking.”

She sips the tea and smiles, “It's perfect, Dear. I've asked Maria to help you sort the items you'll need. You don't have much time to pack.”

“Allow me to take my leave,” I mumble softly and she nods. I head for my chambers along with Maria.

I carefully pick out the things I want to take. As Maria helps me pack, she looks up at me and smiles, “I can't believe our little Lady has grown up so quickly. I hope you receive all the happiness in the world,” I smile at her kindness.

“I will miss you all,” I mumble solemnly as I pick up a necklace gifted by my mother and carefully put it inside a box.

“We aren't going anywhere, my Lady. You can always visit us. This is your home after all,” she pats my shoulder.

My home…mother's words echo in my head…

my home is with my husband…


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