Chapter - 08

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Lisa and Dana come in once Caius leaves, as they approach the bed, Dana flinches at the countless wounds on Raya's skin.

“How could he?” She whispers out in disbelief, horrified at the sight in front of her, “How could he treat her like this?” Her hands shake as she and Lisa begin cleaning the wounds.

After cleaning up the dried blood, Lisa applies an ointment to help heal the wound.

“He's a monster,” Dana blurts out but soon gets cut off by Lisa, “Stop unless you want to have your tongue cut off.”

Lisa sighs deeply and says, “All we can do is pray for her. She needs to be strong if she wants to survive here.”

“But…this is inhumane,” Dana wipes away a tear, she can't help but weep seeing Raya's state.

The next few days were hell for Raya, her body burning up with fever and pain. She writhed in pain as Lisa changed the bandages.

After five days, she finally regains consciousness…


Opening my eyes feel like a torture, perhaps it'd hurt less if I just passed away.

What was my fault? That I made a friend in this lonely estate? I feel afraid and alone like a bird in a cage.

Lisa helps me sit up and looks at me sympathetically, “How do you feel, my Lady?”

“I don't know,” I reply with a distant look in my eyes, I cannot decipher the emotions and sensations I'm feeling. Everything is being overpowered by pain and helplessness.

Lisa hugs me without a word, her motherly embrace makes me let go of all the restraints as I wreak heavy sobs in her arms.

“Everything hurts,” I clutch onto her like my life depends on it. She gently runs her finger through my hair, “I know, Dear. He went too far,” she holds me close and lets me cry it all out.

Once I've calmed down a bit, she wipes my tears away, “My Lady, you need to eat. I'll go bring you some soup,” she pats my shoulder and leaves.

She brings me some hot soup, “Let me feed you,” she blows on the spoonful of soup, cooling it down and feeding me.

The warm soup brings a sense of comfort. Lisa leaves to finish her chores after feeding me. I sit by the window and feel the gentle breeze, his room feels unfamiliar, it seems darker than mine.

I approach the door, to take a walk down the hallway at least, but I get stopped by the guards, “My Lady, the lord has forbidden you from leaving his residence. Please return.”

Lisa returns with my supper and feeds me carefully. After hesitating for a while, she finally asks, “May I give you some advice?” I look up at her and nod.

“If you wish to not get hurt, please don't disobey the Lord. There's no limit to the lengths he'd go to have his way. I cannot bear to see you suffering like this,” she pats my head and looks at me sympathetically.

“I'll keep it in mind,” I reply thoughtfully. Lisa helps me lay down and applies ointment to the wounds, “The wounds have closed, but I'm afraid they'll scar,” she proceeds with utmost care.

“He wanted them to scar,” I mumbled numbly, burying my face in a pillow.

“His wishes are incomprehensible to me. Why'd anyone want to scar beautiful skin like this?” She exclaims in disbelief.

The room eventually becomes silent as Lisa retreats for the night. I lay quietly, thinking about all that has happened in the few months I've been here.

Perhaps this is the fate I'm destined with. Maybe if I stop feeling anything, it won't hurt anymore. My tears run dry as I gaze at the moon…the only familiar thing in this cold and unpredictable estate.

The door clicks and Lord emerges, I try to get up to greet him but he raises his hand and gestures to me to stay down. He lays down beside me and touches a wound on my back, “I know you must think I'm a monster. I cannot blame you if you do. But the fear of losing you is so intense that I lose all my sense of reasoning,” he whispers as he buries his head in the crook of my neck, taking in my scent.

“You're mine,” he gently licks and nibbles on my skin, eliciting a soft whimper from me, “I cannot wait to see you bearing my children. They'll be as beautiful and delicate as their mother.”

I'm too exhausted and petrified to reply. His hands roam around my waist, finally settling on my hips as he squeezes them. He retreats his hand from my hips and pulls me close, resting my head on his chest.

“I have a present for you tomorrow,” he whispers and kisses my forehead.

I watch as he falls asleep. His touch reminds me of all the things he has done. But I take Lisa's advice and obey, closing my eyes and eventually falling asleep.



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