Chapter - 09

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The next day, I felt anxious, wondering what sort of gift he was talking about. I decided to shake it off and focus on the household.

I'm sitting in the library going through some documents when the Lord makes an appearance, “Greetings, my Lord.”

He smiles at me, it feels almost eerie. Nothing good came out whenever I saw him smiling, “Good afternoon, my Love,” he bends down and kisses my forehead, he seems quite cheerful today.

A guard comes in carrying a large chest and rests it on a nearby table. The Lord urges me to open the chest. I approach it and rest my hand on the handle.

I open the chest and my eyes widen, my legs giving out from the shock as I fall to the floor. My chest feels heavy as I have trouble breathing, my throat feels dry.

Before me…lies a pair of hands, eyeballs and a tongue…And those eyes…they awfully resemble…Marcus's…

I feel bile rising in my throat and release my stomach's content onto the floor. The pain in my chest causes me to hyperventilate. I look up at him, my body shaking as tears stream down my cheeks,

“Di…did you kill him?” I ask him, sobbing as the image keeps playing in my head.

“Who? That little mongrel? Of course not, I wouldn't dirty my hands with his blood,” he grins sadistically.

“What did you do to him?” I ask in a shaky voice.

“Well, I simply took away the parts I deemed him unworthy of having. For example, the eyes he used to look at my wife, the tongue he used to talk to you and the hands that may have touched what's mine,” he gets down and runs his fingers through my hair, “After that, I told my guards to throw him onto a boat and release him in the vast ocean. Your little lover, all bloody and helpless. Wonder if he'll starve to death or be eaten by a shark…”

My blood runs cold as he finishes talking. Poor Marcus, he is such a sweet soul. It's all my fault that he had to endure something like this. If only I didn't befriend him…maybe he'd be safe and sound.

I can feel my soul shattering as I become a shell of my former self. He pulls me up by my arm and leads me to his chamber. I silently follow him like an obedient doll.

What's the point of resisting? I don't want anyone else to be hurt because of me.

I feel nothing as he undresses me and pushes me down on the bed, his hands roaming around my body as he devours me.

I watch the setting sun as he leaves. Is the world really as beautiful as I thought it was? Or was it just the perspective of a naive child?


It's been several weeks, lately I've been feeling nauseous and fatigued. Lisa suggests getting the physician to check and I nod.

The physician checks my body and grins, “My Lady, you're expecting a child,” he says enthusiastically.

“Oh,” that's all that left my mouth.

“Aren't you happy?” He asks, looking puzzled.

“I am, I feel so happy, I'm unable to express my joy,” I mumble softly, reassuring him.

“Of course, it was silly of me to ask. I shall go inform the Lord,” he bows and leaves quickly.

Lisa approaches me with a worried look, “My Lady, are you truly happy?” I look up at her calmly, “Does what I feel matter? You should be happy. An heir is on the way,” I whisper out the last part.

Lisa has seen me turn into an emotionless puppet in the past few weeks. She tried to talk to me, but I pushed her away. I do not wish to doom anyone else with my fate.

Lord Caius rushes into the room and pulls me in his embrace, “My wife, you've made me the happiest man today. I promise to take care of you and our child,” he gestures to Dana to come closer, “Dana will accompany you at all times from today.”

He bends forward and kisses my forehead, “You're free to roam the gardens. Dana will accompany you,” he leaves to attend to official duties.

Finally earning my freedom, I ask Dana to accompany me as I head to the lake.

I slowly pick some wild flowers and bind them together. Sitting in front of the lake, I watch the clear water flow.

I release the flowers in the lake and watch them float away.

Perhaps in the next life…I won't fail you…



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