Chapter - 04

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I wake feeling the soft breeze against my skin, the sun is shining brightly. I try to get up, but moving the slightest muscle causes my body to ache. I painfully crawl to the bell on my bedside table and ring it.

Lisa arrives quickly and knocks on the door, “Come in,” I say weakly, my throat feels hoarse.

She comes in and rushes to me immediately, “My Lady, are you hurt?” She gazes at my bruises and her eyes fall on the wine cup on the wine cup sitting on the bedside table. She sighs and comes close to me, “The Lord shouldn't have drunk so much yesterday,” she helps me sit up and looks at me sympathetically.

“I…I'll go prepare a warm bath for you,” she pats me on the shoulder and leaves to prepare the bath.

She returns after a while with a few more maids and helps me get in the bathroom. I notice the blood stains on my thighs and my eyes tear up, but I force myself to not cry in front of everyone.

The two maids, Lynne and Dana help me wash up and massage my limbs to reduce soreness. Lisa brings medicine to apply on my bruises and cuts.

As I get settled in the balcony after applying the medicine, Lynne brings in some herbal tea. Lisa pours and hands it to me as she looks at me intently.

“Is something wrong?” I ask her, my voice sounds raspy from all the crying and screaming all night.

“I…I apologise on the Lord's behalf. He should have treated you better,” she sighs and looks down at the floor, “He doesn't handle his alcohol well and loses control. I hope he didn't hurt you too much. Should I ask the physician to come check?” She rests her hand on my shoulder, worried about my health.

“I…it's fine. It hurts a little, but I'll be okay,” I mumble, fiddling with my thumbs. I just want to be left alone in a corner. I need time to process everything.

Is this what I'm supposed to get used to?

I lay back down on bed with Lisa's help. I clutch a pillow tightly, my body still shaking remembering yesterday's horrors. I bury my face in the pillow to hide my tears as I weep painfully. I feel dirty.

The memory of him holding me down, the bites, the bruises, it all makes my body go cold in fear.

It hurts my heart more than my body. The thought of having to live like this forever seems torturous. I thought marriage is supposed to be about fulfilling  and supporting each other till the end of time. It seems I was too naive.

The thought of bearing a child of a man who doesn't have an ounce of sympathy or care for me, feels like a gruesome joke.

It takes me a week to finally be able to walk again. Thankfully the Lord hasn't visited me ever since our wedding night. Even the thought of being near him causes a shiver to run down my spine.

Lisa notified him of my health condition, so I didn't have to join him at the table as well. But since I have healed completely now, I'm required to join the Lord for all three meals.

I take a deep breath and start walking with Lisa, she gives me a reassuring gaze, “Everything will be fine, my Lady,” I nod and follow quietly, feeling the dread settling in.

As I enter the dining hall, my gaze falls on him. All my instincts tell me to run away, yet I force myself forward.

“Greetings, my Lord. May god bestow his blessings upon you,” I greet and curtsy.

“Take a seat,” he commands, taking a glance at me. I sit down and wait for him to begin eating.

“I hope you've been learning how to manage the household from Lisa,” he says sternly as he cuts and bites into the meat.

“Indeed I have. Lisa has been of great help,” I speak in a low tone.

“The accountant will be here to notify you of the household expenses. It's your duty to manage the household,” he looks me in the eye. I feel intimidated, but I manage to calm down and reply, “Very well, my Lord. I shall try my best to not disappoint you.”

The rest of the breakfast goes by unbothered as we eat quietly. He eventually leaves to attend to his duties and I return to my quarters.

The accountant comes in a few hours later and hands over the household budget to me. After going through the budget for several hours, I feel tired and decide to take a walk in the garden.

I carefully store the documents and head for the garden, the gentle breeze and the beautiful aroma of the flowers, they soothe my soul. As I keep walking, I venture further into the woods past the garden. I find a beautiful lake and sit by it.

Staring at the serene water, I watch the small ripples that erupt with gusts of wind. I get lost in thought, wondering why I feel so solemn, this doesn't feel like me. I want to go home, but my father's words keep echoing in my head. That home was never mine to begin with.

“Um…hello?” I get startled by the sound and turn around quickly. I see a young man, presumably my age.

“Who are you?” I ask curiously, his clothes look like that of a Commoner.

“I'm Marcus, I work in the stables,” he looks at my attire, “You seem of noble birth, no one really comes to this part of the mansion. Who are you?” he asks curiously.

“I'm Raya,” I reply softly, soaking my hand in the lake water.

“Raya as in…the new Lady of the House?” He asks looking shocked and quickly bows, “I apologise for not recognizing you and behaving impudently. Please punish me if I have offended you,” he rambles away and I chuckle.

“No need to apologise. I don't bite and don't worry, you haven't offended me in any way. So calm down and feel free to take a seat,” I respond in a friendly tone and he smiles in relief, taking a seat a bit away from me.

“I did hear about the new Lady's arrival, but I didn't expect her to be so young,” he chuckles, “So my Lady, what brought you to this part of the woods?”

“I was exploring this place and came across this beautiful lake,” I kept playing with the water.

“It is indeed a beautiful sight. But nobody visits here. I come here every once in a while after tending to the horses. I didn't expect to see the Lady of the House to be playing in water here,” he teases me playfully.

“Can't a Lady enjoy her water?” I reply back in the same way.

The back and forth continues and I start feeling like I have made a friend in this unknown place. I bid him farewell after a while and started making my way back into the palace.

Perhaps…it won't be too bad…


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