Chapter - 19

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I work with the Accountant to finish making the budget. Afterwards I make it to the Lord’s office to let him check and finalise the budget for the year.

I knock on the door, “Come in,” I take a deep breath and go inside.

“My Lord, the budget for the year has been organised. I've brought it to show you and finalise it,” I say politely and he gestures to me to lay the budget on the table. I obey and put it down.

“How have you been?” He asks, not looking up at me. I suppose he did notice my slight limp.

“I've been doing well,” I reply softly, not wanting to discuss how I feel. He wouldn't understand anyway. He looks up at me and stares intently, letting out a sigh, “Is Eryx healthy?”

“He's indeed growing up well,” I reply truthfully, Eryx is as playful and happy as ever. His giggles are like melodies to me. I instinctively smile, thinking about how he was playing with my hair earlier.

He notices my smile, “You truly are a loving mother. Eryx is going to grow up with a good heart,” he says calmly, his usual malicious aura seems to dissipate while he talks about him.

“I simply love my son like every other mother,” I try to sound as calm as possible. This office brings back the memories of the previous week, making a shiver run down my spine.

He carefully looks through the budget and nods, “Everything seems to be well balanced. You've done great,” he says proudly.

He hands me a set of keys, “Bring me the family seal from the third drawer,” he points at the opposite corner of the room.

I go as per his instructions and open the drawer. As I was looking through the objects, I found two seals. One seemed quite off, but I decided to ignore it and return with the family seal.

The Lord approves the budget and I return to the Accountant’s office to officially submit it. I return to my chamber to spend a relaxing time with Eryx after that.



As Lei sees his son sitting in front of him unconscious, he starts panicking, “What did you do to my son?”

“Calm down, he's not dead yet,” he heaves a sigh of relief. “Well, he might be dead soon, if you don't start talking,” I glared down at him.

“Please don't hurt him, your Highness. He's just a child,” he begs.

“I won't have to hurt him if you simply confess,” I grit out, he's getting on my nerves.

“I…I don't know anything. A man bribed me with land and more supplies during the famine that year. He promised that we'd get more influence if the royal family crumbles,” he blurts out nervously.

“A man named Raven, I only met him thrice, he always wore a mask. He manipulated me when I was desperate. I apologise for my betrayal, but I only did it because people in my domain were suffering because of the famine. Please don't punish my son for my mistakes,” he keeps begging, tears streaming down his cheeks.

“What else did you do for him?” I ask calmly. His reasoning makes sense, there were many domains struck by famine that year. But it's still no excuse for treason.

“We were simply tasked with finding suitable assassins for the work. He hasn't contacted us since the funeral was held and we had no way to contact him. He'd send us a letter regarding when and where to meet him,” he rambles away in a shaky voice.

I think for a while, wondering who it could be. This man seems to be the mastermind behind that whole assassination attempt. What could he possibly gain from this?

What worries me more is that there hasn't been any movement or any sort of assassination attempts neither on Father nor any of my siblings.

At first Father suspected the families of the concubines, considering I'm the only child of the Emperor and Empress and if I'm out of the way, their son might get a chance to rise to the throne.

Hence they were investigated by Father's spies, but they found no relations with them.

I look back at Lei, “Do you have any knowledge of where Siegel might have gone?”

“Lord Siegel has a house on the bank of the Mistveil River. He might be hiding there,” he says thoughtfully. I gesture to the guards to send men to the said location.

Judging from the way Lei seems scared, I can assume he's not lying. I start thinking things through.

The assassin mentioned coming into contact with three people. Lei, Siegel and a mystery man named Raven. After capturing Lei, his testimony suggests that they were simply pawns in Raven's conspiracy.

Who could he be? Who would wish for the Royal Family's demise and yet not do anything else for ten years?

That's when something clicks in my head, I turn to Lei, “You said he sent you letters right?” He nods.

“Do you still have them?” I look at him intently. “Yes, I do. I kept them in a safe in case I ever needed them,” he replies quickly.

My gaze finds Damien,“Take him with you and retrieve the letters.”


Thanks a lot for all the support guys! I didn't expect to return to so many views!

I'm grateful to each and every one of you!

I haven't updated in over a week due to my exams! I hope all of you will continue this journey with me!

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