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For as long as I remember, whenever I asked my family how they'd met, they all had the same answer: That they "fell in love at first sight" or that "it was fate" or  "in a very unexpected place and time". It was as if they came up with that when they discovered my mom was pregnant with me, but I was too young to understand that, so I believed it.

I believed in love at first sight and all types of love, I also believed that one day it would finally be my turn. I also loved books since I was 4 and I could recite poems by the time I was 7. And my parents noticed that, I was by far, the best in my class, so my parents decided to make me learn the Piano and I Loved it, I also learned the Guitar but didn't like it as much, so I told my parents that I wanted to try the Ukulele, and I liked it, so now, I knew how to play 3 intruments, well 2, because I dropped my Guitar clases. And you might think we were well-off but, nuh-uh, we were actually middle class and I was with scholarship at a very prestigeous school, the school was so prestigeous we even had to wear uniforms. Good thing I had my 2 BFF's, Yoshua -aka Yoshi- and Anastasia -aka Anny-, they were with me since the first day of school, I even remember how we met.

8 years ago

I was standing in front of the school gate, new to all of this, new to someone coming to pick me up, new to wearing uniform, new to being in an actual school, new to Littlewood Secondary School and I was scared, scared of what would happen, then, I saw those big, blue eyes and I thought "wow they're so pretty" and it seems like I got lost in those eyes because when I snapped back,

I turned to see someone grabing my hand, like she just saved me from getting hit or something. She had light brown hair with beautiful honey eyes and white clear skin. As she shouted to the boy to be more careful, she looked at me, with concern in her eyes "Are you okay?" she said, and proceeded to look over my body like she was expecting something.

"I'm okay" I said, smiling,

She smiled back,

"Good. Um, Hi" she waved, "I'm Anastasia, but you can call me Anny" she said, as she streched her hand, and when my hand met hers, she smiled,

"Hi, I'm Iris, nice to meet you" a pause "Anny" as I looked at Anny, and felt something warm in my chest, I was happy, I was happy I finally met someone my age.

Then someone came running towards us, a boy, he had wavy red hair with freckles all over his face.

When he was standing besides Anny, I looked at him, confused.

"Oh," said Anny, it looked like she saw my expression "This is Yoshua, but you can call him Yoshi"

"No, she can't," said the boy, whispering to Anny, but he knew, she knew, I had heard him, "I barely even know her!"

"Now, don't be mean, Yoshi, she is new to this school," how did she know that, I thought.

"Oh," said Yoshua smiling a little bit "well then, feel free to call me Yoshi" we stared at each other for what I think was, 2 seconds, before I introduced myself, again.

Then, I turned to face the academy, and boy, was it big. I must've looked nervous, because Anny patted my back, before locking our arms together like were BFF's for life, looking confident, and Yoshi repeated her actions, and I figured, maybe I should too, copy her, just in case I looked like an odd ball, and we three went inside.

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