Chapter 5 Iris

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I didn't mean to leave Mathew stand there alone. But what he did left me speechless so, I admit, I was scared of talking to him, so maybe that's why I followed Kelsie.

When he bent down, I almost thought that he would kiss me, and I don't really know why, but I was really looking forward to that kiss. I felt that those dreamy big blue eyes were sucking me in. My hands moved by themselves, his face was really soft, not to mention his silky dark-almost-dirty-blonde hair. He was really handsome up close, and couldn't help but notice that he smelled good, so good. Not to mention tall, really tall, with broad shoulders.

It looked like Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio had a baby. And that baby was Mathew.
Mathew was incredibly cute, hot, handsome and very bad-ass when he wanted to be.

Not gonna lie, He had me hooked the first time we saw each other 8 years ago, and I'm still obsessed with him. I think, ever since I stared at those blue eyes, I've been obsessed. I mean, who wouldn't!

When I went up to those same marble stairs Mathew had come from, I couldn't help but wonder, if I had already gotten feelings. If I had gotten attached to him, or if it was simply attraction that I felt for him.

Mathew was the most addictive person I've ever met, He was my addictive drug, he was so addictive that I couldn't get enough of him.
I wanted him. I think.

I finally reached the top floor, and it was massive. It had Hardwood floors and tables with flowers.

Some of those tables made it look like Mathew had spent the time at home all by himself, and that meant parties or girls getting involved because some of the tables had several different condom boxes or thongs scattered around. To that I was used to, but still felt something in my stomach. Maybe disgust. Maybe.

When I got to Kelsies' room, I noticed that her whole room with bathroom, would be of the same size of the living room from my house.

I saw that she was facing her bedroom window that had view to her patio. She had settled down the glass bowl full of popcorn on her desk.

I closed the door so that we could have some privacy.

"Look, Kelsie, to whatever happened downstairs. I want you to know that, it wasn't my fault. I swear, Mathew started it," I assured her, I didn't want her to feel bad. She was, after all, my friend.

But Kelsie just laughed, she laughed so hard that I thought that it was joke, was Mathew playing games with me?

"I know," Said Kelsie, looking at me, laughing no more, "I know, you didn't start it and that was exactly what we agreed on, that you would help me spend time with Yoshua and that I would help you be with Matty," she said while looking at me. It looked like she was glaring at me, somehow. If looks could kill, my lifeless body would be lying here with Mathew laughing at me for being so stupid and pathetic.

"But listen, Iris, you are my first real friend, and by real, I mean that you are not using me to get closer to Matty," Well, Fuck. "And I am so grateful, really. You are the first friend that he hasn't stolen from me," Yet. "And would appreciate it if you could not get attached to him? For me, please," I nodded, smiling. Hiding whatever feelings I felt, all throughout the whole conversation.

She jumped out of her bed and hugged me. I reciprocated the hug.

It felt like I was doing something bad, really really bad. But all I could do was think one word. Soon. I would tell her as soon as this fucked up shit ended.

"Thank you for telling me that, Kelsie. Thank you for trusting me, I'm-" -sorry. But couldn't muster up the courage to tell her that.

She tilted her head, confused. "You're what?" A frown appeared on her face, "Iris?"

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