Chapter 6 Iris

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When I got home after all that had happened, all I could think of was:

Matthew kissed me, Mathew kissed me, Mathew kissed Me,

And I liked it. I actually fucking loved it. It was mind blowing and awesome, I could still taste those beautifully sculpted lips.  I couldn't believe what I had done to Kelsie, I really should abort the mission.

I laid on my bed, looking at the window that was full of stars, thinking, reflecting, shaking my head unconsciously. Man, I felt 2 things: Guilt and Happiness. Guilt, because of what I had done to Kelsie. I did precisely what she told me not to do. I fell for her cousin, one that she considered a sibling. Happiness, because I finally kissed my crush and mission almost accomplished. But I really shouldn't like him though, it's like, I liked the devil himself. But now that I think about it, he has always had a soft spot for me. But why now, why now after all this time.

After all thinking, I figured, I needed a drink, after all Mom and Dad weren't here, only Luke and Me.

As I got out of my room, I heard some giggling, but as I got closer to the living room, I stopped. I saw Luke with Anny, playing video games on the couch. Anny wasn't a video player, in fact, she didn't like video games at all, she said that 'they were for men or for men who have nothing else better to do',

What were they doing here? Was Anny flirting with Luke? I mean, Ew and Aw, Having Anny as part of the family wouldn't be so bad, but the thought of them kissing, just gives me the chills. Ew.

I tipped toed towards them and touched Luke's back, in an attempt to startle him.

"Jesus Christ, Iris," he said pausing the game, looking surprised. I chuckled.

"What? Too scared?" I said while making a faking a pout, "I thought you were so 'macho', because you came to my room yesterday morning, flaunting all your muscles," I said while bending my arms weakly. Anny looked at Luke, from his face to his torso, up and down, looking speechless.

"Okay, first of all," said Luke, "I was not scared, just surprised you were here. I thought you were with Elsie, Shelly or someone. And second, I definitely did not flaunt my muscles, my shower just wasn't working, besides, I'm pretty sure you didn't care,"

"Ok, first, her name is Kelsie," said Anny, showing her first 2 fingers, "and second, What in the actual fuck? Luke, how is it that you go flaunting," she paused, waving her wrist in front of him. Raising her eyebrows.

I left them bickering over stupidities. I came here for a drink, so that's what I was going to do.

Shit, there are no alcoholic beverages in the house. You did good, Dad, not leaving alcohol in a house with a teenager in it.

"Hey Luke!" I shouted from the kitchen, "Can you buy go buy some beer? You're the only legal adult here, with an adult's ID!"

"Sure, but first let me kill myself first, 'kay?" he answered from the other room,

"What, no, don't do that!" I said making it seem like I cared, "Why would you, though?" I asked,

"Because," He said, "Dad put me in charge of you, so I really, really don't want to be responsible if you're hangover and mom asks what you did." A short pause, "So, it's either I kill myself, or mom does it, and you wouldn't want to lose your dearest brother," he said, making me chuckle softly,

I walked towards Luke, and asked, "Do you want some milk then?" Raising an eyebrow

"Um, no you weirdo, I'll drink water like normal people do," he said, while making a face,

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