Prologue 2

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Since I was 4, my parents would fight Every. Single. Night they thought I was asleep. They would fight over the stupidest things. Over money, over Dad's affairs with Bridget, over Mom's affair with Daniel, over how they tainted each others reputation, over how I was growing up like my Dad, over how Mom didn't like me growing up with my Dad. Like I said, over the stupidest things, and that eventually led to their divorce. I was divided, I felt relieved but at the same times devastaded. Thankfully, every time I went to sleep, I didn't hear bickering anymore.

But me and mom moved from London to California when I was 7, and I had to start anew.

I went to Littlewood Academy until I was 8, then I went to Littlewood Secondary School, and I remember clearly what was like my first day of my second year at Littlewood Secondary School.

8 years ago

I had to wake up at 6:35 AM, again, for the last 2 years, to put on my school uniform and brush my messy light brown hair and teeth and wash my face, gosh, my eyes were so crusty, I hadn't gotten such a goodnight sleep in ages, literally. By 7:00 AM, I was all set. I kissed Mom on the forehead before leaving a note saying that I ate already so she wouldn't worry, she looked, kind of weird, she didn't have her clothes on, oh well, maybe she was hot. I walked down the luxurious marble stairway. As I gave my last step down the stairs, Lucy -the housekeeper- came up to me and said, "Good Morning Matty," she was the only one who called me that, besides my parents, "The car is ready." she said.

"Good Morning Lucy" I said back "let me just grab my backpack, 'kay?"

When I went to grab my backpack, I found my Mom's undearwear all over the floor along with men clothes and underwear. Had she spent the night with Daniel again? or was it David? I couldn't even remember his name because of all her previous affairs that she had. My eye twitched, disgusted, ugh, of course, that was why she didn't have her clothes on. Ugh, I hated when she was like that, I wanted to think otherwise but, no, she comes and proves me wrong, once again.

Annoyed, I snatch my backpack, and didn't even bother to say "goodbye" or "see ya", nothing, absolutley nothing, came out of my mouth, only an annoyed sigh.


When I arrived, at Littlewood Secondary School, I saw this girl, she looked about my age but smaller, she had light brown hair -like me- with clear green eyes and fair white skin and she was standing in front of the school gate, staring hard at the school. I think our eyes met, because, for a moment, she smiled at me, and her smile was, somehow, cute. I just frowned. Then I saw someone kick a soccer ball at her face, but Anastasia, cought her just in time, and she shouted something I couldn't hear because I was still inside the car. I frowned, said something and got out of the car, and followed Kevin, -He was the one who kicked the ball at her- and said to him, darkly "Why did you do it?"

"Huh?" he looked at me "What are you talking about bro?"

"Why did you kick the soccer ball at the new girl?"

"Why, you interested?" he grined, but I just stared at him, he flinched "uh, I swear, I didn't do it on purpose" he waved his hands.

"Really" I said "well, seems like I'll have to report you to the school dean, for playing outside without supervision" I turned around in direction of the girl, but she was already with Anastasia and Yoshua entering the school. I turned around, again, and glared at him "Oh, and I'm not your bro" a pause "so get lost, I don't ever wanna see you again".

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