Chapter 1 Iris

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Present Day

Beep, beep, beep, click. As I turn off my alarm clock, I turn to see the time and I see 7:00 AM, oh ok, wait, what! oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!, I couldn't be late for my first day of class!

"Shit" I mumbled under my breath so that my parents wouldn't hear.

"Iris, Can I use your bathroom?" Said Luke, knocking on my door. He was my older brother, 2 years older. I was 16, well, would turn 16 and he was 18, and he just gratuated and because he turned 18 they celebranted with wine, while I drank grape juice, how humiliating. I just couldn't wait to graduate just so I could no longer get to see Mathew.

I have to admit, he grew up to be fine, and by fine, I mean, tall, with the same beautiful blue eyes, hot as fuck, but, boy, was he mean, if I went to school with french braids he would come up to me with his little minions telling me I look ridiculous, which was totally- "Iris, you there?" Asked Luke, knocking on my door.
"Oh, um, yeah, you can come in" he entered my room, with just a towel on, one that only covered from hips to his knees. I see Luke worked out, huh, oh well, I shrugged it off, not that I cared but I knew that Anny did.

Ooh some gossip, nice!

Luke got my Dad's blonde hair and blue eyes, while I got Mom's light brown hair and and green eyes.

"Iris, you're gonna be late for class" Mom yelled from down stairs. Wow I seriously needed to change. You could say, I wasn't a morning person.

Ding, a notification from my phone. As I went to check my phone, I was -thankfully- already dressed for school, heading downstairs to grab an apple. Oh, a text from the groupchat, lets see..

Anny: Hey gurl! are u up?

Yoshi: She isn't, u know her, stop asking stupid questions

Anny: It isn't stupid, and I didn't text u! I texted Iris, dumbass!!

Me: Guys .. stop fighting this early in the morning, and ofc I'm up! ~_~

Yoshi: Are u ready??, bc I'm outside of your house

Me: Yep 👍

As I opened our front door, I see Yoshi's Kelley grey convertible and his red hair as shiny as it's always been since we met and green eyes, just a shade clearer than mine. As I sat on the copilot seat, I gave Yoshi our secret handshke.

"You know, you need to get your driver's license, sooner or later" Yoshi said looking at the road.

"True," I said looking at him "but if I got my driver's license, I wouldn't be able to use you as my personal chauffeur"

"Touché, mon ami" He said, lifting his arm to pat my shoulder

"Since when do you know french? because the last time I checked, you didn't like Spanish nor French. Said they were confusing" I shrugged, munching my apple

"Well, what can I do, people change, new year new me"

A sigh "oh gosh, what am I going to do with you" I said shaking my head slightly

We looked at each other for a second and bursted in laughter.
"haha!" He sighed "Happy early birthday" he said as he passed me my birthday present, I could see it was a small box.

"Aw, thanks Yoshi, you didn't have to" I gasped, dramatically "is it what I think it is" I said exitedly.

"Yep, I gotchu a brand new IPhone" he said, oddly confident

"Uh, you know, I didn't actualy need an IPhone, but, oh well"

"Yes, you do. You barely even answer your phone anymore!" he said as we parked in the school parking lot.

"You know, it's because I study just before going to bed!" I said as I opened the door.

I don't know why, but all the boys in school stared at me like I had just murdered a puppy, whispering between each other. Great my first day of school, gone through the urinal. I looked at Yoshi and he just shook his head, like he also didn't know what in the world was going on.

"Hey, babes," said Anny, skiping towards us. She was with her long signature hair, she had it in pigtails and seemed like she styled it because it was wavy, her hair was straight. She was wearing her uniform with accesories and wearing lip gloss, with a little bit of make-up and Mary Jane shoes with platform. Gotta admit, she looked stunning, as always.

"Hey, Anny," I said, giving her a kiss in the cheek, pretending we were french. We did that everytime we saw each other, since the day we met.

"Um, what's going on? everyone's looking at me like I had just murdered a puppy!" I said as I looked at everyone, and when I locked eyes with Mathew, he just grined at me, and god, those dimples. No, snap out of it. I frowned at him, and he winked.

"It's because Mathew told every one not to date or look like they liked you, otherwise something 'bad' will happen to them," said Anny, rolling her eyes up when she said 'bad'. "and I don't blame him, girl, you grew up to be very," a pause, while scaning me upside down, "I don't know, hot, sexy, cute, everything, you are very pretty, with beautiful body curves " she said as she winked at me.

"That last part, is very true," said Yoshi "If it weren't because I love you as a friend, I would've thought otherwise" as he shrugged and twisted his mouth a bit.

"Thanks, you guys. But, I really don't get Mathew. First, I wanted to be his friend then he rejected me and said 'I was a good for nothing loser and that he would rather eat dirt than to be my friend' then the next thing I know, is that he's going around telling all the boys not to date me!! that is just absurd" I scoffed "Now, I won't be able to fall in love!" that was a lie.

I already fell in love. In love with someone who 'would rather eat dirt', and I hated, that I. Loved. Him, he was a jerk but he did have soft side. It was when Rebbeca picked on me and told me all types of shit. Like I was poor and didn't deserve to be here, and then Mathew comes behind me and she's, like, scared and doesn't pick on me as often, but when I try to thank him, he says that if I were to drop out of school he wouldn't be able to 'talk' with me, and shrugged it off, without even making eye contact. Hah, as if!

"You are a hopeless romantinc, aren't you," said Yoshi, grabbing my backpack from the car. "Maybe that is why he picks on you" he said, and I knew exactly who he meant.

"Maybe, I don't know" I sighed "He's weird"

When I said that, Mathew was coming towards us, I turned. And I noticed that his hair, somehow, got clearer, like a dirty blonde, he had Flow Bangs. He was carrying his leather jacket over one shoulder and that made him look all the bad boy that he was, with his biceps that made it look like his shirt wasn't big enough for him. I noticed a bruise under his eye, it looked like he got in a fight. Would he get suspended for it? Did it hurt? How did he get it? Why did he do it? a million questions appeared in my mind, but why did I care, he was a motherfucker, he didn't even care about me, and got into all types of problems, whether they were with the school dean or with his Mother. And it seemed like I stared at him too much bacause what he said next surpised me.

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