Chapter 4 Mathew

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It was lunch break, when Kelsie came, lunch tray in hand, with a smile on her face, explaining how she never, in her almost 17 years of life, felt happy, like today. All because of Iris.

Kelsie told me to thank her in person, because she showed her around the school, introduced her to 'some friends', and did 'interesting' stuff.

Was she the one that was with Iris under the bleachers? Because I did see someone blonde with her, but didn't see her face.

Had Iris introduced her Yoshua and Anastasia? Because Kelsie, couldn't stop rambling about 'Yoshi' and 'Anny'.

"So let me get this straight," I said, shaking my head slightly, and puting my Minute Maid at the lunch tray, with both elbows in the table, "You," I said, pointing at Kelsie, "Want me" I said, while pointing my chest, "To thank Iris because she did you a favor and to become her friend?" This is almost to easy. Too good to be true.

Come to think of it, my plan consisted in 4 stages: First I'll make Iris believe I want to become her friend, then 'change' my personality into someone 'sweet and loving', make her fall in love with me and while she thinks I 'love' her, use her as a toy, then dump her. Of course, it had to be more complicated than that, but I had to try, do it step by step.

"Yeah, It's the least we can both do," said Kelsie, making an unnecesary enphasis on 'both', "Besides, I already invited her to a girls night at your place, tonight," she said, shrugging her shoulders like it didn't matter if I already had plans.

"Kelsie, What the fuck?" I said, lowering my voice, "Why did you invite her to my place and not yours? and tonight?!" I said, lowering my voice so no one would hear, "I asked mum if you would be a pain in the ass, and she said that you wouldn't be such pain, but," I said, scanning her, "I see she was wrong,"

"Oh, c'mon Matty, aren't you happy for me? I finally made friends, friends that are genuinely interested in my life, not just my parents, but me, Matty. You should look for friends like that, not assholes that are with you because you throw big, lavish parties or because you hook-up with the 'hottest' girls,She said, looking at me and pointing at Brandon, Cole, Mike and their girlfriends. Well more specifically, hook-up partners that are around them 24/6.

"Whoa, hold your horses there, Kelsie, I never said I wasn't happy for you, all I asked, was, why did you invite Iris to my place? That's all,"

"Because," she said avoiding my gaze. I frowened a little, "Your place is bigger than mine,"

"Really?" I asked, skeptical, "Look, Kelsie, I've known you for literally all my life, and I know when you are scheming something," I scuffed, "You cunning little bitch,"

"Now, now, tell me, do you have plans for this beautifull day, after class?"

"See, I knew it, I was right, you are scheming something behind my back, Kelsie," I shook my head, in utter indignation, sarcastically.

She just looked at me unninterested and changed the conversation.

We talked about how Anastasia made fun of her brittish accent and when I asked 'What about me? Did she make fun of my accent too? She laughed and told me that none of her friends made fun of me, only Iris, but that Iris was secretly fan-girling over me.


It was 5:27 PM, I was in my gaming room, in front of my 70in. TV, and got thirsty so I stood up from my Plume Blanche sofa and went down the marble staircase.

I only gave 4 steps before I saw the most, beautiful human being, Iris.

She was wearing a green french beret, green oversized drop shoulder pullover sweater and a small black skirt with jimmy choo shoes. Whoa, she looked stunning. But where did she get those clothes? Did Kelsie gave her those?

I stared at her and she stared back, both glued to where we stand.

My legs finally started moving, but I guess they moved uncousiously because when I reached downstairs, I was inches away from Iris's face and God, I could finally die in peace. She smelled so sweet, between strawberries and vanilla. Her hair was divided in two strands, both over her shoulders. She was wearing make up and lip-gloss, and the lip-gloss gave her natural peachy color, a sparkle, she looked divine, and that sent a tingle down to my lower body.

"You look really pretty," I blurted, "Are you wearing contacts? Because your eyes are so beautiful," Time to set my plan in motion. But she did look really pretty, what I said wasn't a lie.

"Oh, thanks," She said looking down and biting her lip, blushing.

"Hey," I grabbed her chin so we could look eye-to-eye, "Your smile's beautiful, don't hide it, shorty," I touched her lip so that she could stop bitting it and stared at her. Badum-Badum-Badum, seems like my heart wanted to burst. I bent down so our lips almost touched. Almost.

Smelling her in, closing my eyes, enjoying the moment.

Iris touched my face, and her right hand went through my hair, caressing it. We both looked at each other, hard. And I saved this moment in my mind.

Then Kelsie came through the kitchen portal that connected, both the living room and kitchen.

Kelsie, looking all casual. Wearing white with light-blue slippers. Looking down at the glass bowl, full of popcorn, smiling. She then raised her head and looked at us. Iris and I shared a look, then looked at her, both of us petrified and look at her smile vanish, and all that was left on her face, was a frown in her eyebrows.

With the bowl full of popcorn, Kelsie, stormed upstairs to the guest room she was staying in, and Iris followed.

I just stood there, shocked. What just happened?

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