Chapter 3 Iris

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I really don't understand Mathew. For a second, he looks genuinely concerned or worried about me, but then, out of a sudden, he snaps, and stares at my chin, then my lips. What was wrong with him.

As he dissapears from sight into the school. He leaves me all alone to my thoughts.

You know what, I will do 2 things, for my survival in this school.

I will turn Mathew in a new version of himself, so new, he won't be able recognize himself. And last but not least, I will make allies. And you might be wondering, How will I be able to pull that off? What allies? And I have just the answer to your questions, one answer only. Using my connections: Anny, the Teachers and Mathew's hook-up partners or his family. Easy, I have it very easy as the teachers favorite, I could simply pretend that I was interested in actually helping Mathew graduate! and because of Anny, almost everyone in the school knew me.

Well easier said than done, because Rebecca is one of Mathew's hook-up partners and he didn't have sisters or brothers in the school. Oh god! what was I gonna do now? Inhale and Exhale, hahh, don't worry Iris, if there's a god, have mercy on us, O wise ones. I set my prayers and thought: They'll help, yeah, don't worry.

As I entered the school front doors, a girl with blond short hair and bangs with hazel eyes, accidentaly bumps into me and her glasses fall off, as I apologize to her and help her stand up, I couldn't help but feel like I've seen her already.

"Are you from the yearbook staff?" I blurted, without thinking.

"Uh, yeah, I am," she had a brittish accent like Mathew and she streched her hand, I nodded and streched mine too, "I'm Kelsie, by the way." If I couldn't shake off the feeling that I knew her already, her name made it awfully hard to remember.

"I'm Iris, nice to meet you Kelsie," I said, as I picked up her glasses from the floor "Um, Kelsie, are you new here? or someone's cousin? because, I feel like I've seen you before somewhere" I said, squinting my eyes a little.

"Oh, I'm surprised anyone noticed, as a matter of fact, I am, I'm Mathew's cousin," She said, smiling inocently. Wow, they both, were total opposites, sure they had their good looks, but different personalities. While one acted like the devil himself, this one looked like she just decended from heaven. This was an opportunity to set my plan in motion.

"Yeah? It's just that you both look so similiar!" I said, as I pulled her to the lockers so that we wouldn't block the entrance. "If you want, I could show you around the school and show you to your locker? If you want" I assured her, looking innocently. Hehe, if this worked, I would win in this real-life-hunger-games.

"Sure," Jackpot! "Thank you so much, your my saviour, Matty said he was 'too' busy," was that what she called Mathew? Matty?

"Is that what you call Mathew?" I blurted "Matty?" I said, looking curious. I swear, I am genuinely curious.

"Yeah, but don't tell anybody," she said, lowering her voice, "When I arrived here, he made me promise I wouldn't tell anybody or that would taint his reputation or something," She said, with those big hazel eyes of hers, still not wearing her glasses. I couldn't believe she trusted me that easily, I was really going to regret doing this to her. "Now, you have to promise me that you won't say that to anyone," she said shaking her head slightly after saying 'anyone', "Promise me," she said as she extended her pinky, as to saying 'pinky promise'.

"I promise you Kelsie, this is going to be with me till I die, 'cause before dying, I will let Mathew know that I knew his secret all along, and blackmail him into doing what I want" to that she laughed, and I smiled. I sealed the promise.

I showed Kelsie the school after class, showed her the school courtyard, showed her the classrooms, the Science labs, the cafeteria and lastly, showed her my favorite spot under the bleachers, to look at the boys take their shirt off -without them noticing us- after playing soccer.

Then, I spoted Mathew looking at me, directly in my eyes, looking at me daringly, with a smirk in his eyes, how did he-? When he took his shirt off -still looking at me- I noticed he was yoked. My eyes, hungry, traced him everywhere, his biceps were so big and those abs, were just chef's kiss, I also noticed he didn't have a single body hair, well, he did, in his armpits, but that was all. When my eyes landed at the v-line he had, I couldn't help but look down and stare at his crotch and noticed it was big. God what was I doing, his cousin was right next to me! I turned my head in direction at Kelsie's and noticed she was looking at Yoshi, well more specifically, staring, eating him alive. When she noticed I was looking at her she blushed a little.

"Who is the guy with redhair and cute freckles?" she said as she looked at me and discreetly pointing at him for me to spot him. I hate to admit it, but Yoshi went from cute-little-chubby-cheeks-boy to hot-as-fuck-well-built-man, and he treated every girl the same, even me, but it didn't send me the butterflies in my stomach like Mathew did just now.

"Oh, him?" I asked, Kelsie nodded, "He's my bestie, Yoshua, but I call him Yoshi,"

She said 'Yoshi' under her breath as if trying the name for the first time,

"But don't get your hopes up too much, he treats almost every girl the same, even me," I shrugged my shoulders a little, "Do you wanna meet him? because I can easily arrange that, I can introduce you the group as a friend and you two will naturally see each other,"

"Really? you'd do that for me?" I smiled and nodded, she sqealed silently and hugged me tightly, "My gosh, thank you so, so much. We just met and I owe you so much already" she said as she grabbed my hand in gratitude.

"Well, if you feel like you owe me so much, could you do me a tiny little favor?" I asked, she nodded.

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