Chapter 7 Mathew

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Saturday Night 7:00

I saw the location she had airdropped me. I made a google search and noticed it was a small neighborhood, some with one floor houses. Man, how could I still not have Iris's phone number so I could give her a call, telling her I was going to be late.

I finished eating dinner and went straight to my room to choose my clothes. I opened my closet and crossed my arms, choosing what clothes I should wear for the date. A date? Sorry but I have to laugh at the idea. I'm just doing this for the sake of the plan, also because Kelsie asked me to do it.

I checked the weather and saw that it would be 62 degrees with a minimum of 52. We were in fall after all, so it was bound to happen anytime. I settled with my white hoodie and threw a black jacket on top and chose beige sweatpants that would match the white hoodie, with black and white Nike. When I reached downstairs I saw that it was already 7:30, there was going to be some traffic, so I went to my Lexus and started driving to her house.


I arrived to her house just in time and honked the car's horn twice. I noticed her house wasn't small nor big. It was perfect for a family. Iris had the perfect family and since we were 8, I had always been jealous. She got it all. While I got the worst parents ever.

While I waited for her to open the flower decorated front door, I grabbed my phone and started scrolling on Instagram and saw that Brandon was in a party at Rebecca's, playing beer pong and some hooking ups too. Then Iris opened the door, I looked up and saw her, she looked beautiful. She was wearing a cute dress that had a turtle neck and the length of the skirt was only a few inches above her knees, with red converse and a red winter jacket that was longer than the dress, with the Valentino bag that -I assume- Kelsie gave her. She walked towards the car and I unlocked it.

"Aren't you cold?" I blurted, looking at her take take a seat in my car. I saw her legs and noticed that the skirt was too tight and thought that if I lifted the skirt just a little, I would see her- no, stop. This is wrong, well it is part of the plan, but it's too early. I shook those thoughts away. Hoping she didn't notice.

"Mm-mm," she denied, shaking slightly her head, "I don't get cold easily. Luke does," she said. Who is Luke? I wondered, "In case you didn't know Luke is my brother, so... don't get any weird ideas," well guess that answered my question.

"I never thought that," I scoffed. Put my phone in the console and started driving. It was going to awkward unless someone said anything. Man, you could cut the tension with a knife.

"So.." said Iris, trying to start a conversation, "I, um, noticed that the weather was going to be too cold for ice cream," she finished saying while looking at me, I nodded in agreement, "what do you have in mind?" She asked,

"I don't know, you invited me. I should be the one asking that," I said, looking at the highway.

"Ohh, someone's in a bad mood," she said, teasingly, looking at me.

"I'm not- look, you wanted this, right? I just said that I would make it up to you, not invite you to a dinner, date or whatever," I said, obviously annoyed by her sudden confidence on speaking with no filter to me.

I saw Iris separate her lips and then started biting her upper lip. She did this when she felt any kind of emotion she didn't want to express.

When we arrived at the fall state fair. I parked, got out of the car and went to where Iris was seated, opened her door and took her hand. She looked at me weird but thanked me.

We walked and walked till we reached some guards. I showed them a card my mum had given me. The card -I assume- is a proprietary card. My dad used to work for this types of shit, so, I guess he gave it to my mum.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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