Chapter 2 Mathew

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Present day

I was in the school parking lot, talking to Brandon, and suddenly everyone was looking at someone. Iris, whispering, taking pictures, like she just did something awful -which she never did-. What was wrong with all these people. As I turned to look at her, I saw that she was already looking at me with those beautiful jade green eyes and light brown hair. I noticed that she was with Anastasia and Yoshua, and that she had cut her hair short and gotten curtain bangs, I liked her hair. I also noticed that she frowned at me and my mouth automatically moved. Then she turned towards Anastasia and Yoshua and I decieded to tease her a bit, just to see her reaction. As I moved toward her, I heard a faint 'weird', Was she talking about me? I couldn't help but think that. She turned and made eye contact. When I reached her, I bent a bit, so that our noses almost touched, still making eye contact.

"Picturing me naked? huh, Iris" I said as my nose almost touched hers.

She looked surprised I said that, "How could I, when I haven't even seen you without your shirt off. Not that I cared" she added, blushing a little. Still with my nose almost touching hers. She stared at me and I stared back.

She was a head smaller, and she had gotten so sexy/cute, had she worked out over the summer to impress me? because if she did, she got a solid 10. God, this girl drived me crazy, ever since we met. It wasn't like I loved her at first sight, that was stupid. I just wanted her and that always sends a tingle down to my lower body. She had gotten more curvy and like I said, sexy. Thank goodness I told half school to fuck off, but now that I had seen her, I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs how, She. Was. Mine. But kept a neutral face because I couldn't let her see my soft spot for her, not yet.

"Ahem!" Said Anastasia and Yoshua, at the same time. "We should go, Iris" said Yoshua, pointing the school.

"No, you go, I'll handle this" said Iris trying to whisper at them, but I heard her loud and clear. "Are you sure?" asked Anastasia.

"Yeah, I'll handle this butt-wipe" said Iris, pointing at me, Anastasia just nodded. When she left, Iris turned to me and I swear to god, I even smelled her perfume, she smelled so sweet, I wanted to devour her, here and then.

"Why did you do it?" Asked Iris, crossing her arms. My eyes went downt to her chest and noticed they had gotten bigger than the last year, but immediately looked at her jade green eyes. Hoping she didn't notice.

"Do what?" a pause "save you from those assholes trying to make their way down to your G-spot?" I stopped. And noticed she was blushing hard, but pretending not to. "Anyway, did you just call me butt-wipe?" A corner of my mouth twitched, making her look at one of my dimples.

"Are you avoiding my question?," she said, un-crossing her arms. "And did you hear when I was talking to Anny?" she said as she shook slightly her head, looking curious. Anny? Was that what she called Anastasia?

"No," I said drily, "And I just asked a question,"

While we were talking, I guided her towards the school entrance, but she almost triped and didn't see the car that was coming to her. So I grabed her by her shoulders and brought her to me, in an almost-hug. When I finished cursing at the driver of the car, Rebecca. I noticed that Iris was shocked and blushing, hard. I took her chin in my hands, and scanned her. When she looked at me with some glitter in her eyes, I noticed what I was doing, and I was worrying about her. Mathew Williams didn't 'worry' about someone. I made them worry. So I left her chin like it burned my hand and looked where my hand had been, and I couldn't help but notice those lips, they were full with a peachy color. Why did they have to be so kissable.

"Thank you," said Iris, like she meant that, ignoring what I had done. I nodded, "You saved my life, thank you Mathew." I nodded, again. "No, I mean it, really, thank you."

"And I meant when I said that I didn't want you gone, it would be a pity, the teachers would be all alone without someone to love" I blurted.

When I said the word 'love', I felt something bitter in my mouth, but ignored it. Iris laughed. She laughed. I don't know why, but I felt something warm in my chest, maybe because she had a cute laugh.

What was I thinking? Cute laugh? What the fuck? I hated her. She got loving parents and a sibling, while all I got was a sex-addict of a Mother and a workaholic Father. And I hated her for it, she took everything for granted. Acted like she owned the school. Like she didn't have a single care in the world, while all the preassure was on me, like, what the fuck, my parents had to take care of their own shit. I had better things to do.

"Let's go inside." said Iris. I looked at her weird, "Come on Mathew, I'm not gonna kill you!" She said smiling, a pause "Oh shit," she stopped smiling.

"You really are weird," now, I paused, "Is everything," Ugh, I was really going to regret this "Is everything okay?"

"I forgot to pick up my P.E clothes out of the laundry" she said as she smacked that small forehead of hers.

"Just use the back-ups," A pause, "You do have back ups right?"

"I do! but those are also at the laundry!" God, this girl looked like she was being miserable. And I have to admit, I enjoyed it.

"Well, good luck with that, Shorty," When I said 'Shorty' she frowned, looking at me from head to toes, and then back to my eyes.

When I finished talking with her, I took a step back and turned towards the school gates, did the peace sign, with both fingers of my left hand and saluted her from behind. I was facing the school, while I left her looking at my back. And did a wicked grin, which I knew she didn't see. I knew exactly what to do with that naive little girl, trapped in the body of a 16 year old. She's going down.

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