Chapter 12

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The video is just bc I miss his face

Violet's POV

"Sam I already told you I don't do that anymore"

"Come on Violet, it's just one more mission. These people need our help, your help. You're the only one powerful enough"

I sighed and put my phone on speaker as I folded my laundry

"Sam I'm sorry, I haven't been feeling well recently and with everything going on with Bucky I just don't have time to fight bad guys or try to save people who just see me as a monster. I think after everything we all deserve a break for once."

"Okay Violet I respect your decision. But no one thinks you're a monster. Bucky is on his way here, I will see you when I get back." Sam says then hangs up

I put my phone in my pocket and laid down on my bed looking up at the ceiling I start to tear up thinking about Bucky.

I roll over and close my eyes, not wanting to think about anything anymore, drifting off into sleep.

*next day*

"Violet?" I hear my name being called from downstairs, I sit up with a groan as I hear footsteps coming up the stairs. My door opens and I see Bucky

"Hey Vi, I was calling for you" he says as he sits on my bed

"Sorry I fell asleep early last night. What's up"

"Well I went to see Sam and he asked about what you said but I never heard back from you about that thing we were talking about and I wanted to check in" he says looking up at me with a smile

I look down at my hands and take a shaky breath "Bucky, I don't think 'that' would even be a possibility and if it was I don't think we're ready, or capable." I look up at him after a second of silence, his face had a sad expression and it made my heart break

"But Sam said he knows someone that can reverse everything that hydra did to us. I mean that's the only thing standing in the way of us actually being happy! We can have the life you always wanted Vi. We can be normal." He says with hope in his eyes as he holds my hand

"Bucky listen, you're not in the right headspace, we're not in the right headspace for that kind of responsibility and we can't just go to therapy I mean, 70 years of torture is not something normal people go through James." I let go of his hand and stand up starting to get irritated

"The life you're talking about is the life we should've had yes, but we can't have it. Hydra took that away from us and we can't change or undo anything that happened James! We're stuck as super soldiers where we can never be normal and never have children or even be remotely happy because every time we try one of us cracks and goes on a killing spree! I'm sick of listening to your false hope James I'm sorry but I cannot keep sitting by and letting you live in this delusion!" I yell as tears fall down my face

I look at Bucky and he's also crying

"I'm sorry for bringing it up Vi, I know it's a sensitive topic for you but this isn't false hope, I trust Sam and I know he wouldn't want to see either of us suffer so if he says there's someone who can fix us I believe him. He knows what I want Violet and he believes we can do this." He stands up and comes over to me pulling me into a hug

"I know we can do this, you just need to have a little faith in us." He whispers in my ear

I smile and pull away

"Are you sure Bucky? We can't go back after this."

"There's nothing I want more than to have a baby with you Mrs. Barnes."

I pull him in for a kiss

"I'm sorry I yelled at you I'm just not feeling well today" I say as we pull away

"It's okay doll, do you need anything?" He asks as he holds my face in his hands

"No I just wanna be with you right now" I say as I pull him back into a hug

"How about we stay home today and take some time for us then we can talk about everything tomorrow" Bucky suggests

I pull away enough to look at him "That sounds great. My only condition is that we watch Bridgerton and make a cute pillow fort."

He smiles and nods "You got it babe, but I think we should have a few breaks here and there..." he says before biting his lower lip

"Oh? And what would we do during these 'breaks'?" I ask putting my hands around the back of his neck

"Well maybe something like this..." he says as he pulls me into a deep kiss

"Maybe we should start building the fort" I say pulling away from the kiss

"Umm okay?" Bucky asks in a questioning tone

"No I'm not mad at you, I'm just really excited, I've never built a fort before." I say with a reassuring smile

"Well that's not good because I haven't either." He says laughing

"This might end badly. Are you prepared Mr. Barnes?" I ask looking at him seriously

"Oh, you know it Mrs. Barnes." He says with a smile

"Alright, let's do this!" I say holding up my hands for a double high five

He high fives me back but instead of just hitting my hands he holds my hands and pulls me into a deep kiss

"I love you"

"I love you too"

forever isn't as long as we hoped (Bucky Barnes fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now