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You groaned in bed, hand held tightly on the hot (boiling) water bottle that was pressed tightly against your stomach whilst you writhed in pain.

Frisk grimaced as he watched on what felt like your death bed, the flowers that kept popping up and dying the moment they unattached themselves from you seemed to just further prove that theory.

"Uuuhrhh I didn't miss this at all." You stated in pain crunching In on yourself in bed as you held back tears (that's a lie you were in fact in tears) from the pain.

"Mei and Mk are at the front door, what do you want me to tell them?" She asked pointing their thumb backwards to where the stairs would be.

"Tell them to go on without me... I'm not leaving the house today..." Your voice muffled in the sheets as you felt like your stomach was being repeatedly slammed with a sledgehammer.

They nodded heading off downstairs to inform the two young adults that their ghost friend would not be able to join them on this day, looking back at them watching roll on their side in pain.

Wow, how glad they are she doesn't get painful cramps.

"What? Why not?" Mk asked tilting his head as he looked at Frisk in confusion Mei butting in besides him.

"Did something happen??" She asked concerned peering into the house.

"Uh, yeah something like that." She said scratching the back of his neck.

"They're not feeling so well, period problems and all that, they told me to tell you guys to go on without them." They both said oooh looking a bit disappointed but nodding and walking away.

That went surprisingly pretty calm for the two chaos agents.

Frisk then shut the door and headed back upstairs to the geust room.

✧˚ · .・゚゚・。

"You sure you'll be okay?" Frisk asked holding onto his bag.

You nodded looking back at them.
"Yeah, go have fun with- uh Kara or whatever their name was again." You said mumbling as you laid down in agony the paracetamol having not fully kicked in.

"Okay, I'll tell you when I'll be back tomorrow." She said turning off the mainlight, the only thing illuminating your room being the small lamp.

You wished them a good evening as Frisk said goodbye, leaving your sight as you heard them shut the front door.
A night home alone would be nice for a change, preferably if it were in different circumstances it'd be better but at least its a bit peaceful.

Sighing you just rested your head on the pillow breathing in and out as you let yourself be lulled by the silence.


What the-

"Ow Mk! You're stepping on my foot!"

"Woa- watch out! THE NOODLES-"
"Nevermind saved em!"

Of course.

You sighed and reluctantly sat up crawling over to the end of your bed to look out the window.

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