Chapter 8

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Hot shot was doing really well with getting his chemotherapy. He was getting used to his NG tube. He didn't even notice it was there. Hot shot liked the NG tube because this way he could get food, water and medicine without it making him sick. Hot shot knew just like his central line that the NG tube was his friend.

Hot shot was able to go home with the NG tube. A couple of weeks later Hot shot was headed back to the hospital. It was for another surgery. It was to remove the part of the tumor that remained in his brain. There was a chance it would take more surgery after that due to the type of brain tumor it was and it's location. Luckily for Hot shot Dr. Hansen his neurosurgeon was great at that kind of thing. Hot shot was ready to be very brave for it.

Hot shot was ready to be brave for it and get it done. Hot shot made sure he packed all that he was going to bring. Hot shot knew he was going to be in the hospital for a while after his brain surgery. He was ready for it too. Hot shot knew he was going to spend some special occasions there. Dr. Zhao wanted Hot shot to stay for a long time this time due to him having a brain surgery and having more tests and treatments after that. It was also to observe him for a while. Hot shot was ready to be brave for it.

Hot shot watched the video from the imaginary friend society about what to bring to the hospital. He was making sure to bring comfy clothes, his pillow, a couple of blankets, a few toys, his tablet, a few books, his slippers, coloring books, crayons and pictures of loved ones. Hot shot was double checking to make sure he packed everything for his stay at Cook Children's hospital. Hot shot was ready to go and very excited for it.

Hot shot made sure everything was packed up and now holding on to Roxy the rhino he was ready to get going. Hot shot was ready to be very brave. They got into the car and headed to Cook children's hospital. Hot shot watched as things were going by. He was eager to get there. He was ready to get rid of more of his cancer inside his head. He knew he was going to be asleep during surgery and that he was going have scarring from his surgery. He already had one scar and he was going to get another. Hot shot was going to have to get used to having more than one scar. Hot shot knew it was to help him. Hot shot was going to be very brave. The surgery was going to be much easier now because the rest of Hot shot's hair had fallen out. The chemotherapy finished making all of the hair fall out.

Hot shot remembers his hair fell out in clumps practically. Hot shot talked to Penny about hair loss and she showed him the video on losing his hair. Hot shot learned from Penny and the video he might only lose a little hair, or his hair would thin out slowly, or he could lose all of his hair really fast and even lose his eyebrows and eyelashes. Hot shot was in shock about how fast his happened when it happened a few days later, but he felt okay because he knew it was going to happen. Hot shot learned there were many ways to show his style with the hair loss. Hot shot liked beanie hats, bandanas and being natural.

Hot shot's father would stroke his soft, smooth and warm head. Hot shot loved it when his father did that, it felt nice. His mother would give him a big kiss on his head which made Hot shot smile. Sometimes it got itchy and his parents would put cream or lotion on it to help it not be so dry and itchy. If Hot shot wanted to go out without a hat or bandana his parents would put sunscreen that was very strong spf 30 or higher. It was because his skin was very sensitive during chemotherapy and it needed to be protected from the sun's harmful rays.

Sometimes when Heatwave and Quickshadow were busy with other things that needed taking care of. One of the other family members who came to help out and were staying nearby would help. Sometimes they bought things Hot shot, and his parents needed. There were times when they would could the meals or buy them take out or delivery meals. There were times when they would take Hot shot to his appointments so his parents could have a break. They would even spend time with Hot shot and have fun with her too.

Hot shot was glad to be back at the hospital. Because his cancer care team was very nice. "I am ready to be brave," Hot shot said.

"That's good to hear Hot shot," Heatwave said. "Just remember your mother and I will see you when you wake up okay?" he said.

"Okay daddy," Hot shot said.

Hot shot was hungry he didn't have any breakfast that day. Hot shot knew he wasn't allowed to eat before surgery. Hot shot was glad to have such a great care team. Hot shot was checked over by a nurse and then soon he was ready to go to the ER. Hot shot saw many of the people in the hospital as they headed there. Hot shot even waved at some of them. Hot shot was soon in the OR. Hot shot got to chose the smell for his sleep medicine that was going to come through his mask. Hot shot chose the smell of berries for it. Hot shot loved the way it smelled. Soon Hot shot went into a very deep sleep. The doctors went right to work at removing more of the tumor in Hot shot's temporal ventricle. Dr. Hansen removed a very big part of the remaining tumor easily. Now only a very small portion remained and could be removed with a third surgery later on. Dr. Hansen did a great job he was very careful around Hot shot's brain's parts and didn't do any damage to Hot shot's brain.

Hot shot woke up in the ICU and he had big bandage on his head. Hot shot saw his parents and smiled them he was happy to see them. Hot shot got a good amount of therapy after the surgery to make sure he was doing well after the surgery. Hot shot was progressing great he has a slight problem with his left leg giving him bit of a weird gait but other than that he is doing great with no other problems. For that his parents and care team are relieved.

Hot shot was able to move to one of oncology rooms in another part of the hospital where the other children were. Hot shot was happy to be there. Hot shot was able to relax for a bit. Hot shot had to get another scan a week later to see how much of the tumor remained and see when to have next surgery after more treatment. They decided to have next surgery after another scan in a couple of months. Hot shot is going to rest and soon have more chemotherapy for several months. Hot shot is going to have to stay in the hospital for many months and a possible third surgery and he was ready to be brave for it too.

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