Chapter 9

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Hot shot just had his second brain surgery to help treat his brain cancer. It removed more of the tumor in his brain. Hot shot's head was still kind of sore. Hot shot got the staples removed again. Hot shot was happy to have them taken out. "Was that the last one?" Hot shot asked.

"Yes that was the last one," the nurse told him placing the special gripping device she used to remove the staples.

"I'm glad the staples are out," Hot shot said. "They felt weird." he said.

"I bet they did," the nurse said.

Hot shot had to rest a while before having more chemotherapy. Hot shot was doing more therapy to help him get better from the surgery. Hot shot still had a weird thing going on with his left leg but he could still walk and run with it, it only gave him a bit of an odd gait. 

Hot shot had to get used to the fact he may walk a bit differently now. But he seemed to be doing just fine with that fact. Hot shot was wondering a few different things. He was wondering when he was going to be better and such. 

Hot shot at times felt angry and he was wondering why this had to happen to him? He was angry because he was sick. He was angry because he had to spend a lot of time away from home. He was angry because he couldn't do as much as he used to at the moment. Hot shot was very angry a lot of the time. He hated being so angry.

"I am so angry, why did this happen to me?" Hot shot asked. "It is just not fair!" he said. His father pulled up the video about being angry from the Imaginary friend society. Hot shot watched and learned it is okay to feel angry. He learned that he shouldn't keep his anger bottled up he should let it out. He should talk about how he feels with his family and doctors. He could try yelling into a pillow or playing a game. Hot shot understood and knew that angry feelings had to be let out and shared.

Hot shot was able to talk about how he felt. "I just feel what has happened to me isn't fair!" Hot shot said. "Why did I have to get cancer why?" Hot shot asked.

"I can understand how you feel son," Heatwave said. "Your mother and I feel it isn't fair what has happen, but it happened," he said. "I don't know why you go cancer it just happens for no reason many times," he said. "But we are here for you okay?" he asked.

"Okay," Hot shot said. Hot shot was happy about talking to his father he didn't feel so angry now. Hot shot was wondering many things still like what he could do while resting up for his next chemo? He decided to walk around the hospital and spend time with the other children there in the hospital.

Hot shot was able to spend time with his new friends there. Hot shot was happy that they were there. It made the time fly by. Hot shot also watched movies, listened to stories, played with toys, and made art.

Hot shot was very happy that his parents were taking turns with him. This was good when he got to see each of them. But he didn't like it when they had to leave though. There were times when Hot shot had to be on his own and Hot shot didn't like that too much.

Hot shot watched a video about being by yourself by the imaginary friend society. Hot shot learned there could be a lot of reasons why he would be on his own during treatment. He learned while in the hospital his family can't be with him every single moment. Hot shot learned with his imagination he truly is never alone. 

A bit later Penny his child life specialist came to the room. "Good morning Hot shot," Penny said. 

"Morning," Hot shot said.

"Hot shot qualifies for a wish from make a wish." Penny said. "He can wish for something he really wants," she said.

"It would be nice for Hot shot to have a wish, and it might give him some hope," Heatwave said.

"That is a good idea," Quickshadow said.

Hot shot met with the wish coordinator. Hello Hot shot how are you? My name is Jenny," Jenny said. "There are five wish categories, I wish to go, I wish to be, I wish to meet, I wish to have, and I wish to give," she said.

"Wow," Hot shot said. "That is a lot to think about," he said. Hot shot thought about the places he might like to go and that was many places. Hot shot thought about the things he wanted to be and that was a few things. He also thought about the people he would like to met. Hot shot thought about the things he would like to have too. Hot shot thought about how he could give back. 

Hot shot was wondering what it would be like to happy a puppy a lot. Hot shot was wondering if would be possible for him to have a puppy. Hot shot had been wanting a puppy for a long.

"Is a puppy possible?" Hot shot said.

"Yes many kids wish for puppies," Jenny said. "But you doctors must approve of it first," she said.

"I see nothing wrong with it," Dr. Zhao said. "Animals can be a comfort to children facing medical problems," she said.

 "Oh boy my own puppy," Hot shot said. "But what kind of puppy should I wish for?" he asked.

"There are a lot of dog breeds that's for sure," Heatwave said.

"I want a very big dog because I love great big dogs," Hot shot said.

"Well if we get a great big dog I want one that is great with kids and known for being gentle," Quickshadow said.

"There are quite a few of those last I checked," Heatwave said. "We just have to do our research and narrow it down to the best two breeds and then make a pro and con list of both and then chose help Hot shot find one of the two he likes best," he said.

"Sounds like a good idea to me," Quickshadow said. "Doesn't your sister her family have a giant dog breed?" she said. "Maybe they can give tips on how to find a good vet and the right food and help us look at the best ones the are big gentle and good with kids," she said.

"Great idea," Heatwave said. "Maybe they can help us choose the ones to make a list of and then we can then narrow down our search to two different breeds and help Hot shot find which breed he likes the best," he said.

"Sounds like a plan," Quickshadow said.

"I am so excited about it!" Hot shot said.

"I am glad to hear it, once you make your decision on what breed of puppy you want give me a call and here is my number of my office in Make a wish," Jenny said giving them the number.

"We will thank you so much," Heatwave said.

"No problem," Jenny said. 

Hot shot was really looking forward to getting his puppy once he recovers a bit more after more treatment. He was just going to have to be patient. He knew it was going to be a lot but he was looking forward to it and was happy about it. 

Hot shot a couple of weeks later had more chemotherapy to treat his cancer. Hot shot was very busy with it too. Hot shot knew it would be many months of more chemotherapy before he is well again. Hot shot was just going to be strong through it all too. He was going to be super brave too. 

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