Chapter 6

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Hot shot was getting radiation for his brain cancer. Hot shot noticed the effects of the radiation. He would feel tired, sick, and weak at times. He was also noticed some of the hair on the part of his head where he was getting the treatment was falling out. Hot shot was expecting this too happen. 

Hot shot was able to go home for awhile. Hot shot was happy to be home when he got there. Hot shot got relax and make himself comfortable. But Hot shot had a lot of medicine he needed to take too. Hot shot was wondering about how much he was going to have to take throughout his treatment. 

Hot shot was still going back to the hospital to get his radiation treatments. He was also going to get his tests and check ups. Today he was getting his last radiotherapy treatment, getting a scan and getting a check up done. So today was busy for him. Hot shot was ready for it too. Hot shot was ready to be very brave.

Hot shot was hurrying with his parents to get there. Hot shot was all ready to go in the car. "I'm ready," Hot shot said.

"I am glad you are ready son," Heatwave said. 

"Now we better get moving now," Quickshadow said. 

They made it to the hospital. Hot shot was ready for his radiation treatment. Hot shot stayed very still during it and didn't move a muscle. Then after about 15 minutes the radiation treatment was over. Then Janice the radiographer gave him his mask. "Now that you are done with your treatment you get to keep your mask," Janice told him.

"Cool," Hot shot said.

Then after that Hot shot had his MRI scan. Hot shot had a few during the time since his diagnosis. Hot shot was getting used to it. Hot shot knew it was very important to stay still. They were doing the MRI to look at his tumor and his brain. He knew it was very important to stay nice and still for the scan so the doctors could see it better. Then after 55 minutes the scan was over. "You did a good job Hot shot," Howie said. "Well done," he said. Howie was the radiographer who normally did Hot shot's scans. Hot shot was very good at staying still for them.

Hot shot then met with Dr. Gordon. Hot shot was ready to be brave to see him. Dr. Gordon checked him from head to toe and looked at the sight where he got the treatment. "You are looking good Hot shot," Dr. Gordon said.

After Dr. Gordon Hot shot was examined by Dr. Zhao. She checked him over from head to toe, and even had blood drawn from his central line. "You are looking great," Dr. Zhao said. "You will start chemotherapy in 5 weeks most likely," she said. "During that time while you are resting from it, you will have check ups and tests and keep taking your other medicines." she said. "I will decide what kind of chemotherapy you might need and how many chemotherapy medicines you will need," she said. 

"Okay," Hot shot said. Hot shot was able to rest at home over the coming weeks. Hot shot was happy when his family all came into to help. They were all there to help Heatwave and Quickshadow with errands to run, making meals, picking up take out, and helping them with Hot shot's busy schedule. Hot shot was happy to see his cousins there to spend time with them. "It is good to see you guys," Hot shot said.

"It is good to see you too Hot shot," Blazestrike Junior said.

"Yes we are happy that we can spend time with you," Heatup said.

"Yes we don't get to see you often," Heatstroke said.

"I don't get to see you much either," Hot shot said.

The relatives brought many things for Hot shot. They were happy to bring those things for Hot shot. Hot shot was happy to spend time with his family.

Hot shot wasn't feeling too good today. "Mummy, daddy I feel bad," Hot shot said. 

Heatwave and Quickshadow took Hot shot to Cook Children's hospital. Hot shot's wasn't feeling so great because he had a little fever. Hot shot was going to have to stay in isolation for a while. Hot shot didn't like that to much because he had to be a lone and not spend time with any of the other patients there. Hot shot was very sad and angry about that. Hot shot was wondering if he was going to leave isolation.

A few days later Hot shot was able to leave isolation. It had been five weeks since Hot shot finished his radiotherapy. Dr. Zhao decided to keep Hot shot there for the couple of weeks of chemotherapy. Hot shot was going to have it every four days every two weeks. So Hot shot was going to be busy for a while with treatment.

Hot shot was brave and ready to start chemotherapy. Hot shot was now in the oncology ward since he was done with isolation. Hot shot was ready to have his chemotherapy too. Even thought he was kind of nervous about it too. Hot shot was ready to be brave and face it head on too. 

Hot shot watched the video about chemotherapy from the imaginary friend society. Hot shot learned that chemotherapy is given in many ways and usually given three ways. Hot shot learned it stops the growth of cancer cells and destroys them. Hot shot learned the medicine is very strong and it will make him feel sick, tired and make his hair fall out. Hot shot learned he will need to rest and take it easy after each chemotherapy session. Hot shot felt better knowing that even though things were going to be a bit difficult he can still be able to relax and have a little fun. 

Penny told him some chemotherapy infusions are given as an outpatient procedure and others have as inpatient, and some do both. She told him sometimes after some chemotherapy sessions if they only last a few hours he could go home later, but if it takes long time of if he feels really bad he will have to stay in the hospital. Hot shot nodded his head and felt he could understand that. Hot shot was going to be brave when chemotherapy was going to start that Monday.

Hot shot was ready to brave as brave could be. 

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