Chapter 12

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Hot shot was happy at the moment it was time for him to go home for a while from the hospital. Hot shot was eager to get home. Hot shot was happy to be going home. Because he was missing home something fierce. Hot shot was kind of nervous because he was soon going be going to his new Kindergarten class. Hot shot had been taking kindergarten level classes in the hospital and soon he was going to be going to there for real. Hot shot wasn't knowing what to expect. Hot shot was hoping everything was going to be okay.

Today Hot shot made it to his first Kindergarten class. Hot shot was able to wear a hat inside the school. Hot shot was happy to see his friends Hoist, Medix, Whirl and Wedge were in his class. Hot shot saw his friends were each expressing their own style with the hair loss in class. Many in the class had questions for him and his friends. They were wondering many things about the hospital and why they tended to only see them on video chat. They were also wondering why they had no hair and why they had scars on their heads. They had a lot of questions. Hot shot, Hoist, Medix, Whirl and Wedge did their best to answer the questions.

"The hospital is nice and full of nice doctors and nurses," Medix said.

"At times it could be a little boring," Hoist said. "And at times a little scary," he added.

"Our hair fell out because of the treatment for the cancer," Whirl answered.

"The scars on our heads are from surgery done on our heads." Wedge said.

"Don't worry you can't catch cancer," Hot shot said.

Hot shot still had to go to the hospital for treatment along with his friends. Hot shot was very busy a lot of the time still. Hot shot got a lot of medication and treatment still. Hot shot sometimes had to leave school early because of it. At times Hot shot felt too sick for school. Hot shot was remaining strong. He was hoping things will keep going well. Hot shot was going through a lot but he could handle it.

Today Hot shot was getting an MRI and he has had quite a few of those so he was used to them. He was staying nice and still for it. Hot shot liked the movie selection to choose from to watch during the scan. Hot shot also liked to pretend during a scan too. It helped the time go by faster and helped him stay still.

Hot shot's MRI was over in about 48 minutes. Hot shot was soon taken to get a lumbar puncture to help see if there were cancer cells in this spinal fluid and to check if the medicine was keeping them out. Hot shot also got a full check up. Things seemed to be checking out okay. Hot shot was happy about that.

Then about a week later it was time for Hot shot to have more chemotherapy. Hot shot was ready for the chemotherapy too. Hot shot was going to be very brave. Hot shot was bring Roxy along. Hot shot always brought his plush rhino Roxy whenever he had a test or a treatment. Hot shot was ready to be very brave and strong.

Hot shot came to the infusion center with his father who was with him today. Hot shot was ready to keep getting treatment he needs. Hot shot had some snacks and a drink with him to be ready for his chemotherapy. Hot shot watched as a nurse named Roger took his blood to be tested. Hot shot found out after the blood test he needed a blood transfusion before he had any chemotherapy. Hot shot watched the video about blood transfusions from the imaginary friend society he learned there were different types of blood cells and that his treatment killed them off. Hot shot was going to get more red blood cells to feel better. Hot shot sat through the blood transfusion and was able to relax for a bit.

Hot shot often felt very tired and sleepy a lot of the time. Hot shot began to watch the video about being tired all the time. Hot shot learned that cancer and treating makes him tired because his body is using a lot of strength and resources to fight the cancer and recover. Hot shot knew this was to help and he learned that he needed to focus on less physical things for a while and do more easy going things. Hot shot learned a lot things he can do that are easy going. Hot shot felt better knowing there were lots of things to do even though he was tired a lot of the time.

Then few hours after his blood transfusion Hot shot got checked on again. Then Hot shot to take medicine to help with the side effects of cancer treatment. Hot shot was able to get more chemotherapy in a couple of hours. Hot shot was enjoying the infusion center while getting his chemotherapy. Hot shot knew it was going to take a lot of work in order to get better.

Hot shot was able to spend time with his family outside of treatment. They were doing a lot of fun things together as of late. They were doing a lot of fun things. Like going to movies, zoos, aquariums, malls, and parks. They were all having a lot of fun. Hot shot was even able to spend time with his family members who came to Fort Worth to help. Hot shot was glad they were there too. Hot shot was happy to have such a supportive family.

Hot shot was playing with his toys in bed a lot of the time. Hot shot had good days and bad days. Hot shot had days were he felt nothing but angry so he found ways to get out his anger. Hot shot also had days were he felt sad and had to cry along with his parents who understood. Hot shot had days were he felt scared and had to talk about it. Hot shot had days were he felt sick and had to rest. Hot shot had days were he felt lonely and wanted comfort. But Hot shot also had days where he felt pretty good and things seemed to be going alright. Hot shot was going to have a lot of ups and downs but nothing he couldn't pull through without his family.

Hot shot was glad things seemed to be going well so far with his treatment. Hot shot hoped that the treatment would work and soon things would get back to the way it was. But he knew afterwards things wouldn't always be the same. Hot shot still had a weird gait because of his left leg having been affected by his recent two surgeries. Hot shot knew there was a chance he couldn't get a big boy bike. But his uncle Murray was investing in an adaptive bike made just for Hot shot so he could ride and play and be normal. Adaptive bikes were great for kids with brain tumors and other neurological problems. Hot shot was happy about that. He was really looking forward to getting one. His uncle Murray was even paying for his friends to get their own too. Hot shot was happy he had such a generous uncle.

Hot shot and his friends had a lot to look forward too. Hot shot knew the journey ahead was still long but he can do it. 

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