Chapter 27

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Eclipse dodges the wall of fire aimed her way, focusing a stream of water at the thief trying to get away. She freezes it in impact, pinning him to the wall in thick ice. He'd probably melt through it eventually but by then it'd be too late. She smirks as he struggles and turns to help her wife. Her eyes widen as she sees her wife in a struggle with one thief while another is about to stab her in the back. Acting quickly, Eclipse reaches out. Her arm came between the dagger and her wife, letting the dagger pierce it instead. She hisses in pain, but grabs the man's wrist and pulls him into a punch.

Anna pushes the guy off of her, shocking him as she does so before turning to Eclipse.

Her face twisted in anger as she grabs Eclipse's arm, startling her as she yells. "I told you not to do this anymore! What part of 'I don't like seeing you hurt', do you now understand?!"

"Anna... I didn't..." Eclipse tries to apologize but Anna jerks the dagger out of her arm, making her yelp in pain.

"Save it, I don't want to hear your excuses." Anna turns and storms away. "Just leave me alone."

Eclipse bites her lip, wanting to go after Anna but not wanting to make it worse. She decides to give her space as she waits for the cops to pick up the thieves. Once they were loaded up, Eclipse starts walking towards the academy. She dismisses her uniform as she scratches her head trying to figure out how to make up with Anna.

Her arm starts to burn, which is odd considering it had already healed. The burn travels up her arms as she enters the park that leads towards the academy. Her vision blurs and she trips over a tree root as her body twists in pain. She tries to scream but her voice won't come as everything fades away.

Back at the academy, Anna growls under her breath sitting against the wall. She knows she shouldn't be this angry but she couldn't help it. Everytime Eclipse got hurt defending her... it made her feel powerless. Eclipse says she's her defender but who's supposed to defend Eclipse if she can't do so herself. She sighs as she stands up, she knows Eclipse is only doing what she feels is best. It wasn't fair for Anna to take out her frustration on Eclipse when she was just doing what she could to protect her.

She walks towards the park, listening to nature always calmed her down. She slowly feels her mood shift and turns to head back towards the academy. Eclipse should be back by now and she owed her an apology.

"Has Stronggirl come back yet?" The guard shakes his head as she frowns.

She shouldn't be taking this long and the mate bond felt weird, not gone but kind of twisted. She had originally thought that it was due to her outburst but now she wasn't so sure. She hurries to the control room where Warfalcon was monitoring everyone.

"Do you know where Eclipse is? She should have been back by now and she isnt..."

He frowns as he types in some stuff into the computer. "Her watch is pinging from the lower district. Are you sure she isn't just patrolling some more?"

"I mean... maybe... we did have a fight but she normally comes back instead of going on." Anna looks at the ground. "But maybe I went to far. I blew it out of proportion and didn't let her speak... she could be mad at me I guess."

He places a hand on her shoulder. "Even if she's mad, she won't stay that way forever. She loves you more than anything."

She nods, wiping the tears that she hadn't noticed were starting to form. "I'm going to go try and find her. I owe her a big apology."

She jogs out of the room and heads towards the gate. If Eclipse was mad enough then maybe that's why the mate bond is twisted. She slows down as she enters the lower district. This place was where the factories ran. The huge buildings and smoke made the place unsuitable for residential areas. Though there were a couple homeless people scattered around. She remembered how Eclipse would sometimes come by to give food or help a homeless person set up shelter, maybe that's why she's here.

Unfortunately the interference from the smoke prevented them from getting an exact read on any GPS signals in or out of this district. She walked around, stopping a couple of the workers to ask if they had seen her wife but they all shook their heads as they headed towards their cars. Some didn't even stop to answer her.

She noticed a young teen sitting om the sidewalk looking lost.

"You ok?" She smiles as she approaches the girl.

She looked startled as she looks up at Anna with big blue eyes overshadowed by long black hair. "Umm I don't... sorry I just don't know where I am..." the girl's voice was meek and timid.

"Do you have a name? Or a family?" Anna tilts her head holding out a hand.

"Evie... I don't know about my family." Evie takes her hand as she helps her up. "They aren't around anymore."

Anna thinks for a moment. "You're not a minor right?" The girl shakes her head so she continues. "I know a shelter near here that I can take you to."

The girl looks hopeful as Anna leads her away. Eclipse should be fine and will make her way home, this girl needed her help now.

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