♡ three, roomie!

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Thomas was trying to process the fact he was quite literally sharing a room with the guy's ( who he was absolutely in love with) best friend.

Teresa had introduced herself. they had made small talk until Teresa decided she was bored of Thomas, which Thomas was highly offended by in the moment until he got a message after she left

talk to him

thats newts best friend

ur basically in bro



it'll be fine just be chill

he seems nice

what do i even say

just be yourself ur
pretty cool

honestly ur so right

im literally the coolest

besides me yeah

"What are you studying?" Thomas asked, as he finished setting up his side of the room. Minho was sitting on the edge of his bed, watching Thomas set up.

Minho smiled softly, leaning back in his bed. "social science, but i'm here on a track scholarship, how about you?" Minho said.

It made sense why he had so many trophies and medals on the walls now. Thomas nodded softly, "psychology" Thomas said as he repositioned on his bed.

He was slightly nervous about the fact he was now sharing a room with Newt's best friend, he wondered if Newt ever hung out in here. Although Thomas liked Newt, there was a part of him that found liking Newt from a distance, easy. He didn't feel an pressure it was more fun from a distance.

"Oh my friend is doing that!" Minho said. Thomas furrowed his eyebrow, he assumed Minho had more friends then just Newt so he didn't jump to any conclusions.

"Which friend, maybe i know them" Thomas said softly. He probably did it. He kept his group of friends as small as possible only being Teresa.

And Brenda a little bit, who was Teresa' roommate.

"Oh my best friend Newt, Id be surprised if you didn't know him, everyone knows him" Minho muttered, rolling his eyes but Thomas could tell the playfulness within his tone.

"Well I know of him" Thomas said, he didn't know if his cheeks showed as hot as they felt in the moment. Minho nodded softly.

Minho smiled as he repositioned against his pillow. "I hope you don't mind visitors, he hangs out in here quite a bit. If we get annoying just let us know and we can go somewhere else" Minho said.

Thomas released how right janson was when he said Minho was a nice kid, offering to leave his own room if Thomas got annoyed? That was nice on another level.

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