♡ forty eight, when?

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"What the fuck are we suppose to do for break" Minho muttered as he walked into the room, Teresa and Brenda walking behind him as they had all began worrying about the two boys.

Newt had left the library two hours ago and they were yet to get an update from either of the boys so they had began worrying maybe something went wrong.

"When is it?" Teresa asked her gazed focused on her phone as she walked in behind the couple.

Minho furrowed his eyebrows looking behind him at her, "Next week dickhead" He muttered.

"What?-" Teresa was cut off by Brenda gasping softly.

Minho and Teresa looked back, to see Thomas and Newt lying in Thomas' bed. Newt's head resting on the brunettes chest, Thomas holding his phone up as the two scrolled through tiktok.

Instead of their gaze on the phone, they were both staring at the three who were staring back at him.

"Shut the fuck up" Teresa said, pushing past Minho and Brenda to be in front, looking at Thomas with wide eyes, her lips parted in shock.

"I.. didn't say anything" Thomas muttered, furrowing his eyebrows as he looked down at Newt then back up to Teresa.

She threw her hands up, "You didn't think to message me right away? What the fuck bro!!" She exclaimed as Brenda and Minho walked behind her to his bed.

Thomas chuckled softly as his hand ran gently up and down Newt's arm, fingers brushing over the blondes soft skin.

"We have been busy" Newt said smirking lightly as he looked over at Minho who was smiling like a proud dad, his hand wrapped over Brenda's shoulder.

"Well now I just feel single as fuck" Teresa said as she sat on the floor, cross legged, arms crossed over her chest like a child.

"Maybe you should grow some balls and ask out Aris" Brenda hummed, wiggling her eyebrows as she looked at the brunette on the floor.

Minho agreed as he pulled Brenda closer against him, back leant against the wall.

"No thats scary" Teresa said, shaking her head quickly.

Thomas chuckled softly as he began sitting up, Newt sat up as well, shuffling slightly so he was sitting beside Thomas, both of them now leaning against the wall.

"You should just do it" Newt encouraged, nodding his head as he hand found Thomas'.

Teresa furrowed her eyebrows. "Shut the fuck up" She said.

Thomas gasped, "Be nice" He said sternly. He knew Teresa was just joking around, everyone did.

Teresa rolled her eyes, "Do you guys see this?" She asked, looking over at Brenda and Minho who were smiling, amused.

Minho laughed, "They're in love resa" He said softly.

Teresa gagged dramatically, "Its disgusting"

"Can we get back on the topic of break?" Brenda asked as she looked at Minho. The two had been discussing when they would see each other over the holidays.

"When is it?" Newt asked, eyebrows furrowed.

Thomas turned his head to look at the blonde boy with a partly shocked expression. "Next week... How do you not know this?" Thomas asked.

Newt smiled, "Sorry something else was taking up all the space in my head" Newt said, winking softly at Thomas.

Thomas felt his cheeks heat up slightly, a smile making his way to his face as he looked away.

"Im gonna miss you guys" Teresa pouted dramatically as she looked between them all.

"Im sure we can do something to see each other" Brenda said, looking at Minho for a moment before back to the others.

"My parents are going away the second week.. So i'll be home alone. If you guys wanted, you guys could come spend a couple days at mine." Thomas shrugged as he suggested it.

He felt Newt's hand tighten slightly around his own, Thomas smiled softly, squeezing his hand back gently once, rubbing his thumb over the back of Newt's hand gently.

"Really? That would be sick" Minho said, nodding his head, Brenda nodded as well.

"Thomas has a big ass house" Teresa hummed. "Like its massive I swear theres like sixty rooms" She rambled.

Thomas felt his cheeks burn as he looked down. His parents being well of was never something he enjoyed bragging about.

"You could invite Aris" Thomas said, trying to change the topic.

Teresa looked down, biting her lip softly, "Maybe.."

"Hey you could bring sonny as well, if you wanted.. If you can come" Thomas said as he turned to look at Newt. It had become a habit to full body turn towards the boy, giving Newt his full attention.

Newt smiled, nodding his head. "She'd love that" He said softly.

"Oh my gosh Tom, we have to see Gally when we are back home" Teresa said, nodding her head excitedly.

Thomas' eyes widened, a smile lighting his face. "Oh my go- Yeah, yes"

Newt furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at Thomas, a hint of jealously filling his tone, lingering in his eyes. "Who's Gally?"

Thomas chuckled, "He was our friend from highschool." Thomas said, squeezing Newt's hand gently reassuringly.

Newt let out a soft 'ohh' as he nodded his head, before leaning it gently on Thomas' shoulder.

"That sounds awesome. This is such a good idea" Brenda said excitedly as she waved her hands around.

Minho was silent for a moment before looking between Thomas and Newt. "So obviously things went well.. But like.. What is actually going on between you guys" He asked, curiosity getting the better of him.

Thomas and Brenda nodded in agreement, also wanting to know what was going on between the two.

Newt smiled, looking up at Thomas, Thomas met his gaze, smiling at him in response. "Well." Newt started, accent thick.

"Well..?" Teresa pushed, rolling her eyes as she glared at Thomas, wanting him to hurry up.

"We are together" Thomas said, rolling his eyes, despite the wide smile on his face.

The volume of the room went up, everyone talking loudly at once, excitedly.

"Oh my gosh- Fucking finally!!" Teresa said excitedly as she stood up and started jumping around, making Thomas and Newt both chuckle.

Thomas smiled as he leant down to press a gentle kiss into the blondes hair.

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