♡ ten, calling home

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"Hey mum" Thomas said softly, He heard shuffling on the other side of his phone.

Thomas knew he should've spent more time talking to his family, it wasn't that he didn't miss them, he did, a lot.

It was moreso the fact that everytime he called them he thought it would end in bad news and thats the last thing he could deal with right now.

"Hi Honey." He heard his mothers sweet tone on the otherside of the phone. Thomas smiled at the sound of her voice, it was the type of calming that just made everything else fall away.

"How are you? How is everyone?" Thomas asked, sitting up more slightly. He pulled the blankets up over his torso.

His mother was silent for a moment. Thomas and grown to hate that silence, always thinking it meant something bad. "Im okay, Dad's okay." His mother said after a minute.

Thomas nodded, "And uh.. How is um" Thomas was scared for the answer, so scared he felt like he couldn't finish the sentence.

"He is okay today, he isn't getting better but also he isn't getting worse" His mother said, her voice slightly shaky. Thomas chewed at his gums.

"Should I come home?" Thomas asked, looked at his hand's softly, he just needed to focus on something other then the conversation at hand.

"No baby, we will let you know if it gets to that point" His mum said, but Thomas couldn't help but feel guilty.

The two were both quiet for a moment, Thomas went to talk when he heard a soft sniffle on the other side of the phone, it made Thomas frown.

His mother cleared her throat quickly, before talking. "How is school honey? How are you doing?" She asked, changing the topic.

Thomas' frown only deepened as he hummed softly, "Uh Yeah.. its school. Im okay — Are you sure I don't need to come home?" He asked, not being able to drop the question.

"It wont change anything tom. We have done everything the doctors have said, If it gets worse you will be the first to know okay? He doesn't want you to stop doing what you want to do" His mother said.

Thomas furrowed his eyebrows at what his mother said. "I want to be there with him" Thomas said.

His mother sighed softly, "I know baby, your brother misses you a lot-"

"Then I should come home" Thomas cut her off.

He heard his mother sigh, he could almost picture her shaking her head, a frown on her face. "He doesn't want you to put your life on hold while things are okay right now" She said.

Thomas wanted to roll his eyes and hang up, but he didn't really. He just wanted to be there.

"Is dad there?" Thomas asked, He heard his mother shuffle again. "Yeah do you want to talk to him?"

"Yeah" Thomas said, running a hand through his hair, which made him realise he really needed a haircut.

"Okay one minute"

He heard his mother walking, before she yelled out for his dad. There was a moment of silence before he heard his dads voice.


"Hi Dad" Thomas said softly.

"Hey bud, Hows college treating you?" His dad asked. Thomas hummed into the phone, showing his disinterested in the topic.

"Yeah same old" Thomas muttered. He noticed the difference between how he talked to his mum and how he talked to his dad.

"We miss you here" His dad said, The sound had a hint of an echo, Thomas could only assume it meant his dad was in the shed.

"I miss you all, so much" Thomas said. He knew his dad wouldn't completely understand how much he missed his family, but it didn't matter.

"When is your next break, when can you come home." His dad said, Thomas hummed as he thought about it.

"Still a few months away, I can come home anytime if you guys need me though" Thomas said, He couldn't really — he would miss a lot but he didn't care.

He would drop everything for his family.

His dad was moving around. "Its alright bud, When you come home you can help me build the gazebo, your brother wants one" His dad said.

Thomas smiled softly, "Yeah id like that" Thomas said, pulling his knees to his chest as he sat up more.

"Alright bud. Call us more, We miss you here" His dad said, he could hear his dad walking, probably back into the house to give the phone back to his mum.

"Alright, I will" Thomas said, sighing softly as the phone went silent, before his mum talked.

"Ill text you the next time we see your brother okay. Probably tomorrow morning and if youre free you can give us a call and talk to him okay?" His mum said softly.

Thomas nodded softly. He didn't want to cry while on the phone with his mum — or at all. He knew there was no real reason to cry but he felt the tingle in his nose and burn behind his eyes despite that.

He closed his eyes as he let out a shaky breath. "Okay, Thanks mum" Thomas said softly.

He wanted to go home, he wanted to be with his family and be with his brother even if it didn't change anything.

But he knew it could be months before anything happened, good or bad. He knew if he left now to go home he would fail and have to retake the semester — if he was even allowed to do that.

"I love and miss you Thomas, we all do." His mother said, her voice was shaky. Thomas hates the idea of his mother crying, he hated it a lot — so much it made him want to cry.

"I love and miss you all too mum, you know i do" Thomas said, chewing at his lip at he tried to keep his emotions at bay.

"Tell chuck I love him"

authors note;

ok so if u dont get it, chuck is thomas' brother in this book 🙏🙏🙏🙏

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