♡ sixteen, bar talks

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"Friday night!! who's drinking with me?" Minho asked as he walked up to the group in the bar. Thomas chuckled softly, shaking his head as he took a sip of his drink.

Brenda was quick to jump on the idea of getting absolutely wasted, as was Teresa. Newt stood behind Minho looking like he would rather be anywhere else.

"Come lets get shots" Minho said to the two girls who wasted no time slipping off the bar stools to follow Minho. Newt sighed as he sat down in replacement, next to Thomas.

Thomas looked at him with his eyebrow raised, looking amused. It hardly took a moment before Newt looked up at him, "Shut up"

"Whats wrong?" Thomas asked, placing his elbow on the bar using his hand to hold his face as he looked at Newt.

"You don't want to know" Newt muttered slipping his hand over to grab Thomas' drink, downing the rest of it. If it was anyone else, Thomas' might've been annoyed, but it was just a drink and it was Newt.

Thomas raised his eyebrow slightly, "Now I really want to know" Thomas said softly, looking at Newt, who looked back at him.

The two glanced at each other for a moment, maintaining eye contact before Newt sighed, "Have you ever been so horny you want to die?" Newt asked, shaking his head as a groan left his mouth, he placed his forehead against the bar bench, "Cause thats how I feel, right now"

Thomas' eyes widened the minute the words left Newt's mouths. He felt the heat crawling over his face and neck. He didn't know what he was expecting but it definitely wasn't that.

Thomas had to look away, he cleared his throat, taking a deep breath as he tried to control the way the words went straight to unspeakable places in his body.

"Right." Thomas nodded, not knowing how exactly to respond to that. He was silently confused because Newt was perfectly capable of dealing with that issue with himself, or literally anyone he wanted.

"Sorry, I warned you" Newt muttered against the table, Thomas smiled half heartedly. He knew what he wanted to say he just had to find the voice to say it.

"Why don't you just-" Thomas felt his throat go tight, he had to gulp thickly in order to get rid of the feeling. "I don't know, sleep with someone"

It had suddenly gotten really hot.

Newt groaned, tapping his head gently against the bar bench, before turning his head, resting it on his arms on the bench to look at Thomas. "I've tried"

Oh so he was having, those issues.

"Oh" Thomas said, not knowing exactly how to help in this situation.

"No not like that!" Newt said, sitting up as he looked at Thomas, a soft chuckle leaving his lips. "That isn't the problem" Newt muttered.

Thomas felt his stomach doing acrobatics, in an almost sickening type of way. He just nodded, licking his lips that suddenly felt dry.

"I have tried to get rid of the feeling but its not that i just want to have sex, its that I want to have sex with one person, and I can't!" Newt groaned, the way his tone was almost whiney was suffocating to Thomas.

And he was talking about someone else, which was suffocating in a different kind of way.

"Why can't you" Thomas asked, furrowing his eyebrows. Confusion evident in his tone. If there was one thing Thomas knew it was that Newt didn't have a problem pulling anyone.

Thomas wanted to be delusional but he felt as if he couldn't. This was the time to be realistic. Newt was openly talking about another person, and going based off of what Brenda said, this probably meant he actually liked the person. So Thomas figured it was time to give up on his little delusions and deal with the reality of it all.

"He doesn't seem interested!" Thomas had to stop himself from being partially happy about this, because that was wrong and mean on so many levels.

Thomas hummed softly, his foot tapping against the legs of the chair. He avoided looking at Newt.

Newt sighed softly, resting his head against the table again, still facing Thomas who had gotten them both another drink. "I have never had this problem before" Newt muttered.

"Obviously" Thomas teased, taking a long sip of his drink. Maybe his acting skills were better then he thought because he was choking up on the inside.

"Im serious!" Newt said, leaning up slightly to take a sip of his drink. "I don't know what to do, I mean not to sound cocky, or like a dick, but everyone has always jumped at the opportunity to sleep with me, and he doesn't." Newt muttered.

How anyone didn't jump at the opportunity baffled Thomas, he would jump at the opportunity if he was given the opportunity.

That wasn't completely true, in a clear state of mind Thomas wouldn't, because he knew it would only end in him getting hurt, but when Newt was around, all common sense left Thomas' mind so it was hard to judge.

"Is he straight?" Thomas asked, because that'd be a lot different then someone just rejecting Newt.

"Thats the worse part! He isn't straight!" Newt muttered, Thomas just hummed not really knowing what to say.

Newt was his friend — despite the feelings for him — he was is friend and if this was any of Thomas' other friends he would give them the best advice he possibly could, he couldn't not do that for Newt no matter how much it hurt him.

"So what he rejected you?" Thomas asked, he wasn't exactly able to give advice when he didn't know what was going on. Newt shook his head. "Technically no, I've never made a move or anything but he doesn't seem interested, and when people don't seem interested most of the time it means they aren't." Newt frowned.

Thomas chuckled, "Do you like him or just want to sleep with him?" Thomas asked, raising his eyebrow. Honestly he didn't know which answer would hurt more.

"I think I like him, do you know the last time I genuinely liked someone? Me neither!" Newt shook his head as he downed the rest of his drink.

That hurt, more.

Newt didn't just want to sleep with someone there wad someone he actually liked, and that was enough for Thomas to realise he had to stop.

"Make a move or something, wait till rejected to deal with rejection" Was the best advice Thomas could muster up.

He felt bad as he downed the rest of his drink before sliding off the bar stool, going to find Minho and the girls.

And get drunk.

authors note
should i absolutely FEED you guys and double update ...

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