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There were a lot of rules on her ship that people didn't question. They questioned, but quickly either stopped or were transferred to another ship.

Well, there was a position that had the greatest importance on the ship, it was the most important. On this deck it was not a captain, not a vice-admiral or admiral. Even Sengoku was lower here.

The most important person on board was the cook. Either you respect it or you're out.

The ladle hit her in the back of the head and bounced off. She almost choked. Panicked, she grabbed a glass of water and drank it in a gulp.

"Eat like a civilized person, or you won't eat anything until tomorrow!"

Haruka, a rather young woman, grabbed a deflected ladle in mid-flight. Her cheeks were red with anger, and her grimace didn't match her slightly chubby face, framed by streaks of blonde hair, most of which was hidden under a white cap.

"I have to?" Leona asked helplessly. She sounded like a little child who knew that she had already lost the argument with her mother.

"Yes! How many times do I have to tell you this?!"

The blonde put her hands on her hips, glaring at the hit girl.

The black-haired woman sighed and, complaining to herself, grabbed the cutlery for the first time today. She glanced to see if she was really being watched, sighed heavily and started cutting the damn fish.

Haruka nodded satisfied, turned around and started walking towards the kitchen.

Leona, seeing this, quickly stuck her fork into the fish and put it in her mouth in one go. She froze when she saw the blonde stop. Beads of sweat rolled down her temple as she saw a dark aura radiating from woman.


The ladle bounced off her head and the fish flew out of her mouth.

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