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18 JUNE 1415

"Good morning, everyone!" I announced as the children huddled around me excitedly.

There was no elephant in the room that was His Majesty, and Edward was kind enough to give us some space alone in the Great Hall. He knew the children were still nervous in front of him. Luckily, he had gone to attend the Council meeting with the lords. There was a rumour of rebellion rising between the House of York and the House of Lancaster. I wanted to tell him it wasn't a rumour, but I decided to keep my mouth shut. I read once that there is a rule for time travelling: you only observe and never participate. I had entered Edward's life only, and it has changed his entire history. The Battle of Roses would indeed happen, and I couldn't change whatever was being done. Or could I?

Last night, I had the longest sleep in ages that now made me feel fresh. In my time, TVs, phones, tablets, and e-book readers usually keep us awake at night. But yesterday, I fell asleep before my head had even hit the pillow. I never knew a book like Jasmine's could truly wear me out, but miraculously, my hand had no blisters at all when I checked it this morning. I expected some bruises or itching, but my hand was as clear as daylight, as if nothing happened.

Emma and Edward seemed to be in a better mood. Emma didn't argue about breakfast or taking her medicine, nor did she recoil when Edward was in the same room. I wondered if they talked to each other last night. Would I sound too nosy if I asked Edward? Would Emma share her feelings after story time as to how she was now able to tolerate her Uncle Edward? Did they both talk about their pain? Did they both discuss Veronica? I even noticed them talking to each other after her bath, when Emma argued she didn't want to wear her brown dress, and Edward told her not to make a fuss about it. She actually listened to him and didn't argue further. There was a new tide turned over last night while I was asleep.

"Good morning, Lady Farrow," yelled the children with excitement. "We are happy to be here." Did they prepare to talk together in advance? They started giggling when I covered my ears with my hands over the noise.

"So, are you happy because you get to hear the new story or because of the snacks to come?"

One six-year-old boy with chubby cheeks hopped over in front of me. "I did not eat my partridge stew today because I told mamma you will give me better food."

Another girl around eight yelled from the crowd. "And I told mamma I did not want to have bean soup." The rest of the children giggled around her. Was this the effect of King Stefan's absence? The children were definitely gleeful.

"All right," I clapped and took my seat on the floor, and the children gathered around me. Emma was, as usual, glued to me like my conjoined twin.

"Today, I will tell you a story about a girl named Little Red Riding Hood."

And so, I used my storytelling talent and told the story I had learned in my childhood. The children listened to the story with delight. After I finished, the children scurried to the kitchen as usual, where our chef, Victoria, provided them with their meal. I accompanied the children, but before I entered the scullery, a hand grabbed my arm and pushed me to the wall.

"Stay," he ordered, his forehead touching mine.

"Edward." I placed my palm on his heart. "You scared me." I met his eyes and smiled. "You need to be a gentleman when you handle a woman like that."

"You know, my lady," he said, raising my chin with his finger, "that I lose my wits when you are around me."

"How romantic!" I pouted. But before I could say anything more, his lips met mine. My blood fizzed as though it had turned to champagne.

Once Upon A [Hidden] Time - [Stolen] Series IVWhere stories live. Discover now