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18 JUNE 2015

After an hour of storytelling, I felt so much lighter, as if a heavy weight had been lifted off me. I opened my heart to my childhood friend and told her everything—from the day I met Myra, to her dark and unknown powers over the castle, her mysterious meeting with the prince, her power of unveiling the truth and the magic of reading the book of cults, and lastly, to her power of falling into time.

"This is..." I knew she was speechless. She was staring at my phone screen, playing the video again and again. "This is impossible."

"I know," I said quietly. Even looking at the video, who would believe that she actually disappeared through the mirror?

"But how is it possible?"

"I would not beg you to believe me, Maira," I answered. "Nor would I swear upon our friendship that I'm not lying." I met her gaze. "You should know by now that I'm telling you the truth."

She stood up from the altar. "How sure are you that she time travelled?"

"Because I know," I answered quietly.

"How?" she asked, but I looked away. "Steve?"

"Come with me." I held her hand and took her out of the chapel.


When we reached Edward's chamber, I noticed her mouth forming a silent 'wow', her eyes roving everywhere.

"This is so cosy," she exclaimed, almost jumping on the bed like a child. "I always wanted to lie on these royal beds." Her head hit the mattress. "Ah! The pleasure of not being caught on camera."

"Be serious!"

"Oh, come on, Steve." She sat straight. "All the palaces we visit are guarded, and we are not allowed to touch anything at all. And this!" She laughed and rolled over on the bed. "I can live here forever."

"You're forgetting you're on duty." I reminded her.

"Ah!" She unzipped her vest and threw it on the other side of the bed. "Good riddance!" She flashed me a smile. "Thanks for reminding me."

I rolled my eyes, ignoring her comment.

"I can't believe you actually rented this castle for a whole year." She spread her arms widely on the bed. "I can really live here forever."

My patience ran out. Hauling her up from the bed, I groaned, "We are not on a honeymoon, DC Khan. I have come here to show you the truth."

She read the seriousness in my eyes and decided to play sober. Holding her hand firmly, I dragged her into the dressing chamber.

"For the record, this was not here when we were filming in the castle," I announced, pointing towards the golden armoire. "Open it!"

She obeyed and opened the armoire. Her jaw dropped with shock. "Royal Clothing."

"Not just any royal clothing." I took out one dress. "They belong to Myra. The armoire with clothes was added after she stepped into their time, which means that she is staying in this chamber with Edward."

"How can you be so sure?"

"This!" I took out another dress. "Rings a bell?"

She blinked at the dress, her face draining of its colour. "She was wearing it in the video."

"Exactly," I answered. "This is the engagement dress." I took the dress from her and placed it back in the armoire, closing it securely the way it was. "Now another thing." I stepped back into the bedchamber.

Once Upon A [Hidden] Time - [Stolen] Series IVWhere stories live. Discover now