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It will be Matteo's pov unless stated otherwise

I ran through the halls with the small bottle in my hands, my heart hammered in my chest as i began approaching my home. As i reached the door i took a second to catch my breath before entering, my father was laid on the couch drenched in sweat with a pale look on his face.

I closed the door behind me and pulled two of the pills out, i immediately gave them to him but just as i put the small bottle a loud banging was heard from the front door. I sighed as this had made my father sit up, "Dad lay back down." He of course didn't listen and stood up before making his way towards the door where he opened it to reveal Thelonious Jaha and a large group of guards behind him.

"What is this about?" My father questioned, "Your son stole medicine from medical for you im assuming." He stated as he looked my father up and down, my father looked back at me and then back to jaha to which he nodded to confirming his suspicions. 

Jaha nodded to the guards and they grabbed ahold of my father and cuffed him, just as i was about to make my way over to free him a large group of them came my way ready to take me down. I was a bit confused as i was quite short and skinny as i hadn't hit my growth spurt yet but assumed it was because i took down the guard.

I allowed the men to restrain me without fighting back as i usually wasn't one to fight back anyways, "Matteo Perez you are under arrest for stealing and attacking a guard who hasn't woken up yet." My eyes widened as i stared at the floor before both my and my father were dragged out of our home, many people lined the halls watching us get taken away. My face stared at the floor blankly as i thought about what i did but it wasn't until i heard my best friends voice that i looked up, "Matty?" I looked up to see Clarke standing next to her mother, i furrowed my brows wondering why she was near me but then i realized, they were getting ready to float my father, the only family i had left.

"Clarke, im so sorry i didn't mean to," I noticed abby nod to the guard who let me go allowing clarke to embrace me in a hug it only lasted a few more seconds before i was pulled away and forced to watch as my father walked into the chamber.

Tears ran down my face as i begged jaha not to float him since he didn't ask me to do it while my father tried telling me it was okay. Next thing i knew my father was sucked out into space, i broke down on the floor begging for my father to come back.

The guards pulled me up and didn't even allow me to say my goodbyes before dragging me to solitary, where they roughly threw me on the floor not even bothering to take the cuffs off of me.

I laid on the floor with my wrists and shoulders aching horribly, finally after an hour or two the guards came in. They pulled the cuffs off but they didn't leave, "You know the guard you fought is in a coma, with no signs of waking up.... If he doesn't wake up soon you are going to regret being born."

The two men quickly left leaving me to crawl into my bed and fall into a restless slumber.


I quietly crept into medical while looking around every chance i got, i softly checked every cabinet until i found what i was looking for. With a small grin i grabbed the bottle and stuffed it into my pocket but just as i closed the cabinet door the main door opened revealing a guard.

"What are you doing in here?" I put on a confused face, "I was looking for abby but i guess she isn't here." The man looked at me suspiciously, "Empty your pockets." As soon as he said that my face dropped, he walked towards me but i quickly took a step back and shook my head. "I can't."

He raised his eyebrow and stepped towards me, as soon as he was close enough he began searching my pockets, just as he was about to reach the pocket with the medicine i pushed him away from me.

He pulled out his baton and advanced towards me but i rushed him and we began fighting quietly, as i was about to tire out i punched him hard in the face causing him to fall backwards and hit his head hard in the ground, knocking him clean out.

Just to be sure i took his baton and shocked him with it before bolting out of medical and back home.


A loud bang woke me up from my sleep, i looked up to see the same two guards as the day before. Before i could even say anything they moved towards me with their batons out, they began beating me with it not stopping until i was a bloody pulp on the ground.

It didn't matter how much i cried they never stopped, no matter how much i begged they never stopped, so i vowed to never cry again, never beg again. I would make the ark regret what they have done to me.


I pulled myself up one last time on the pipe that ran through my cell before dropping down to the ground, I looked completely different from two years ago when i was first arrested, i had only been wearing my normal pants and boots with my shirt that i ripped the sleeves off of since the guards . The guards still came in and punished me for what i had done, They had given me a large scar across my cheek that went up and to my eyebrow as well as a couple through out my body.

 The guards still came in and punished me for what i had done, They had given me a large scar across my cheek that went up and to my eyebrow as well as a couple through out my body

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Just as i was about to lay down and take a nap my door opened revealing three guards, two with their batons out and ready and the third had a case in his hand. "Prisoner 231 face the wall and out your hands behind your back." The first man instructed to which i frowned at, "And what if i don't?"

Just as the two men were about to rush me they were interrupted, "wait...."

Hey guys, just started this story so let me know what yall think and don't forget to vote also let me  know who yall think the love interest should be.




Maybe even multiple

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