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I was stood next to Octavia and Monty, my eyes on jasper watching him brag to everyone around him. I had made sure to keep close to octavia and monty since the two of them were the only ones i really knew right now plus they had been helping me remember things.

My head snapped to the side when i heard something hit the trip wire outside, i went to step away from them to investigate when octavia grabbed my arm and gave a pointed  look. "Stay here Matty i don't need you getting hurt again." I nodded my head softly and watched as she ran off, eventually they came back dragging someone into the ship to which i followed. 

I tilted my head at the boy who looked to have been beaten, he definitely had it better than i did but i wasn't gonna say anything. "Tavia, who is that?" I whispered to her to which she offered a smile, "That is Murphy we banished him after you were taken because of a whole thing that happened." I nodded and softly stepped towards him, i slowly bent down with my hand on my chest as i did. 

"He was definitely tortured, they didn't try too hard so he must've been at a different place than me, what do we do with him?" I asked the girl behind me she just shrugged and i sighed, "where is a tent i can sleep?" I asked quietly she gave me simple directions and i nodded before going to the tent.

I looked around a bit, confused who's tent it was but just shrugged and settled onto the makeshift bed and pulled the blanket onto my body.

The next morning

I was awoken by someone shaking me, i quickly jumped up and away from the person falling off of the bed in the mean time. I looked up to see clarke, "It's just me matty no need to be scared, uhm what are you doing in my tent?" I slowly stood up and rubbed my head, "I don't have a tent yet and needed somewhere to sleep, this is just where Tavia told me to go. Sorry angel." She had been looking at something other than me but as soon as the name left my mouth her eyes snapped to mine, "Did you remember anything?" She quickly asked to which i shrugged and sat back down on her bed to put my shoes on.

"Octavia has been helping me and i remembered calling you that but not exactly who you are or why i call you it." She seemed a bit disappointed but nodded with a smile on her face, "Well im glad you called me it, are you ready?" I nodded and she helped me walk to the ship, when i walked there was a noticeable limp in my step and i usually kept a hand on my chest as the movement hurt a bit. Clarke had argued that i should rest but i ignored her of course.

As we walked into the ship right behind bellamy he kicked everyone out so he could talk with the two guys that found murphy and murphy himself.

I kinda wandered into my own world eventually leaving to find raven, it didn't take too long until i stumbled into a tent to find her messing with a radio. I quietly settled into a chair next to her and just watched her, she glanced over at me with a confused look btu she still had a small smile on her face. "What?" She asked to which i just shook my head, "This might not be a good question since i wanna get to know you but what is up with you and finn? Like are yall a thing or what?"

She stopped what she was doing for a second before resuming with a sigh, "Im not entirely sure at this point, we were dating back on the ark but when he came down it turns out he couldn't wait for me so he moved on with clarke so i guess we aren't dating but  don't really know."

I nodded along letting her know i was listening, "Raven i have only known you for like 30 hours but i know you deserve better that, i don't need to know you to know how amazing you are. All i have to do is listen to people talk about how special you are so finn made a huge mistake in losing on of the best girls he could ever have." She nodded and smiled before patting my leg softly before she went back to work, "Also i vaguely remember him flirting with clarke before i got speared, which i don't know if you heard about that. Pretty badass right?" I said with a grin as i raised my eyebrows at her making her laugh and nod, my grin turned into a genuine smile as i watched her laugh. 

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