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"Wait..." The two men turned to see Marcus Kane standing in the doorway with his hands behind his back, the guards stood at attention while i stared blankly at the man, him and my father had been friends despite the fact that we were much poorer than him. He moved towards me and grabbed one of the metal cuffs from the case the guard had, he stopped Infront of me and didn't hesitate to grab my wrist and clamp the metal around my wrist which made me make a small face in discomfort but it quickly faded into one of confusion when i felt the man slide something into my pocket.

He gave me a look telling me not to look at it so i nodded, "There is no need for so much hostility boys next time say please." I said with a smirk while i followed kane out of my cell, the men just rolled their eyes and followed us out before going to a different cell, my eyes widened as i looked around to see everyone being drug out of their cells just like me but i didn't have time to ponder on what was happening as marcus began making his way down the halls forcing me to follow.

"What is happening?" I questioned the man once i stepped into the line of all the delinquents, it looked like they were giving everyone their jacket which i was thankful for as i had my own personal jacket since none of the others fit me. Just as i looked at kane for an answer i noticed he wasn't there, with a scoff i rolled my eyes before stuffing my hands in my pockets where i felt the item that was put in my pocket but i still couldn't quite tell what is was so i just shrugged it off.

After a while i finally reached the front of the line, once the man looked me up and down he rolled his eyes and grabbed my jacket to which he roughly handed to me, i smirked at him and made my way to where i was directed before i could even look around a guard pushed me down into a chair and buckled it before walking away.

Just as i was about to ask what was going on the ship began to shake, which i assumed was the ship leaving the ark. I looked around and saw a pretty brunette looking at me, i smiled at her softly and she smiled back as the ship shook harshly. The tv's cut on showing the chancellors face, but i just ignored him as i tried to resituate my body so that the buckle wasn't digging so hard into me.

"If the odds of survival were higher we would have sent others but frankly your crimes have made you expendable," This made me scoff as someone shouted "You dads a dick wells." 

That made my eyebrows raise as i put two and two together, wells was on the ship going down to earth with us. 

I heard a bit of shouting from somewhere in the ship but i couldn't quite make out who was talking or what they were saying, the ship should violently causing my head to fling back into the metal behind me. I groaned and closed my eyes, silently praying as all i could hear was screaming and the hum of the ship.

A giant shake happened before the machine hum shut down, i slowly opened my eyes and looked around confused. "Listen....No machine hum," an asian boy said from across the ship, the buckles unlocked to which i quickly yanked them apart and stood up but as i did i stumbled a bit. Before i could fall on my face the girl who was sat next to me wrapped my arm around her shoulder and wrapped hers around my waist helping me stay steady. I offered her a small smile and followed everyone that was heading towards the doors.

As we reached the ground floor i heard two people arguing a bit over opening the door, "Bellamy?" The girl next to me asked which caused me to frown thinking it was her boyfriend, the man turned around and looked at her before they ran towards each other and hugged tightly, as i made my way through the crowd with most people moving out of the way when they saw me i noticed a familiar head of hair which made my brows furrow. "Where is your wristband?" The blonde asked the man that i now noticed was in a guards uniform, "Do you mind i haven't seen my brother in a year."

"No one has a brother," A voice said loudly causing a bunch of people to begin mumbling, "That's Octavia the girl they found hiding under the floor." The girl i now knew as octavia went to pounce on the girl that said that but i stepped forward and blocked her path, a grin on my face. "Octavia stop, lets give them something else to remember you by," Her brother gave me a weird look before saying. "Like what?" "Being the first person on the ground in 100 years." A look of realization hit the mans face while octavia smiled widely, the man stepped forward and pulled down the lever opening the large door.

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